Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 200-See you at last (for subscription)

"Master, Yang Guo may have guessed your identity." Zhou Zhengan said through a voice transmission.

"Guess if you guess, your kid is so obvious, as long as you listen to those words, anyone with a heart can guess it." Qi Ji said in a bad mood.

"Master..." Zhou Zhengan still feels wronged when he is in his fifties: Didn't I miss you too much!You don't let me see you.

"Master Huijue, I would like to thank you on behalf of the soldiers and civilians in Xiangyang." At this time, the group of people came over, and when the ceremony was over, Guo Jing said with a complex expression.

The monk killed his "daughter" in front of him. Maybe he was no longer his daughter, but the hurdle in his heart was not easy to pass.

He thanked him because he knew that his arrow was not enough to kill Meng Ge. Combining the message that Qi Ji gave him, Guo Jing made this secret action by the monk.

Although he didn't know why the disciple of King Jinlunfa did this, since he knew it, he had to say thank you.

For the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Xiangyang.

"You don't need to be polite," Qi Ji nodded, "The little monk is also for himself, and only in this case can the little monk and teacher retreat calmly."

Brother Meng is not stupid. He has been fighting for many years, so he naturally knows where he should be on the battlefield and will not put himself in danger.Originally, Guo Jing couldn't hurt him with that arrow, but the strange plan not far away from him secretly guided the long arrow with spiritual power and accelerated suddenly, which eventually caused the death of Meng Ge.

It's simple, but the process is not easy.His Yun Shen Jue is only a great achievement, unable to continue to improve, and he has not born a true spiritual consciousness, but has a strong mental power, and when he concentrates, he can move objects out of thin air.

Of course, it is limited to very light objects, and it does not work if it is heavy, and arrows are not included.

But if it matches the skill to shoot a hidden weapon, it is full of power. In this low-level world, no one who is locked in by his spirit can escape.

This is the secret of Xiao Li Feida's case.

The martial arts practiced by Li Xunhuan and others are not of the same nature, so they can leapfrog to kill Shangguan Jinhong.

The arrow that Guo Jing shot was not made by him. It was still far away from him, and it was too difficult to lock with spirit.Fortunately, he was in front of Meng Ge. By rushing over to protect him, he silently sent a pebble-sized stone and hit it on the third arrow, which made Guo Jing's arrow a huge one again. Power, shot and killed Meng Ge in one fell swoop.

As for the stone, after that blow, it shattered and disappeared. Even if someone suspected it, there was no evidence that someone moved his hands or feet, and he would only think that Guo Jing had unpredictable power.

On the battlefield, there were not one or two people killed by Liu Shi, and Meng Ge was just one of them.

Surprisingly, it feels that if the accumulation of the gods can take one step further, the true sense of spirit can be born, the true sense of spirit can be released, and people will be killed by the eye.

But that's going to the intermediate world, and the low-level world does not allow such daring people to exist.

"Master Huijue, what you said before, I told you all seniors, otherwise the matter cannot be explained clearly." Yang Guo said.

"After talking, the little monk thinks that you will not spread it out. After all, this matter will only cause panic when it spreads." Qi Ji said.

"The master is also a reincarnation, but he has a heart of killing for his companions. Doesn't it mean that the master has another identity before reincarnation?" Yang Guo asked, everyone listened intently, looking forward to a strange answer.

"What does Tan Yue think?" Qi Ji didn't answer directly.

"The kid has some guesses, but please forgive me. If you expect it to be true, the master should be the ancestor of Quanzhen Qiji," Yang Guo glanced at Zhou Zhengan, and then said, "Ning is not a day of ascension, but a reincarnation. Up."

The amount of information in this remark was amazing, and everyone was surprised except for a speculation.But watching Zhou Zhengan's silence is obviously tacit acquiescence.

"What, you are Brother Qi Ji, how did you reincarnated as a monk?" Zhou Botong stepped forward and looked at the strange plan, asking inconceivably.

