"Is this important?" Qi Ji smiled.

"It may not be important to the master, but to me, it is very important." Yang Guo said directly, "I also came up with this idea temporarily, but the master knew it."

"For a long time, I have always felt that the master is extremely mysterious. It seems that he has seen everything and is able to predict the prophet." Yang Guo said, "I feel that the master seems to be very interested in me. It is such a coincidence every time I meet."

"Although the master has not shown malicious intent for a long time, he has saved the foster father and the old gang leader Hong. He is kind to me. Maybe I shouldn't think so, but I still have to say, Master, I can't believe you."

"If the master can't be honest and tell the reasons, then it's best not to meet again from now on."

"What did Yang Tanyue know?" Qi Ji was not angry, but asked with interest.

"I don't know anything, I just doubt why the master can't tell the prophet so many times?" Yang Guo said solemnly, "So I was thinking, what did Zhao Zhijing say before he died? Is he really dead?"

"It is worthy of luck!" Qi Ji praised, but thinking of Shangguan Jinhong, it made sense. After all, Yang Guo was the protagonist, and his treatment was much better than Shangguan Jinhong.

"What does the master mean?" Yang Guo frowned.

"It doesn't mean anything. Since Yang Tanyue asked, the little monk would speak out," Qi Ji said. "The little monk is not sure if Zhao Zhijing is dead. The only certainty is that if there is a little monk, he will not appear again."

"Why is this again?" Yang Guo puzzled.

"There are some things that the little monk can't say much. Yang Tanyue should know that the little monk has never been malicious." Qi Ji said.

"I didn't have it before, but not necessarily afterwards." Yang Guo said, "Although Zhao Zhijing's words before his death, although I doubt it, it may not be true."

"So you would rather believe him?" Qi Ji asked.

"I don't believe him, nor can I completely believe you." Yang Guo said, "I want to know, are you and Zhao Zhijing the same person? For example, reincarnated reincarnation, so you can't tell the prophet?"

"Why does Yang Tanyue think so?" Qi Ji was surprised Yang Guo thought deeply.

"Because the first time you met Master Yideng, you asked about reincarnation." Yang Gang said.

Unexpectedly, the unintentional remarks made by Zhou Zhengan to convince Zhou Zhengan of his identity would make Yang Guo give birth to associations.

But speaking of it, Yang Guo is right, aren't they people who are reincarnated one by one?However, their reincarnation is not the same as the reincarnation in Yang Guo's imagination.

"You can think so." Qi Ji did not deny it.

"Really?" Yang Guo said in surprise, "How can this be done? Master, please give me some advice." He wondered if he could find the reincarnation of his parents.

"Tan Yue thinks a lot. If it can be controlled artificially, will there be no news of reincarnation? So, let's give up this idea, it's impossible." Qi Ji said directly.

"Can't it?" Yang Guo was very disappointed when he hoped to be buried. "So, Master, your situation is quite special, can't be copied?"

"It is true, so Tan Yue is better to put his mind on the human world, don't think about things governed by gods and Buddhas, that's beyond our reach." Qi Ji persuaded.

"Okay, I believe the master didn't lie to me." Yang Guo calmly said, "Then again, what is your purpose?"

"Purpose?" Qi Ji smiled, "Tan Yue may not believe it. The purpose of the little monk is to find those people and let them leave this world."

"That's why the master killed Zhao Zhijing?" Yang Guo was shocked by this strange reason.

"You killed Zhao Zhijing. Of course, it can also be counted on the head of the little monk." Qi Ji smiled.

"Master hasn't reached the goal yet?" Yang Guo asked.

"Yes, there are two more." Qi Ji nodded.

"Then these years..."

"Because I didn't find those two, the little monk lived in the snowy area for these years, until I felt that they should have appeared, then came to the Central Plains again." Qi Ji said.

"So, the master has found someone?" Yang Guo suddenly thought of Guo Xiang who had just sent away.

"Yes, is Tan Yue also wondering, why does a 15-year-old girl have such a high level of martial arts?" Qi Ji asked.

"The master means that she is your target." Yang Guo asked.

"That’s right, she is no longer the same Guo Xiang as before," Qi Ji sighed. A few breaths, all the way to the late master stage."

"Is this your reincarnation?" Yang Guo muttered thinking of that scene, "The same is true for Zhao Zhijing?"

"Of course, how strong it was before the reincarnation will not change after the reincarnation, and it will continue to grow stronger." Qi Ji explained.

"It turns out that this is the secret of your reincarnation." Yang Guo smiled bitterly, "The master invited me here. Any advice?"

"I don't dare to teach me, I just want to ask Tan Yue to see the person's true face, otherwise Tan Yue would think that the little monk would kill the innocent!" Qi Ji said.

"Why doesn't the master do it directly?" Yang Guo asked.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I don't want to alarm another person. If he gets the news and hides it, it won't be easy to find out." Qi Ji said.

"Master I am not a murderous person, why do you want to kill these people like you?" Yang Guo puzzled.

"That's why the little monk has to go with Tan Yue to see her true face," Qi Ji said, "Tan Yue wouldn't think that they were reincarnated just to follow the established trajectory of life?"

"They came here to kill, otherwise why did the little monk bring Zhao Zhijing with him, and finally let you kill him?"

"When I first met that person, didn't Tan Yue feel her intent to kill? Not only the ghost of Xishan, the brothers of the historian, that is Tan Yue, Master Yi Deng, including Master Ci En and even the little monk, were all her targets, just because of concerns Don't dare to do it."

"This time, the three of them returned to Xiangyang all the way. Thousands of miles away, it is not surprising that any accident happened on the road." Qi Ji said.

"Is that her relative?" Yang Guo couldn't believe it.

He had only doubted Guo Xiang before, but he had never thought that such a cute little girl would be a cruel demon.

If this is the case, I'm afraid the threat is still higher than that of the uncle, the red training demon Li Mochou.

"Since she was reincarnated, she is no longer Xiao Guo Xiang. In their eyes, there are only murder targets, no family affection." Qi Ji said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I will go with the master." Yang Guo agreed.

Although he consciously told him that what the monk was saying was true, he still had to see it with his own eyes.

Qi Ji breathed a sigh of relief: It seems that the excuse of reincarnation is very useful. It is not a leak of secrets and has not been warned by the system.

As a result, the two followed in the footsteps of the three of Guo Fu's sisters and brothers, and the big eagle was asked to follow far away because of his weight, so as not to disturb the reincarnation.

Following all the way to Xiangyang, Yang Guo finally gave up.

During the day, Guo Xiang's behavior was normal and innocent, but at night, he often went out to kill.

He witnessed the reincarnations several times at night avoiding Guo Fu and Guo Polu to kill people. There were people from the rivers and lakes encountered on the way, including Mongolian soldiers and civilians.

As Monk Huijue said, she was here to kill.

Moreover, she discovered several times that Guo Xiang wanted to kill Guo Fu and Guo Polu several times, so that he almost couldn't help taking it. In the end, she didn't know what he thought of, so she gave up this move.

"If Uncle Guo and Aunt Guo knew the truth, how painful it would be!" Yang Guo thought.

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