Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 188 Birthday (seeking subscription)

But Yang Guo didn't have the surprise of reunion, but he was more vigilant in his heart.

Again, waiting for me here!

Even I myself did not expect to meet Master Yideng here. This monk has even figured this out. It is not an unknown prophet!

This Guo Xiang, concealed martial arts following me, what's the calculation?

I have been hard enough in my life, and there is nothing special about it, so why are all making my own ideas?What is it that attracts them?

Yang Guo was upset.

But under the mask, no one saw his expression and smiled: "Master is well. I haven't seen him for more than ten years. How come you come to Central Plains again?"

"The little monk didn't want to come, but my teacher insisted on coming. The little monk couldn't help but follow." Qi Ji decisively threw the pot on the head of the Golden Wheel Fa King.

It is estimated that King Golden Wheel will be called Qu: Shouldn’t Rinpoche be in the Vajra Monastery?

It was the big eagle, who also recognized the trick, and rushed forward to scream at him constantly, looking very happy.Originally, I wanted to learn from each other, but after being rejected by Qi Ji, I felt a little unhappy.

Yang Guo nodded, introduced the identity of the reincarnation, and specifically introduced it to the reincarnation: "This is Master Huijue. When you were young, Master Huijue also hugged you."

"I have seen the master." Reincarnation exclaimed.Her memory had no information about this person, and she wondered who it was.

"The girl is polite, it's not a big deal," said Qi Ji.

After the introduction, Yang Guo began to ask Kindness again.

Yideng explained it again, and Yang Guo really guessed that it was the King of the Golden Wheel. He took a special look at Qi Ji and saw that he was not fluctuating, and then asked why he came to see Aunt Ying.

He knew Aunt Ying in the Valley of Unrequited Love that year, and this time he took Guo Xiang to ask for the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox. It was still very smooth, but before talking a few words, he heard a light transmission, and Aunt Ying stopped immediately. Talking and entering the house on his own.

She naturally knew that Yang Guo knew Yideng, who was also on the scene of Zhou Zhengan's wedding.

Aunt Ying suddenly changed her attitude, and Yang Guo naturally knew that it was related to Yideng's words, so she specially found it.

So Yidan continued: "Ci En wanted to kill Aunt Ying’s son, but fortunately someone happened to save the child, but he also took the child away and let Aunt Ying’s mother and child separate for 20 years. Even though the child grew up later. Adults, reunited with their parents, but Aunt Ying is stubborn. Until now, Ci En only wanted to pray for Aunt Ying's forgiveness before she was willing to die in peace."

"But Aunt Ying is angry. He was separated from the child for twenty years because of kindness, so he has been reluctant to forgive, and he doesn't want to meet at all. The old monk is afraid that he will leave with regret if he can't support that day."

"The kid doesn't quite understand the matter of the ancestors, but listening to what the master said, is that child Senior Zhou Zhengan? The one who married my uncle back then?" Yang Guo asked.

"That's this person. Aunt Ying and her son recognized each other back then. She said that she would never owe each other again, but she never met for more than ten years. He also happened to be married to Zhou's nephew, otherwise I am afraid that neither Brother Zhou nor Aunt Ying I would like to meet an old monk, let alone kindness."

"The master once said that Master Ci En wanted to kill the infant Zhou Senior and was rescued by someone. Was that man the master of Senior Zhou, Master Quanzhen's trick?" Yang Guo thought of another detail, and moved in his heart, so he asked Tao.

"Yes, it's Junior Brother Qiji. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid it would make a big mistake." Yideng sighed.

But Yang Guo was wondering: Why would Grand Master Qi Ji meet Ci En and go to the murder by such a coincidence?Senior Ci En went to Dali to commit an attack. It was also very dangerous. Naturally, he would go there in secret. Master Qi Ji was a disciple of Quanzhen, and he was not very old back then. Dali was thousands of miles away from Zhongnan Mountain. How could he be able to catch up and save him next week? senior?

