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Chapter 190 Heroes' Assembly (for subscription)

"Master, what do we do next?" Yang Guo asked when the three people who saw the reincarnation enter Guo's mansion, "Are you going to remind Uncle Guo and Aunt Guo?"

"Does Tan Yue find it useful? They will believe your one-sided words and doubt their own daughter?" Qi Ji asked back, "As far as the young monk knows, Tan Yue and the Guo family are not very good. Even if the grievances are resolved back then, ten I haven't seen it for more than a year, and people's hearts are separated by their belly. Who knows what Tan Yue is? Maybe Guo Daxia would believe in Tan Yue, but Mrs. Huang, she definitely won't. That is her biological daughter."

"Then let's look at it like this?" Yang Guo said anxiously, "If, as the master said, they will only bring killings, then Uncle Guo and Aunt Guo are in danger at all times. Or let's start first and solve it. she was?"

"No, before the other person shows up, you can't be stunned, otherwise the consequences are beyond your imagination." Qi Ji refused.

"What else can you do?" Yang Guo asked.

"Tan Yue went to prepare to celebrate her birthday. The little monk stayed and looked at her, lest she made too much trouble," said Qi Ji, "but this is a temporary cure, and casualties are inevitable. After all, the little monk can't keep an eye on her. Now."

"All right, but the master thinks, I have to prepare a birthday gift for her?" Yang Guo asked.

"Since I have agreed, why not? I knew each other once and held it in my arms." Qi Ji said, "Use this gift to see her off!"

"Okay, then Master Lao will bother." After Yang Guo finished saying goodbye, he went to prepare gifts.

Since it's a farewell gift, let everyone remember that on the way out of the city, Yang Guo already had a plan in mind.

Over the years, he has made friends with many people. It depends on how many of them are willing to fulfill his promise!

It can be regarded as a small favor to Uncle Guo, thanking him for his care.

But try to avoid contact with that person to avoid accidents.

Yang Guo thought, reunited with the big eagles and left Xiangyang.


Qi Ji restored the monk's attire and went to Guo Mansion to pay his respects.

Guo Jing heard that countless little monks who lived back then came, and even though he was busy with military affairs, he still took the time to see the tricks and express his gratitude.

Hearing that Qi Ji wanted to stay in Xiangyang City for a while, he directly invited Qi Ji to stay in Guo's Mansion. Even if Huang Rong winked from the side, he did not see it.

In Guo Mansion, no one knew that Qi Ji was the disciple of King Jinlun Fa. When he revealed his identity in the Chongyang Palace, there were not many people, mostly Quanzhen Sect and Mongolian masters. No one would talk about it if it was unnecessary. Things, after all, Quanzhen Sect also has a face.

The Samsaras also won't know. When Qi Ji admitted that Qiu Qianren was injured by the Golden Wheel Fa King, Yang Guo and Samsaras had not yet been there.

The reason why Huang Rong didn't want to stay in her own home was because of Zhao Zhijing.Zhao Zhijing had been following the odd plan back then, but in the end he was beheaded by Zhou Zhengan and Yang Guo. Huang Rong remembered clearly what he said before his death, and even if he didn't believe it, he remained vigilant against the odd plan.

But Guo Jing didn't have so many thoughts. He was an honest person, and others were kind to him. He couldn't wait to dig his heart out, so he ignored Huang Rong's wink and insisted on staying scheming.

Of course, to be honest, there are some principled things that cannot be touched, such as military affairs, he will never let people of unknown origin come into contact.In this way, even if it has a bad heart, it cannot cause much harm.

Guo Jing is still very confident of his martial arts.

These years have already entered the pinnacle of the master, the combat power is extremely strong.Even Huang Rong has reached the late master stage.

In addition, Yelvqi also broke through the realm of masters, and the Guo family's combat power was still very strong.

Seeing her husband insisted, Huang Rong did not object anymore, but secretly, he was very wary of odd tricks.

These strange plans are at a glance, but they didn't say much.

It is a reincarnation. Hearing that the strange plan came to his home, he felt a little uneasy. For fear of guessing wrong, this monk came for himself.

She pretended to be innocent and approached Qi Ji. She kept testing and learned about the relationship between Qi Ji and her family. Finally, she came to the conclusion that this monk is an ordinary person who knows some medical skills and does not have any martial arts, which makes her feel relieved. a lot of.

The Guo family has resisted Mongolia for more than ten years. Guo Jing's prestige in Xiangyang is very high. With the identity of the second Miss Guo family, she can do many things.

According to analysis, your parents and those who surround your parents are important people. As long as they have the opportunity to kill them, you can naturally get a lot of reincarnation points.

She wants to try.

But what made her unexpected was that the monk he had deliberately contacted before seemed to be very interested in her, saying that she was very wise and followed her all the time, persuading her to be released as a nun, to understand the true meaning of Buddhism, which made her invincible. Bored.

She wanted to find a chance to kill the monk, but every time the monk appeared in front of her, many people were there, and she didn't have a chance to do it unless she killed everyone.

But that will definitely arouse the vigilance of one's "parents".

Although Xiangyang City has been under constant wars over the years, the city is still stable, and there has been no Mongolian army attacking the city recently. If such vicious incidents occur in his own home, Guo Jing will never give up.

Inheriting the memory of the original owner, she knows the character of her parents very well.Trivial matters may be confused, but on major issues of right and wrong, and issues of family safety, I will definitely spare no effort.

"Wait, wait until the war comes together, the'parents' don't have time to pay attention to the mansion, it is your death date." So thought the Samsara.


The reincarnation did not act rashly, which also made the strange plan a lot of peace of mind. After thinking about it, I probably think that it is not Guo Jing Huang Rong's opponent and dare not be too exposed.

This is also good, save too much trouble.

He guessed the thoughts of the reincarnation, but he wanted to wait for the war to start and Guo Jing and Huang Rong would kill himself when he had no time to take care of it.

But then, the situation is different again.


A few months later, the Mongols destroyed Dali and turned around to attack Xiangyang, and the Xiangyang Heroes Conference was about to begin.

During this period, Xiangyang City gathered a large number of people from the rivers and lakes, even many of them stayed in Guo's Mansion, but what made the samsara upset was that she could not go out instead.

Dragons and snakes are mixed, and Guo Jing Huang Rong is worried about her safety.

In the past few months, she occasionally had the opportunity to go out. She had secretly killed some people, but she had barely gained anything, so she no longer tried in vain to secretly plan to kill "own people".

Until this day, when Lu Youjiao, the leader of the beggar gang, was killed when he was out of the city, Qi Ji knew that Huo Du was here.

He didn't care much about this brother. After betraying King Golden Wheel and fleeing, Huo Du stayed in hiding until he heard that King Golden Wheel went back to the King Kong Temple to retreat. Then he came out again and wandered between the central plains of Mongolia.

In the King Kong Temple, Qi Ji had heard people report Huo Du's news, but he never cared about it.To him, Huo Du is just a small person.

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