Everyone was stunned. What I wanted to talk about now shouldn't be why you can reincarnate rather than how to become a monk. Okay, what this old naughty boy thinks is different from others.

But because of this, the atmosphere is more harmonious.

"Sure enough, it was the innate skill that protected our heart from Mount Hua back then!" Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng thought in unison.

"Zhou Zhengan, your boy's wings are stiff, when did you know that this was your master's? You didn't even tell your father!" Zhou Botong cursed.

"Father, Master, I don't even want to recognize it, let alone let people know that there is such a thing, how dare I say it." Zhou Zhengan said.

"Brother, you are so good, did you practice some advanced martial arts, teach me!" In a blink of an eye, Zhou Botong licked his face and asked for advice.

It was an enemy before, and several people couldn't win the fight together. They didn't dare or were embarrassed to ask for advice, but now they are all their own brothers, so there is nothing to worry about.


Seeing everyone looking forward to it, Qi Ji smiled: "It doesn't matter whether it is or not, the important thing is that today, everyone can get together without disaster and disease."

"I am Rinpoche, a young monk under the gate of the Vajra Monastery in the Western Regions, nothing more."

"Well, Rinpoche, Jushi Yang said that those reincarnations will bring back the killing, and they said that those people may not die, can you help me to solve the puzzle." After a while, he stopped Zhou Botong's unreasonable troubles, and Master Yideng replaced him. Everyone asked.

"Whether they are dead, the little monk is not sure. Judging from their attitude before death, they probably didn't die. But you don't need to worry, as long as the little monk is still there, they will never show up again." Qi Ji said.

"No one else will show up, right?" Guo Jing asked.

"Probably not!"

It won't be impossible, but at that time, you probably won't have these memories anymore.

"Master Huijue, the problem of reincarnation is over. It's my turn." Yang Guo said, "Back then, Aunt Guo took away my wife to persuade me to survive, but now I know that there is no South China Sea. The god nun."

"You once said that maybe there will be surprises in 16 years. I want to ask, where are the surprises?"

Because of the reincarnation, Yang Guo didn't go crazy because the Nanhai Shenni didn't exist, forcibly calmed down and accompanied everyone to the Valley of Unrequited Love.

"Then it depends on your sincerity and insincerity. How deep is your miss for Mrs. Zun?" Qi Ji said.

"Unswervingly until death." Yang Guo said solemnly, "It has never changed."

"Now that I understand in my heart, why not go with it, or say that you have lost your courage if you live for 16 more years?"

"Back then, Mrs. Zun jumped down in front of this broken heart cliff. How to choose is up to you." Qi Ji said.


"Master Huijue..."


Astonished voice sounded, no one thought that Qi Ji would say this.

"What the master said was that I was lucky, and always thought that a miracle would happen. After all, I still have to face reality." Yang Guo said sadly, "She has been alone for so many years, how can I let her go on like this? ."

"Master Huijue, anyway, I still want to thank you. Everyone, you don’t have to persuade you any more. I’m determined." Yang Guo thanked Qiji, opened the distance from everyone, and came to the edge of the cliff. Samsara, I hope I can meet you again when I return."

After that, Yang Guo jumped directly, leaving behind a cry.

"Monk Huijue, what do you mean? I have to kill my hard-working child." Ouyang Feng angered at Qi Ji, his roar covering the slight sound of entering the water.

"It's just jumping off the cliff, not necessarily dead. If Mr. Ouyang is in a hurry, you might as well go down and have a look." Qi Ji said.

Thinking that Yang Guo had said that the monk could not tell the prophet, Huang Rong's heart moved and invited a pair of white eagles to take him and Guo Jing down.

He came up after a long while and said that no trace of Yang Guo had been found.The unexpected appearance gave everyone hope.

The white eagle was too young to be alive, so everyone turned back to the Valley of Despair, weaving a long rope, and when they reached under the cliff, they still did not find a trace of Yang Guo.

They were busy outside, and Yang Guo had already passed through the underground river to the place where Little Dragon Girl lived.

After sixteen years, the two finally met again.

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