Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 192 The King of the Golden Wheel also comes to join in the fun (seeking subscription)

The sound is not heavy, but it reaches everyone's ears clearly.

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked, looking at the ugly beggar on the stage incredible.

Huo Du killed Lu Youjia and didn't hide his identity. Everyone knew that he would kill and escape.

If this is true, it will embarrass everyone present.No one would have thought that they had been discussing how to deal with Huo Du, and Huo Du was among them.

Perhaps when discussing, under the mask, Huo Du guessed that he would look at them like a fool.

But is it true?

Following the voice, everyone saw a young monk.

The reincarnation Guo Xiang was also very surprised. She just thought that this ugly beggar on the stage was so good in martial arts, he would surely get a lot of reincarnation points after being killed, but she heard that annoying voice.

Leaving aside the content, just this sound made her understand that the monk had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He obviously had such a deep internal strength, but he did not show any martial arts, so she also went away.

"Then what does he mean by approaching me? Does he really think I have Huigen? Or did he find something and come to stare at me? Oops, I didn't expose it!" The Samsara person was a little anxious, thinking carefully about the past few months. The more I think about the contact between the odd pieces, the more disturbed I become.

At the same time, Quanzhen Master Li Zhichang also saw Qi Ji, but he had ignored it before, and only after this observation did he recognize Qi Ji's identity.

"It's him!" Li Zhichang blurted out.

"Daochang Li also knows Master Huijue?" Guo Jing was also shocked by Qiji's deep internal strength, and asked after hearing the voice.

"I have seen it twice, this person is the disciple of the King of the Golden Wheel," Li Zhichang said, continuing with Guo Jing and Huang Rong's frowns, "Zhou Shishu had a good relationship with him, and he was also present at the wedding of Zhou Shishu."

"In this way," Guo Jing was surprised at Qiji's identity, but he didn't feel bad about Qiji. "In that case, I'm probably Huo Du who is the teacher on the stage. They are brothers, so they should not admit mistakes."

"That being said, how could Huo Du have such a great progress, Brother Jing, I am afraid that this person's martial arts will not be under you." Huang Rong worried.

"Yeah, I can't figure it out. With his current performance, he is comparable to the Golden Wheel Fa King back then, and he hasn't done his best yet." Guo Jing said.

"Then who is the leader of the beggar gang?" Huang Rong said.

"If it is Huo Du, I will personally take it down." Guo Jing said solemnly.

The gang of beggars, the largest gang in the Central Plains, is the gang of beggars of the Han people.


Huo Du on the stage was also shocked when he heard the sound. He did not expect that he would be recognized.

Inheriting Huo Du's memory, he naturally knew his identity, both happy and funny.What is happy is that he can move freely, what is funny is that Huo Du is still alive with such an ugly skin.

Sixteen years ago, Huo Du betrayed Queen Jinlunfa and hid as a beggar in the form of He Shi I. It was only when he heard that King Jinlunfa's master and disciple returned to the snowy area, and then resumed his identity activities.But he didn't lose his identity as Master He, and every time Huo Du showed up to show his existence, this was also the reason why Qi Ji had heard of him.

For more than ten years, no one has even discovered his identity. This made him confident, but he also began to plan further, so he took the opportunity of attacking from Mongolia to take the position of the leader of the beggar gang through this hero meeting.

But before it was implemented, the reincarnation came and inherited the memory of Huodu. The reincarnation originally wanted to return to the King Kong Temple to seize power, and then invade the Central Plains as a Mongolian teacher, and kill the precepts, but after learning about Huodu’s plan , And felt that this man's plan was also good, he captured the beggar gang leader, ruled the world, and could be closer to important figures in this world.

He analyzed that this world is the world of martial arts, and the army is only the background.

And if you first return to the King Kong Temple to seize power, it will take too long, because if you want to become a Mongolian national teacher, it is more than just killing the predecessor.

Besides, King Jinlunfa was his master. He killed his master. I don't know what the Mongolian Khan would think of himself!Moreover, his master is not good, if he makes a mistake, it will be even more troublesome.

