Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 301 Huang Zhongge (seeking subscription)

I learned about Huayun's news, and I immediately sent Hou Yong to Wu County, please come to Danyang.

At the same time, let Huang Zhong send people back to Fuyang and take the family.

He just returned to Danyang. He couldn't return to Fuyang in a short time, but the child's soldier could not be dragged, and it was a day a day.

When waiting, the time will become very slow, so that Huang Zhonglian traces the troops, I have never thought about Hua Wei.

After several days, Hua Wei was invited by Hou Yong.

It seems to be fifty years old, the fairy style bones, the spirit of the spirit. The stylism felt that the strength of Hua Wei was not harmonious than Huang Zhong.

"Mr. Yuanhua, for a long time, today's wish is finally realized." See Hua Wei, and the grateful is.

He is looking for Huaji, starting from the first year of the first, so far for five or six years.

"Laoiman wild grass people, what is the generals?" Hua Wei said.

"The gentleman is open-minded, not convinced, I also have an ear to hear, just have a child, seriously ill, so the death of her life." Strange immediately explained the reason.

"The old man listening to Nanyang Zhang Zhongjing is in Changsha, the main medical school, his medical skills, not for the old, don't have a way?" Hua Wei said.

"Zhang Zhongjing said, only gentleman can heal." Strange said.

"Oh, what is the disease?" Hua Wei is curious.

The Qi Ti immediately told Hua Yanyang's condition and also said that he and Zhang Zhongjing's treatment plan, and then discussed Huang Xiao's condition.

The Huang Zhong on the side is directly ignored, and it feels very embarrassed.

Two days later, Huang Zhong family arrived, directly received a residence of Huaqi


Outdoor, Huang Zhong an anxious waiting, finally gotting out. They looked at Hua Wei in the eyes, and I was afraid that he said a "no" word.

For years, the result is recently. If you can't help but hear, they lose hope.

Finally, Hua Wei's brow stretched, looked at Huang Zhongyi: "The measures taken in the previous period are reasonable, delay the illness, and the old can be cured."

"Thank you for the doctor." Huang Zhongfei put down, Huang Mrs and Huang Butterfly Dance were even more tears and even grateful.

"But you also know that the disease can be cured, but the drag is too long, after his body will be as good as the Huang General, the road to the martial arts, you have to take other way, Old man also loves. "

"It is already a life, it is awkward, and there is a matter of him." Huang Zhong said.

You can't learn anything, you can also read it. His martial arts has been inherited.

The fifteen six-year-old Huangdi dance is already a first heaven, it is estimated that it will be in the middle of the day.


Hua Wei left Huang Xue, personally personally put it for itself, personally baked in medicine, until half a month, ended the first stage treatment, Huang Xu is already good, this will let him go home.

In the next three months, Hua Wei applied every half a month, replaced the prescription, until the end of this day, Huang Xu spit out a sinter and cold congestion, Hua Wei's treatment is over.

Within these three months, the strange test is cultivated and followed by Huang Xue. Hua Yu is also very curious, and a generals have such a medical skill in medical skills, and they will be discussed with them.

During the period, the singularity was still soft and hard, and the unique exercises of Huaqi's five birds were given.

Five birds, imitate the action of five animals, coupled with the matching skills, not only can prolong the benefits, but also strengthen themselves. Hua Yi has achieved this peak, but it is not a simple warner, but the same division.

The five birds not only exercise, but also have internal practice.

More importantly, this powerful exercise is the practice of Hua Yi, who wants to go directly to the trendy.

Of course, it is only the stage of the grass, and the Hua Yi himself has not reached, but he believes that there will be one day, and the Qi Ti is also believed.

He didn't appear in these years, just in perfecting this practice.

At the end of treatment, Hua Wei refused the strange trick, ready to continue to travel to the world.

"God doctor, big unity is not as good, if you have something, Huang Zhong is not resignation." When you leave, Huang Zhong said.

"The general is heavy, this is the daughter's book." Hua Wei smiled, "it is the general, the heart is going, and it can be further stepped."

"Still want to thank God doctor, you can have today." Huang Zhong also laughed, "I born today, send a doctor for the doctor, I wish God, all the way."

If you don't wait for a strange to react, Huang Zhong suddenly emerges a strong momentum, and quickly reaches the innate peak, forcing everyone to stay away.

However, Huang Zhong's breath has not ended, but continues to climb, and the sky is unpredictable, and there is a wind thunder.

Such an abnormality has long been alarmed by the martial arts in Wanling City, and some people come to here.

"Han Sheng is going to break through the trendy?" Qi Zhi asked him.

"Probably, I have not experienced it." He said.

"Can you succeed?" The Qi Tiki knows that Huang Zhong has already caught this threshold for ten years.

"The general is relieved, the reason why Huang will not break through, because the heart is embarrassing, has been worried about the condition of Huang Xue. Now Huang Zai is recovered, the heart is solved, and it is a thing that is water to the stream." Hua Wei also came I'm looking around, I look at Huang Zhongge.

"Decoration!" Huang Zhong, the center of Fengyun, suddenly removed the giant bow, bending the bow, the arms opened, and the bow was full.

In the void, white clouds gather, condense a piece of old man, the same bending bow.

"Broken!" Huang Zhongyu sounded, Qi Ti is like a broken, then look, Huang Zhong still keeps the posture of archery, but the arrow is like a meteor.

At the same time, the people in the void also opened the bow, and there was really arrow marks. At the distance and the arrow of Huang Zhong shot, it will move forward, fly into a hill, shake it. .

"Pointed in the moon? Is this Huang Zhong's magical power?" Strange, "why there is always a game of game?"

I first heard that Lu Bu Shi exhibited ghosts and gods, and they had this feeling. Although I still don't know what I am in Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Cai Wei and others, but there is a feeling of game skills.

"Is this successful?" Odd looks to Hua Wei.

"How do you know how I don't have a god." Hua Wei smiled.

Seeing Huang Zhong breakthrough, he has deeper the understanding of the five birds, and also saw the future direction.

"General, the end will be fortunate, and fortunately, the luck is successful." Huang Zhong ended the POSS.

"Very good, Jingzhou stable in Jingzhou in the future, more people needed Han Sheng," odd smiled.

"Thank you Huang General, the courtesy, the old people like," said the Hua Wei.

In addition to induction of timely Time-Temple, Wu Yin, Gan Ning and others, when the remaining people arrive, they have returned with everyone.

Even if there is a game of the game, after all, Huang Zhongjin is successful, with the top battle.

But he doesn't want to announce the world, let people guard, which gives people a good job.

Even if there is a rumor, I don't see it, who will believe it?

God ventilation, can not be so good. Otherwise, so many years, why only one person is reluctant?

These people have only appeared in the past two years.


Huang Zhongjin is secretly immune, but it should also know what they will do, what they will do, and the strange is not tested.

The mood is good, and the odd countdown immediately held a military conference and prepared.

Goal, off.

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