Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 187 See you again (for subscription)

If Qi Ji knew Yang Guo's thoughts at this time, he would probably sigh, "Worthy of being the son of luck."

The protagonist of the world, that's how it can be opened, just glanced at the reincarnation, and got the inside story.

Of course, just the edge.

As for why I didn't feel that way when I met Zhao Zhijing 16 years ago?

Don't ask, the question is that Yang Guo's martial arts hadn't reached its peak at that time, and his understanding was not deep enough.

Otherwise, why in the last world, only Shangguan Jin Hong felt the abnormality of the world, but not Li Xunhuan as the protagonist?

Isn't it the martial arts gap between the two?

It didn't matter that Yang Guo was in a daze. The two sides fighting in the field would be miserable. Although there was no death yet, if Yang Guo didn't act again, it really should have died.

Those who do not see reincarnation turn their eyes wildly, and seem to be trying to profit from it.

In the melee, it makes sense to die!

Fortunately, Yang Guo was awakened by a roar of a beast. He recovered his mind, looked at the chaos in front of him, and finally spoke.


As for the questions that you don't understand, let's talk about them when you meet them later.

Yang Guo's appearance was fairly timely. Although almost everyone on both sides was winning, at least no one was dead.

The reincarnation was also taken aback. This person was sitting on the tree, and he didn't realize when he came. Based on this, this person is not easy to deal with.He is only in the late stage of the Grandmaster, and cannot achieve invincibility in the low-level world, so be careful.

Things went on as usual. In the end, Yang Guo was terrified with howling the beasts. This settled the dispute and gave both parties a chance to explain the cause of the matter.

But in the same way, the Samsaras also confirmed Yang Guo's strength, and he dared not move rashly, pretending that he could not bear to plug his ears, and kept thinking in his heart.

"According to the purchased information, even if the Condor Hero is not the protagonist, he is an extremely important person. If you kill him, you will probably gain enough."

"But it's a pity that his martial arts is too strong. I am not an opponent, but I have to make a good plan." Samsara thought in his heart, "First make a good relationship."

So she said that she would let the Sculpture Heroes help the Shijia brothers catch the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox. Yang Guo also agreed to give it a try. The Samsaras followed Yang Guo and left, hoping to chat alone.

She didn't know that she had exposed herself in front of Yang Guo, which made Yang Guo aroused her vigilance. Seeing her chasing after her, she deliberately walked a little faster, eliciting light work that did not meet the second-rate realm.

The reincarnation does not know it, but knows that she can no longer show martial arts. She is now the second lady of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, a little girl in the second-rate state.

As a result, the Samsara Realm stopped screaming at Yang Guo, confided his identity, and asked Yang Guo if he knew their family, and even hugged him when he was a child.

Although Yang Guo was astonished by his identity, he was more vigilant. He knew that Guo Jing and Huang Rong would not let his daughters out easily, and how talented a little girl could be. Have you practiced martial arts to this point in ten years?

Thinking of Zhao Zhijing, he was more wary of the little girl in front of him, but he was originally a smart man. He was very sophisticated, and he wore a mask. Naturally, he would not let the reincarnation discern the clues. He acted very happy. The reincarnation goes to the Black Dragon Pool.

Although Qi Ji followed, but didn't dare to approach, it was nothing more than the reincarnation, but Yang Guo's luck was too bad, even if he reached his state, there was no guarantee that he would not be discovered.

Qi Ji didn't follow to Black Dragon Pond. If Aunt Ying really lived here, Yang Guo would probably soon be able to ask for the blood of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox.After all, when Zhou Zhengan got married back then, Yang Guo met Aunt Ying and had a certain friendship, and Aunt Ying was not as extreme as in the original book.

Has a light come?Has Qiu Qianren been injured by the King of Falun Gong to the point of dying?

After walking around Black Dragon Pond for a while, it was quickly determined that Monk Yideng was still here, and that strong aura could not be concealed in his perception.

After thinking about it, the odd plan is still in the past, ready to say hello to Yi Deng, waiting for Yang Guo by the way.

Yideng had just used the technique of "thousand-mile transmission of sound" to invite Aunt Ying to meet, and the trick was already here.

"Master, have you stayed for more than ten years, but you are still well? The little monk is polite." Qi Ji said hello.

"It turned out to be Rinpoche." Qi Ji came so close to make a sound that he was aware of it. Yi Deng was surprised and secretly said, "There will be a successor to King Kong Temple."

"I heard that the master is living in seclusion in Hunan, why do you have the intention to come here?" Qi Ji glanced at Qiu Qianren, "Master Ci En is injured?"

Yideng sighed, "He was hurt by the palm of his hand. Although the old monk has tried his best, he has no abilities to recover."

Of course, Qi Ji knew what was going on. At a glance, it was obvious that Qiu Qianren was hanging his last breath through deep internal strength, without any movement, deliberately asked: "Master Ci En such martial arts, I don't know how to be murdered? "

Yideng explained: "He and I live in seclusion in Hunan. Recently, I heard that the Mongolian army had been attacking Xiangyang for a long time. They sent troops to attack Dali to the south so that the army could detour and pull out of Xiangyang. Seeing that the old monk was thinking about his homeland, he went out to inquire about the news. A powerful enemy, the two fought fiercely for a day and night, and Ci En finally wounded his hand. When the old monk saw that he hadn't returned for a long time and looked for the past, he already looked like this, even the younger brother had nothing to do."

The younger brother he said was naturally the Tianzhu monk who did not die in the Valley of Unfeeling.

"That's not sorry, if it is not bad, it is our master Jinlun Fa King who hurt Master Ci En." Qi Ji apologized, "If the master wants revenge, the little monk will take it on behalf of my master."

"Oh?" Yideng and Ci'en had only heard the name of King Golden Wheel. When they came to the Valley of Unfeeling, King King Golden Wheel had already retreated into the snowy region and did not meet each other. They were slightly surprised, but Dai Qiu Qianren said, "This is true. No, my disciple has committed a lot of evil in his life. After I realized it, I tried to make up for more than ten years. Most of the evil karma has been eliminated. There is only one thing that makes him worry about him and he will not look at him when he is dying. This is by no means hoping for someone. Take revenge on his behalf and beat the enemy to death, but if you can get forgiveness from one person, you can die with peace of mind."

"Still back to the original point, Qiu Qianren came here, really begging Ying Aunt for forgiveness. But Zhou Zhengan is not dead, how can he get to this point?" Qi Ji thought.

Just waiting to be asked why, Yang Guo had already brought the reincarnation, and he spoke from a distance: "Disciple Yang Guo, knock on the master."

As soon as the voice fell, people were approaching.

Then I discovered that besides Mercy, there was actually a young monk who was slightly surprised, thinking that he was the younger generation of Master Yideng, but after looking at it, he faintly overlapped with a certain figure of the year.

More than ten years have passed, Qi Ji is not a young monk with a naive face. He is in his early thirties, but he seems to be in his twenties, but compared with the previous year, he has changed a lot.

"You are, Master Huijue?" Yang Guo asked tentatively.

"Yang Tan hasn't come here unharmed, we really have fate." Qi Ji smiled, confirming his identity.

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