Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 199 Meeting Duanchang Cliff again (for subscription)

"Master Jinlun, what is going on, why is the profuse sweat being shot? How do you protect the profuse sweat? This matter is your duty." In the big account, Kublai said angrily to Jin Falun Gong vented.

"There are so many masters of the Han people, and the local teachers were too late to guard, so that they were taken by Guo Jing." Jinlunfa Wang said.

He glanced at his little apprentice, and he didn't understand. If Rinpoche made his move, how could he be hurt by Liu Shi.

But I can't mention this, because Rinpoche is in big trouble.

"Can you make up for your fault if one is too late?" Kublai said in a bad tone.

"My lord, instead of investigating the responsibility, it is better to think about how to deal with the aftermath." Qi Ji persuaded, "Xiangyang can't be easily conquered right now. Why don't the lord return to the north as soon as possible and fight for the position of sweat first."

"Xiangyang City will not wait here for the great king to unite the entire Mongolian forces, and it will not be too late to attack."

"Are you Rinpoche, the young disciple of King Golden Wheel Falun Gong?" Kublai Khan asked. "The teacher has praised you to heaven."

"Don't dare, the little monk is just reading the Buddhist scriptures, martial arts are low-minded, and the master is absurd." Qi Ji said.

Kublai nodded, did not put the seemingly ordinary strange plan in his eyes. Compared with the strange plan, he was more willing to support another monk.

King Kong Temple has occupied the position of Mongolian national teacher for too long.

But he also had to think carefully about the odds.In addition to the predecessor Khan’s decision, the succession of the Mongolian Khan must be elected by the Kuriletai Congress. Even Genghis Khan’s designated successor, Wo Kuotai, was not immune. In the two years before the official election of the Khan, the Khan position was vacant. Drag mine to supervise the country.

Meng Ge died on the battlefield. This is unexpected. Let’s not say whether he has appointed an heir. Even if he does, his son is still young and he is not as powerful as his brothers such as Kublai, and he will not be agreed to inherit by the ministries. Bilie followed Meng Ge to fight in the north and south, and he was a strong competitor of Da Khan.

But it is not without opponents, the seventh brother Ali Bu Ge Meng Ge appointed Mobei leftovers, extremely strong.If he stays here for a long time, he won't be able to come back when the overall situation in the north is determined.Thinking of this, Kublai made a decision in his heart.

"The guard is sweating profusely, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living sin cannot escape. You said, what should we do?" Kublai looked at Brother Meng.

"Sweat profusely, my teacher has no face to serve as a national teacher, so I especially resign to the king." Qi Ji said.

This sudden decision made King Jinlun Fa a little surprised, and he opened his mouth, but he did not refute, and tacitly agreed with what Qi Ji said.

"Guo Shi, what do you think? Your disciple might make this decision for you?" Kublai asked with a smile.

Seeing the expression on Kublai Khan, King Golden Wheel knew what he meant. He said with emotion, "What Rinpoche said is what the old monk meant."

He no longer considers himself a national teacher.

"Really familiar." Kublai said in his heart, but he said, "It is a pity not to listen to the teacher's teachings coldly. I don't know what the national teacher plans?"

King Jinlun Fa was acquainted, and Kublai Khan still saved face, and did not directly change his name.

"Our master and apprentice will now return to the snowy region, and no longer walk in the Central Plains." Qi Ji replied on behalf of King Golden Wheel.

"Then Xiao Wang will send the national teacher honorably." Kublai said.

King Jinlun nodded, and left the military tent with his disciples, leaving the camp, and heading north.

"Rinpoche, why don't you save the Khan?" King Golden Wheel Falun Gong asked after leaving a long time.

"Everyone has his own life, why should the disciple save him?" Qi Ji said, "Could Meng take Master as a national teacher?"

Of course not, King Jinlun came to Meng Ge. Although he was still a national teacher, Meng Ge only regarded him as a guard.

The position of the national teacher of King Jinlunfa was originally granted by Wokuodai, and then continued by Empress Mazhen. Later, King Jinlunfa returned to the snowy area to practice martial arts. The alternate Guiyou and the lost queen of the sea retained their position as the national teacher.After Meng Ge came to the throne, there was no trace of King Jinlunfa and he did not establish a national teacher until King Jinlunfa was reinstated.

But Meng Ge is a national teacher appointed by the Thunder and Wokuotai family, so naturally he is not welcome. Otherwise, even during the expedition, would he only use the Golden Wheel Fa King as a guard?

"Why do you want to resign as a national teacher?" King Jinlun asked again.He still attaches great importance to this position.

"Nostalgia does not go, the way to take the disaster, the people who drag the thunder line do not wait to see the King Kong Temple, if you don't go early, sooner or later there will be disaster.

"Master has been in retreat for more than ten years, but he doesn't know that Kublai Khan was given the Buddha ordination by an 18-year-old leader six years ago." Qi Ji said, "If he wins the position of profuse sweat, this The post of National Teacher is prepared for it."

"Which school?" Jinlun Fawang asked.

"The new leader of the Sakya sect, Lozhe Gyaltsen, took over after the death of his uncle Gongga Gyaltsen, named Ba Si Ba." Qi Ji said, "In the Jokhang Monastery three years ago, this young guru left an impression on his disciples. The deepest."

"Even though I was a teacher and subdued the various sects in the Snow Region, I found that these sects were very prosperous, far above my King Kong Temple," Jinlunfa said, "As I sighed, my Buddha sent you to my side."

"Unexpectedly, even though you became famous in the snowy region and became the reincarnated living Buddha praised by everyone, you still let the Sakya School pick up the bargain." King Jinlun sighed.

"The best is not necessarily appropriate. The King Kong Temple has occupied the position of the national teacher for 30 years. It has too much influence and is not good for Mongolia's rule. That's why they chose the Sakya Sect." Qi Ji said, "This is understandable."

"It's just that in the next few days, we will shrink up."

"It can only be so." Jinlunfa Wang said.

"Master, you and your brother go back first, the disciple still has one thing unfinished." Suddenly, Qi Ji stopped.

"Well, with your current martial arts, no one can threaten you. I will wait for you at the Jingang Temple as a teacher." Jinlunfa Wang said.

After parting, Qi Ji went to the Valley of Unrequited Love.He will be here for a while, waiting for Yang Guo and Zhou Zhengan.

He didn't care about Mongolia's withdrawal of troops, nor did he care about how Xiangyang would respond. He ignored foreign affairs and went straight to Duanchang Cliff.

After staying for more than half a month, the protagonist Sun Lue didn't know anything.

Then, Yang Guo, Wu Jue, Guo Jing's family, and Zhou Zhengan's family all came. It was not until they met at Duanchangya that Gongsun Lüe knew that an outsider had come to Jueqing Valley.

"Master, this is the little girl Zhou Nian." At Duanchang Cliff, Zhou Zhengan immediately brought her daughter to Qi Ji, "Nian'er, I have seen the master."

"Meet Master Huijue." Zhou Nian was eleven or twelve years old, and looked cute and pleasant.

"The little benefactor is polite, I met you for the first time, so let's give it to you as a meeting gift!" Qi Ji took out a booklet, which was his handwritten Ruyi Lanhua Finger.

This martial arts was originally created by a woman. Of course, it is not small. If you don't practice well, you will have troubles. However, Zhou Nian is protected by the elders. After learning the Xuanmen authentic internal skills, there should be no problems.

"I haven't thanked the master yet." Zhou Zhengan smiled and was not polite.

"Thank you, Master." Zhou Nian said sweetly.

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