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Chapter 198 Death of Brother Meng (seeking subscription)

"Hmph, you are too smart. You believe in such ridiculous things?" For a long time, Huang Rong hummed coldly, "Daddy, Master, Brother Jing, do you believe this?"

"Jing'er, Rong'er, come here." Yang Guo was silent, and Huang Yaoshi also looked listless. Hong Qigong had to call Guo Jing Huang Rong and talked about what happened after the two of them left.

Before returning in a hurry, the two only knew that someone had killed their second daughter, and they didn't know the process yet.

"Impossible, how could Xiang'er do this kind of thing?" Huang Rong couldn't believe it. It was ridiculous enough to fight the five musts, and her daughter wanted to kill her grandfather.

"Aunt Guo, I have already said that it is no longer your daughter." Yang Guo said.

"Jushi Yang, if according to you, isn't Rinpoche also a reincarnation?" Master Yideng said, "Why did he kill those three?"

"This is not what I can understand." Yang Guo said.

"In this way, he is also protecting us. No wonder that the first time he saw the old monk, he asked the old monk if there is reincarnation?" Yideng said, "Rinpoche is just his incarnation, and he must have another identity. , Does Jushi Yang know?"

"Master Huijue never said it, but the kid guessed slightly..."

"Xiaoyou Yang, I don't have the consent of Master Huijue, so don't talk more!" Zhou Zhengan interrupted Yang Guo before he could finish.

This surprised the people present, even Li Mochou was the same. He didn't know what his husband was going crazy and defended a monk like this.

"..." Yang Guo suddenly stopped.

Master Yideng was thoughtful and didn't ask any more.

"Zheng'an, what kind of riddles do you kid play? Do you know something? Come and listen." Zhou Bo channeled.

Zhou Zhengan bowed his head and said nothing.

"It's a pity that Master Huijue will be able to see you again after this time, and if there is still a chance to figure out the truth!" Guo Jing sighed.

Huang Rong furrowed her brows, she never said anything, she couldn't accept the cruelty of reality.

"Uncle Guo, Master Huijue said before he left that he killed your daughter and gave you ten years of peace in Xiangyang," said Yang Guo.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of these words, there were many people who talked too much. It wasn't that he didn't believe these people. It was just some people's personalities that were not suitable for confidentiality, so he chose to transmit the sound to Guo Jing.

Guo Jing was taken aback and nodded, knowing that Yang Guo Chuanyin didn't want to make public, and did not reveal the meaning of this.

The matter about Guo Xiang's death and the strange plan ended here. It's not that they don't want to continue, but that the Mongolian army is out. It is still a question of whether they can survive.

Then everyone dispersed, Huang Rong, Hong Qigong and others began to worry about the elders of the beggars, discussing the interrupted election of the beggars.


On the other side, the three masters and disciples of King Jinlun Fa came out of the city and walked towards Meng Ge's army in the dark.

In the dark night, only the footsteps of Dalba could be heard, and the footsteps of King Golden Wheel and Qi Ji were too soft to be covered.

"Rinpoche, why are you so good?" Dalpa couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing. If you read more Buddhist scriptures, you will naturally realize it." Qi Ji said with a flicker.

"Really? I said why you can still be so powerful if you don't practice qigong every day. It turns out that there is such a deep martial arts in the scriptures." Dalba suddenly said, "Unfortunately I can't go in."

His divine power is innate, and the Dragon Elephant Prajna only reaches the fifth level, and he can't practice it anymore, because it has already begun to involve deep internal problems, which Dalba can't understand.

"Rinpoche, as a teacher, I didn't expect your understanding to be so high. Now you are above me. The Han people say that the master is a teacher. I should call you a master." King Jinlunfa said.

"Master was joking. There is another sentence in Central Plains, one day as a teacher and a lifelong father. If the master hadn't picked me up back then, the disciple would have frozen to death in the snowy area. Master is kind, and the disciple dare not forget it. How can you do things that do not have respect and humbleness?" Qi Ji said.

"Rinpoche, the Vajra Monastery is handed over to you, so I feel at ease as a teacher." Golden Wheel Dharma said.

"Master, after this battle, there are gains, but still thinking of revenge?" Qi Ji asked.

"The biggest gain is knowing Rinpoche's excellence. The Central Plains is truly outstanding, and I can't match it in the snowy area! As for revenge, Rinpoche is so bold, how can you be a teacher? Let it go." Falun Gong practitioners are proud.