"Could it be that the rumored Grand Master Qi Ji who soared in the daytime is the same person as the little monk in front of me?" Yang Guoxin said, "It seems that we need to look up the life of the Grand Master Qi Ji."

He glanced at the odd scheme, making it inexplicable.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, many thoughts flashed in Yang Guo's mind. At this time, he was still complaining: "The will of the world is too perfunctory. Compared with the original book, the child who killed Aunt Ying planted a demon. Little things count as a fart, but as far as you can go all the way to ask for forgiveness?"

"I don't know how Ying Aunt will forgive Master Ci En?" Yang Guo still asked calmly.

"Probably only Senior Brother Zhou and his son can persuade her." Yideng said, "But Senior Nephew Zhou is not clear. Senior Brother Zhou is not far away, but he doesn't want to see the old monk. If the old monk goes, he is worried that he will abandon him. When I left home, I was even more like an old monk."

"Master, don't worry, the relationship between the kid and the old naughty boy is pretty good, you can invite him." Yang Guo said.

Yideng told him the location of Hundred Flowers Valley, and Yang Guo asked Qi Ji again: "Master, would you like to go with you?"

"Yang Tan is more comfortable, the little monk is still waiting here!" Qi Ji refused.

Now that the identity of the reincarnation is confirmed, he doesn't worry about running away, and he doesn't need to follow.

The reincarnation naturally wants to follow Yang Guo, unwilling to give up this entry point, and has been thinking about how to get the most benefit.

The old monk’s skill is unfathomable. It is estimated that he cannot be killed for the time being. The wounded monk can think about it. There is also the young monk, who knows well Yang Guo, the sculptor, should also be a very important person. Can consider it.

The key is how to not arouse the suspicion of these two masters.

She didn't know that she had been suspected by Yang Guo a long time ago.


Qi Ji once again discussed the Buddha with Yideng, and he was able to beat the crowds when discussing Buddhism in a group of esoteric religious sects. It can be seen that his advancement in Buddhism over the years has made Yideng both surprised and happy.

The young monk who was still jerky in the Dharma can be called a Taoist monk.

Yang returned the next day with Zhou Botong.

Although he and Ying Gu live separately, once in a while, when Zhou Zhengan and his wife return home, they will still live together for a period of time, and the situation is much better than the original.

The reason why I turned a blind eye to a light was guilty.With Yang Guo's persuasion and peerless martial arts study, Zhou Botong would naturally not refuse to come here.

The matter was resolved smoothly, Zhou Botong, Ying Gu and Yi Deng, Qiu Qianren completely reconciled, Qiu Qianren passed away in peace, let the reincarnation feel regretful.

With the addition of a master at the pinnacle of the Grandmaster, she even dare not make a mistake.

Qiu Qianren was buried. Yideng was invited to stay in Baihua Valley with Zhou Botong and Aunt Ying, while Yang Guo took the nine-tailed spirit fox back to Wan Beast Villa to treat Shi Shugang.

Qi Ji followed Yang Guo, but did not go to Wan Beast Villa, but the person who avoided Samsara told Yang Guo that he wanted to talk to him when the matter at Wan Beast Villa was over.

Although Yang Guo didn't understand what he meant, he agreed, and went to Wan Beast Villa with the Samsara.

Qi Ji waited for two days, and Yang Guo finally came out with the big sculpture.This time, there was no reincarnation by his side.

"Yang Tanyue promised the second girl Guo to celebrate his birthday?" Yang Guocai came, and Qi Ji asked with a smile.

"How did the master know?" Yang Guo was surprised and was guessed again.

"Do you even know what you have decided temporarily!" he thought to himself.

After initially doubting Guo Xiang's identity, he didn't plan to make too much contact. He just wanted to meet his wife on the appointed date and go back to the ancient tomb to live in seclusion.But Guo Xiang had been pestering him, and he wanted to see what the purpose of this person was, so he promised to celebrate her birthday and send her away quickly when Guo Fu arrived.

But this is also known by the monk in front of him.

What is this ability?

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