Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 193: That's all solved (for subscription)

In the original book, the King of the Golden Wheel did not arrive in Xiangyang, because he met Guo Xiang, who had run away from home, and never came again. It was not until Yang Guo found the little dragon girl who came here when the Mongolian army attacked Xiangyang, and was beaten to death.

But this world, because of the influence of a strange plan, first Zhou Zhengan grew up safely, and later he saved Ouyang Feng and Hong Qigong, which is already very different.

More than ten years ago on Mount Hua, Ouyang Feng and Hong Qi had their tolerance points to an end. They managed to save each other. Ouyang Feng also came to his senses and was no longer confused. The two went back to her at the same time until they heard that the Mongolian Khan was going to Xiangyang. , And then went out with Ouyang Feng and rushed to Xiangyang City.

But to Qi Ji, it was not a big deal. It came, and he was not ready to go into it. Since it came, he would settle everything together, and he had his wish.

After tonight, the mission is complete and it is almost time to return.


On the ring, Huo Du was sweating coldly. He knew that he underestimated this world, and the will of the world would not let the reincarnation easily achieve the goal.

In addition, there are already five masters on the scene, especially the King of the Golden Wheel. He betrayed him in the past and almost killed him. Although I don’t know how he survived, at least he won’t have any problems with him. Good impression.

There is also Yang Guo, the one-armed man, who was able to defeat the King of the Golden Wheel when he was only a teenager. He is definitely the protagonist. Otherwise, how could he have such a high level of martial arts? He still has the memory. The first time he met, his arms were intact. , Is not Huo Du's opponent, but has made great progress in martial arts in just one or two years.

Thinking of this, he was worried and fierce: If he could kill these people, the harvest would be enough to make people crazy.

It's a pity that when there are enemies on all sides, it is too difficult to achieve the goal.

Just thinking about it, another erratic voice came: "Golden Wheel Fa King, I heard that you are the number one master of the Western Regions, Zall Xiaoyu, and dare to come to the Central Plains!"


"father in law!"

"Lao Xie Huang is here too!"

"Lord Huangdao!"


After a few different titles, before he could finish his words, a clear-faced, handsome and graceful old man in a green robe arrived on the scene, it was the Yellow Medicine Master Dongxie.

"It's another master master!" The reincarnation was even more uncomfortable.

"Who are you, if you are not convinced, even if you come to the battle, no matter if it is you together or in a chariot battle, your own division is not afraid." Jinlun Fawang sneered.

Yaoshi Huang ignored him, greeted his family, and faced the former enemy Ouyang Feng, and he didn't mind at all, making King Jinlun Fawang angry.

"It's said that the people of the Central Plains are outstanding and brilliant, what? Except for Yang Guo, only you old guys are the only ones to hold the scene?" Jinlun Fawang said politely.

These words made a few people blush for a while. The few of them who participated in Huashan's Swordsmanship for the first time are all seven and eighty now. Although their combat power is undiminished as a warrior, they are old after all.

However, the next generation, apart from Guo Jing and Zhou Zhengan, has no outstanding figures.

The Golden Wheel of Falun Gong, only more than sixty years old, is already old on ordinary people, but for the pinnacle martial artist, it is the time when he has the strongest combat power.

"There is no need for the masters to take action, Golden Wheel Fa King, outside of Xiangyang City in the past, you Mongolian masters attacked me, today I won't take advantage of you, just fight alone." Guo Jing said.

"Golden Wheel Falun Gong, betrayed by your apprentice, do you still have the face to live on?" Yang Guo said.

"Huo Du, huh, it's just that my own teacher doesn't bother to pay attention to it. I will clean up the door when I meet again. I have another good friend and don't worry about it." Jinlun Fawang sneered.

"That means you and Huo in the ring have a fight!" Yang Guo smiled.

"Huh?" Since Jinlun Fawang saw so many master masters, his mind has been on a few people, and he has not paid attention to the arena. In addition, Huo Du is very careful not to move. Under the flames, Jinlun Fawang hasn't. Find.

"Master, it's really a traitor to Huoduna!" Dalba said quickly when he heard the words and looked at the ring.

