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Cap 302, two armies, fight (seeking subscription)

In Aero, Jian'an, I was stopped for half a year, and I didn't have a good principle, I didn't say that I didn't say that I didn't say that I was close at hand. The only county left in the south of the army. Remind the control of Chen Guo.

After Cao Cao seized Chen Guo, I didn't have this army in the army, just appoint a national phase, or the kind of unknown.

Failed to welcome the sky, Cao Cao did not have so many talents, and Chen Guo, Luojun in history, is not here.

Therefore, Yuan Shu Da army is like a broken bamboo, and he seizes Chen County in one fell swoop, and he will kill Chen Wang Liu's pet.

This caused anger of Chen Guo.

This generation of Chen Wang Liu pet, bravely passed the people, the arrow is super group, the arrow, the yellow towel uprising, because the thief army is big, the officials of the government have escaped, but he did not escape, but the soldiers, guarded Chen Guo, The people in the country did not dare to attach the yellow towel, and they were highly prestigious.

You must know the princes of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there is no power, just enjoy rental, the power is in the country. Liu's pet can do this at the time of the war, and it can be seen that it can be seen.

Although it is silenced after the war, the reputation is very high, Yuan Shu kills Liu's pet, and naturally let Chen Guowei people are dissatisfied.

But the strange is seen, but it is Cao Cao's conspiracy.

It is because Liu's pet in Chen Guo has too high reputation, so, no matter what, Cao Cao has to take into account the feelings of Liu's pet, even though it is just a no-right princes.

Therefore, he did not stay in the army in Chen Guoyun, but returned to it, deliberately revealing this flaw to Yuan Shu.

So Yuan Shu is unlook the hook, reconnect Chen Guo, and find a letter to kill Liu's pet.

Who let Liu's pets will stop resistance in Cao Cao!

Waiting for Yuan Shu kills Liu's pet, Cao Cao immediately issued a text, preparing to discuss the military.

In July, Jian'an, July, Qi Tiki, who was resolved in Danyang, with Jia Yi, Yan Yue and other counseling, and Huang Zhong, Tai Shi, Wu Yin, Cheng Pu, Sun Yur, Li Tong and others will lead, went out The western cool army is chaotic.

At this time, Cao Cao and Yuan Sao have worked in Chen Guo and have been a month.


Jia Wei did not really want to come to the army, but he was born by the western cool army, which is more familiar with Li Wei and others, so finally, I chose Jia Wei.

When I passed through Nanyang, I also took a clock together with the army, and the Taishou was appointed by Liu She.

Wu Guan, this is the frontier base of the strange quarter. After returning to Zhang Ji, he went to Zhang Ji, and he went to this.

Mulian is the land of Jingzhao Yin.

Outtrates the army for more than 20,000, 50,000 veterans, 10,000 new training, Zhang embroidered three thousand cavers, there is a hundred thousand people, and then escort grain.


In the case of more than 20,000 major army, it immediately caused the vigilance of all ministries in China.

Although they kill themselves, they still have a vigilance.

So many big army entered the customs, no one can they?

So, in the instant of the news, all departments of the Xihuang Army put down the competition, gathered again to Chang'an Palace and discussed the countermeasures.

"South Pseudo-Han (Zhangzhou, Yongzhou's title of Jingzhou) is coming, the arrogance of the arrogance, does not put the emperor in the eyes, how do you think it is?" Li Wei did not let the meeting.

"For so many years, who doesn't know who? Are you brothers, is you used to turn it?" Guo Wei smiled. "What is Li Dali horse, it is."

"Then I will be welcome," Li Yu Xin is angry with Guo Wei to demolition, but there is no good way. "The brothers also know that those things we do, once they fall into the rest of the people, I want to live is impossible. Therefore, if you don't want to fantasize, even if you surrender, you will not be able to live. "

"Now we have lost Liangzhou. This is our last site. We turn up the door, think about it, but if you want to come, I am sorry, I will not agree."

"Nanyou Hanshi 20, we fight each other, countless deaths, no one is not a pseudo-habit, but as long as we join, even if the pseudo-Chinese is twelve thousand troops, it is difficult to eat us."

"So, I suggest that everyone will join the alliance, and jointly resist the pseudo-hanging. After the pseudo-Han goes out of the crowd, it is other. What is the brothers think?"

"I have no opinions!" By killing the emperor, the cow copper is hard to control several counties, and naturally do not want to be eaten by the peers, give him stepping stone, the first one should be .

"Agree!" Li Meng Ying said.

"I also agree with the opinions of the big Sima." Hu Wei said.

"I also the same." Wang Fang agreed.

"Agree!" Yang Qixi frowned.

"No opinion!" Duan Zhao also said.


The leaders of all directions expressed their agreement, and finally Guo Wei.

"Guo car ride, what do you say?" Li Yu took everyone to recognize his opinion, and smiled toward Guo Wei.

"I have no opinion, but how to join hands? Who will do this alliance?" Guo Wei throw another question.

Then, the public will start to compete. In the end, Li Wei took a strong strength, with the sergeant, with all the opposition to the West Cool Army.

"Since I have decided, the brothers go back, half a month, the army is gathered in the blue sky, where we are there to fight pseudo-Han Liu."


After half a month, the Qi Ti's army has approached Lantian.

"What's going on, why didn't you come? Yang Ding, you are also in Hongnong, know the situation?" In the big camp, Li Yuxi asked.

"Go back to Missiona, send people before the paragraph to report, Hedong Yang Feng, the south of the south, Baolu Li Le and others have an interest, or the governance of the river, the generals, the generals must guard against these people," Yang Ding is lightly.

Li Wei and the paragraph and the same is in Hongnong. There are a lot between the two people, and they can't say good words to the paragraph.

"Yang Feng this rebellion, I want to be robbed!" Li Wei was anger.

Yang Feng Bai Baojun is born, and later got itself, and I want to kill himself in the Song fruit jointly, and after the venture, the soldiers are homing at Hedong.

"So, we have thousands of people." Guo Yu face ugly.

These years, they have nothing to have, and they have lost the source of the West Cool Ride. The cavalry is a less than one, but because of the closing of the year, the people's livelihood is withered, and the tax is not powerful.

All are intended, but more than 7 million horses. There are more than 20,000 Li Wei, there are only thousands of thousands, and the cavalry is not enough for 20,000.

Since the age of life, the cavalry of each department has lost a lot.


Dragonfly can't be present, Li Wei can only fight.

And in order to play the advantages of the West Cavalry, they can't guard the city and can only have a field.

Otherwise, the cavalry is a placement.

As for the division, the steps are guarded in the city, the cavalry is outside, and Li Wei is not dare. He is worried that once you leave, the rest of the army is not controlled by yourself.

He didn't dare to gamble and there were several existence.

In addition to him, he is no one can suppress those generals.


Qi Ti really likes to work with people in the field, but this time, in the face of the first-minded Western Military Army, it did not choose to play, but the big camp, and the West Liangjun is far away.

Let Li Wei send people every day to invite people.

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