After all, the will of the world is not very friendly to them who are samsara.

Under comprehensive consideration, he still chose Huo Du's method, so he killed Lu Youjiao and continued to hide his identity. Only at this time, he made a blockbuster and prepared to seize the position of the leader of the beggar gang.

I just didn't expect to be recognized.

Looking for fame, even though it is night, under the firelight, the speaker can still be distinguished.

I haven't seen him for more than ten years, the door of memory opens, and finally he confronts someone with memory.

"Rinpoche, are you here?" Samsara Huo was surprised, but more angry.

"Damn, the originally perfect plan was ruined by an accident." Huo Duxin the reincarnation said.

As soon as his words came out, there was no need to say anything. Everyone knew that this person was Huo Du, who killed the former beggar gang leader Lu Youjia.

There was an uproar at the scene, especially those who were highly respected and changed, and they had no complacency: we almost chose Huo Du as the leader!

"Senior brothers are here, how can the juniors fall behind?" Qi Ji smiled.

"Where's the master, is he here?" Huo Du asked, removing the disguise from his face and returning to his original appearance.

"Perhaps, maybe you will see it soon." Qi Ji said.

"The Huodu thief, killed the Lu gang leader, and dared to stay, do you really think there is no one in Central Plains?" Guo Jing roared at this moment.

"I'm a master." Huo Du the reincarnation condensed in his heart, but said, "As far as Xiao Wang sees, the Central Plains are indeed a group of wine bags and rice bags. The world's largest gang of beggars and gangs is actually so little martial arts. To convince the crowd, Xiao Wang really disagrees and is willing to take his place."

"It's ridiculous, the world's major events, how can it be superior to martial arts!" Guo Jing said, "Huo Du, since it's here, then don't leave."

"Guo Daxia, we have dealt with it more than once. If we can keep Xiao Wang, we can do it, I'm afraid you don't have this ability." Huo disdainfully said, "Central Plains Wulin, but Er Er."

"It seems that after the great advance in martial arts, you have forgotten the tragic failure of that year." Guo Jing said coldly, "Then let you taste the taste of failure again."

"Yes, Jing'er, let him look down on Zhongyuan Wulin and teach him a lesson." At this time, another voice came.

"Master is here." Huang Rong was overjoyed.

Looking expectantly, Hong Qigong, with white hair, quickly came under the ring, with no reduction in his effort back then, still in sloppy clothes, and in his hand he held a chicken bone that I didn't know how many times he had gnawed.

"Meet Master." Guo Jing and Huang Rong immediately went to Hong Qigong and fell to the ground.

"Get up." Hong Qi justified.

The two Guo Jing raised their heads and were about to ask when they suddenly found that there was another person beside Hong Qigong, which was shocked again.

"Ouyang Feng!" The two said at the same time, making a defensive gesture at the same time.

"Foster father!" Before Hong Qigong could explain, another voice came from a distance, and a figure rushed into it.

It is Yang Guo.

"Haha, good boy, good." Ouyang Feng laughed as he went to help Yang Guo, and suddenly the laughter stopped abruptly, "Child, where's your right arm?"

With anger on his face, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were agitated.

"It's the past, the foster father doesn't need to mind, I'll talk about it later." Yang Guo advised.

Ouyang Feng gave a cold snort and stopped talking.

Huo Du, the reincarnation on the stage, felt shocked. He was also the pinnacle of the grandmaster. He didn't care about one Guo Jing, and he could hold on with the addition of another one. However, one after another, the pinnacle of the grandmaster was present, which made him lose the calmness he had before.

"Hahaha, the Heroes Conference, how can you lose your own national teacher?" After another burst of wild laughter, the two figures came under the ring.

A skinny monk in a yellow robe and a burly alien man.

It is the King of the Golden Wheel and Dalba.

"Hey, how come the King of Falun Dafa Jinlun has come to join in the fun, he doesn't seem to be here in the original book!" Qi Ji was moved slightly, and the plot finally changed.

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