"Huo Du, are you here?" Jinlun Fawang said angrily.

"Master, brother, the disciples are polite." Huo Du said, he can't hide at this moment, showing his martial arts realm at the pinnacle of his grandmaster. The masters of the Central Plains are here. Only by working together can we kill them. We can't fight inward and let them watch jokes."

King Jinlunfa looked uncertain, he didn't expect Huo Du to make such a big improvement in these years, he was hesitating for a while.

Huo Du's words are not unreasonable. When he came, he did not expect to meet so many masters. None of these people had appeared 16 years ago.

"Master, the disciple wanted to seize the position of the leader of the beggar gang, and then help the master and the big man to break through Xiangyang in one fell swoop, and take great achievements, but the little junior brother made all of his achievements by one sentence. It is really sigh." Huo Du continued.

"Little Junior Brother? Rinpoche, why is he here?" King Jinlunfa looked dazed.

"Master, didn't you let him come? He also said that he would see the master soon, and as expected, the master is here." Huo Du, the reincarnation, was also puzzled and looked in the direction of strange tricks.

"Master, brother!" In the eyes of everyone, Qi Ji stood up calmly and walked into the court step by step.

"Rinpoche, why are you here?" King Golden Wheel is anxious. He dared to come here. There will be successors to the Vajra Monastery. Even if he died in the Central Plains, it would not affect the development of the Vajra Monastery.

However, the presence of the chosen heir here makes him not calm. If he is implicated and died here, what will happen to the King Kong Temple?

"Master came to Central Plains, and the disciples couldn't rest assured, and came to have a look. Fortunately, they found traces of the traitor Huo Du." Qi Ji said.

For a while, the King of the Golden Wheel did not know what to say. After thinking about it, the transmission said: "If there is a fight for a while, you should go first and go back to the King Kong Temple quickly. Don't come to the Central Plains again."

He only now knew that the water in the Central Plains was so deep that there were already several people whose martial arts were not under him, not including Zhou Botong, who he had seen back then.

As I was thinking, I suddenly heard Zhou Botong's voice: "The King of Falun Gong is here. I heard that you killed Qiu Qianren. That martial arts must have grown a lot. Let's try it out."

Then he found a strangely fast figure, rushed to him quickly and punched himself.

King Jinlunfa wanted to say anything, but it was too late, so he could only greet the enemy.

Qi Ji took the opportunity to step back from Dalba and said: "Master, don't worry, the disciple will pay attention."

"Master Huijue, you have come to Central Plains again!" At this time, Qi Ji heard a familiar voice again, and as expected, Zhou Zhengan came to the front with excitement.

"You are here too." Qi Ji smiled.

"Yes, I went home recently. I heard that the master would walk in the Central Plains again and followed Yang Guo and Miss Guo Er. I was going to come to Xiangyang to see. My father was very quiet and wanted to see Daxia Guo, so I came together."

"By the way, Mo Chou and Master Yideng also came. I heard that Mongolia had attacked Dali and the Mongolian Khan had conquered Xiangyang. They were very worried."

As Zhou Zhengan was talking, Qi Ji had already seen Master Yi Deng coming to the scene, greeting a group of old friends, while Li Mochou followed Zhou Zhengan to him.

"Master Huijue!" Li Mochou said.

Today's Li Mochou is not as fierce as Fairy Chi Lian, with a smile on his face. Obviously, these years have passed well.

"Hello, Madam Zhou." Qi Ji nodded. "You leave your mother alone at home?"

"No, she is taking her granddaughter at home, but she doesn't want to join in the fun." Zhou Zhengan smiled, "Furthermore, the war in Xiangyang is endless, it is very dangerous, and I don't want them to risk it."

"Uh, very good, congratulations to the two." Qi Ji smiled.

"Master, her name is Zhou Nian. When there is time, I will bring it to the master for a look." Zhou Zhengan said.

Zhou Nian, what I miss is self-evident.

"Well, then the little monk prays for her." Qi Ji said.

Zhou Botong was fighting against King Jinlun Fa. Huo Du was embarrassed on the ring. Suddenly someone hurried over and reported to Guo Jing that the Mongolian army was mobilized and ready to attack the city south.

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