"This is the King of the Golden Wheel who overwhelmed all sects." Qi Ji smiled, "We serve the Buddha, and we should study the scriptures more. The broad Buddhist schools, and the theory of martial arts, are inferior."

"Yes, after I go back, I will read more scriptures as a teacher." King Jinlunfa said, "Rinpoche, what are your plans?"

"Not for the time being, let's go through this war first." Qi Ji said.


Fast time all the way, and soon I met a Mongolian sentinel. After identifying his identity, he was quickly taken to see Meng Ge.Qi Ji didn't want to meet, so he went to rest with Dalba.

Early the next morning, the Mongolian army began to bury the pot and cook, preparing to attack the city.

Guo Jing was a fierce general under Genghis Khan, the imperial seal of the sword, and the brother of Meng Ge's father Drag Lei to be a brother. When he came to Xiangyang, Meng Ge naturally wanted to meet this former uncle and the current enemy.

King Golden Wheel is accompanied by Meng Ge, and Qi Ji and Dalba naturally follow.

In the battle of siege, the first thing is to talk to persuade you to surrender.Meng Ge is guarded by the Golden Wheel Fa King, who is not afraid of cold arrows, but he also stopped at a stone's throw away.

Qi Ji was not interested in the persuasive drama between the two, he thought about how to make Meng Ge's death reasonable.

Only when Ge Meng is dead, will Mongolia retreat and Xiangyang will have ten years of peace.

Looking at this situation, it was impossible for Yang Guo to kill Brother Meng. If Brother Meng had no accident on the battlefield, he could only do it himself.

It is not difficult to kill. The difficult part is how to get King Falun Gong to escape the blame. After all, Fa King Falun Gong is now protecting Brother Meng.

If they didn't agree, they had no choice but to fight. Meng Ge gave an order and countless Mongolian troops began to attack the city.

After going through the three worlds, this is the first time that Qi Ji has truly felt the power of ancient wars.The last time he was in Xiangyang City, he only treated the sergeant inside the city wall and did not participate in it.

In the world of martial arts, people's physical fitness is much better than reality, and the lowest is also the king of soldiers, climbing a ladder like walking on the ground.Under the siege of such an elite army, even if it is the pinnacle of the Grandmaster, it will not last long.

Meng Ge's distance is not too far forward, but he is also at the front of the battlefield. In order to boost morale, he wants to break Xiangyang City in one breath.

After a long while, Guo Jing saw the difficulty of defending the city and prepared to send people out of the city to attack to relieve the pressure of defending the city. Several top masters in Xiangyang City expressed their willingness to help.

The number is small, but harassment prevents the Mongolian army from attacking the city at ease.

Brother Meng was also secretly happy in his heart, for fear that the people who came out scared did not mobilize too many troops, and prepared to use the tactics of refueling and use these people out of the city as bait to break Xiangyang in one fell swoop.

The soldiers each fight each other, but the master is going to kill Meng Ge.Therefore, King Jinlun brought Mongol masters such as Xiaoxiangzi and Yin Kexi to meet the enemy and stayed away from Meng Ge.

Upon seeing this, Meng Ge moved forward and slowly retreated, preparing to retreat to the Chinese Army.

But at this moment, Guo Jing fired three arrows in a row and shot at Ge Meng.

Although Guo Jing used a strong attack, the range was farther than a normal bow and arrow, but at the end of the strong crossbow, he did not penetrate Lu Zhen. When he got close to Meng Ge, he was already slow and weak, and began to fall, seemingly unable to reach Meng Ge.

Meng Ge is also a battlefield Titan, participated in Mongolia's eldest son West Expedition, and finally was promoted as a Mongolian Khan by virtue of his credit. He was not afraid of arrows, and easily flew two soft arrows with a long bow.

However, when he waited for the third arrow, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. The strength of that abundant force didn't seem to be the end of a crossbow.

Brother Meng's heart is not good, so he immediately evaded, but it was too late. The arrow surged at an unreasonable speed, and instantly penetrated Meng's chest without stopping, so he took him off immediately. Fell to the ground.

Not only that, but the strength carried by the arrow destroyed his internal organs, causing him to die without saying a word.

"Sweat!" The sudden change made the Mongols confused. Countless people gave up entanglement with their opponents and rushed, but it was too late.

"Brother Meng is dead." Under the gaze of the crowd, it was impossible to hide the news. Song Jun shouted while launching a counterattack, disintegrating the Mongolian army whose morale had fallen, and retreating dozens of miles.

It wasn't until Kublai's defeated the army that he settled down again.But Meng Ge is dead and morale is low. If he wants to organize an offense again, he cannot do it in a short time.

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