Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 303, the end of the Xihuang Army (seeking subscription)

Siki, let Li Wei can't touch the mind.

The enemy does not attack, he can't give up your own advantage, go to the county big camp.

Even, he didn't dare to let the cavalry went to the grain road.

There are more, he is afraid that you will not be controlled, there is less, it doesn't work.

He is clear, Zhang embroidered the anti-bone di, it is right, with the cavalry free, it is estimated that he is waiting for him.

If the cavalry can't all dispatched, it is divided into 10,000 people, there is Zhang embroidery, and the people who have tens of thousands of heavy soldiers will not be good.

The heavy soldiers are not a heteroceneous soldier, and the grain is related to the security of the army. The fighting power of the grain is not weak.

There is also a small embroidery, and it is also a mess, known as "Northern Gun King", the strength of the congenital period, looks at the whole western cool army, in addition to Huaxion's unmanned enemy.

And now, no one will be next.


"Is Liu Zhen still have no movement?" After a few days, the strange quoted did not move, keep the village, let Li Yu are bored.

"No." Someone sure.

"They are not going to do in the customs." Guo Wei said, "more than 20 million big troops, people eat rid of chewing, there is a lot of consumption."

"I always feel that Liu Wei has a conspiracy, but I don't know what it is?" Li Yu sighed, "If the writing is just fine."

Wen worry is Li Ru, the heart is sinister, all people are afraid of Tiger. Lu Bu betrayed Dong Zhuo, the first killed is Li Ru, and I am afraid of his rape.

"Is there a new news?" The copper also felt improper, asked.

"No." Yang Ding said.

He is very concerned about the movement of Duan Shi.

"Changan, there is nothing?" Niu copper looks to Li Wei.

"Reassured, I left Li Wei, Li Siade Guardi Chang'an and the palace, the previous day came, there was no matter." Li Wei said with confidence.

"Is there no latest news?" Amazing is worried about the Tao, "Maxima, send people back to Changan to see it!"

"Cow copper, you have more concern, I have left thousands of people in Chang'an, can you still have a threat to Changan?" Li Wei smiled.

"Maxima, the paragraph is unknown, are you seeing his soldiers?" The more you want to be more and more.

It used to be mixed, and suddenly became the master of a force. The copper is not too adaptable. Many things are difficult to take into account, such as this time, he ignores the paragraph.

"You are a paragraph ..." Li Wei was shocked, negated, "it is impossible, he is only thousands, even if he betrayed us, he can't get Changan."

"If you add Yang Feng, what is it colluded with Liu Wei?" Asked Niu copper.

"Come, immediately went to Changan, reveal Changan ..." Li Wei is pale, and he urgently told the outside.

But late, at this time, several residual soldiers were brought into big accounts, crying and crying: "Maxima, Duan Zhao opened the city gate, joint Yang Feng, pending and others attacked Changan, now Chang'an has already lost The enemy's hand, Li Wei, Li Siwei, the general battle ... "

Li Wei, almost falling, he has already thought that there will happen after losing Changan.

"The command, returning to teacher Changan." Li Wei once again told.

But it is still unable to execute, and there is a commander to report.

"Dama, the pseudo-harmonious army is invited."


It is a silence, and people present in the scene feel a depressed atmosphere.

"The brothers, things are already clear, we have made Liu Wei's plan," or Li Wei opened, "You should be a brother, but others may not agree."

"Everyone, the battle, if you think that the surrender will have a good end, please pay yourself."

"All the names, our name of the worship, no matter who the hands of the Guanzhong, we will try to eliminate the imprint of the West, we have no choice." Niu copper first support Li Wei.

Don't fight against the fight against it, is it going to make the mission?

"Battle, our West Lian Jun is still afraid of anyone!" Guo Wei also said.

The public will immediately reach a consistent, and go back to his army to start preparing to kill.

However, Changan's news has spread, knowing that the post-road is broken, and the West Lian Union will not have a pessimistic emotion, and the combat power will fall quietly.


"Wenhe has worked hard." At the same time, he wanted to Hui.

"I haven't lived up to the generals of the general." Jia Hao smiled.

That is not negative, but it is over-completed task.

After entering the Guanzhong, the Qi Ti is negotiable, not preparing for the western cool army that has arrived at the end of the road, but is ready to persuade some of the generals to surrender, and there is a foreign partner, and the western cool army will be annihilated with the minimum cost.

Jia Wei is very familiar with the West Cool Army, so I chose to take the point in my own fellowship, Xiaoyu, and finally convinced the paragraph.

Then heard that there is Yang Feng, go to the humble, Li Le and other forces, and the identity of the big man, before contacting the three, induce the profit, and finally advise the three people.

So when Li Wei set the wise force, Duan Zhao excuses Yang Feng and others called, did not participate, but when Li Wei and Qikang were confront to Yang Feng and others, sneak over Chang'an City, kill The general of death, Li Wei, controlled the Changan court.

Jia Wei experienced Chang'an City to be broken, and it is contends on Yang Feng et al., It is coming back to the singing.

"The promise of Wenhe is the meaning of this general," "Qi Ti listened to Jia Yu's process," as long as they agree, this general is not rewarded. "

"Walking the article, it is time to fight, Dong Zhongyu's western cool army has also reached it."


"Wenhe, hetero, Yuan often, press the army of the Western cool army, Tai Shi, you fight, Chengpu, Huang Gai, you can see the power of the West, the first attack, must stop the assault army, Han Sheng, first try to try the power of the West Red Army; the rest, keep your position, crack down. "Before the battle, the war is now issued.

Twelve hundred thousand people, crowded in the wilderness outside the blue sky. Both sides did not negotiate, and immediately started the charge immediately after contacting a certain distance.

The first charge is the western cold cavalry, facing ten times the enemy, without fear, under the leadership of Li Wei, straight to the frontier.

The suffocating sky, condensed the scene of Wan Ma.

This is the strongest rear shield of Xiliang, Tong Zhuo, Chaotian. Even if you have splitted for a long time, you will be agreed and still have a lot of war.

"Pointed in the moon!" After Huang Zhongjin, the first time was full of power, the bows and gods took a huge waves, and they went to the sea riding on the champion.

However, before the Western Cool Riding, there was no trace of shadow, and the villain disappeared, leaving only one iron arrow, continued to move forward, there were no traces after wearing two western cool cavalry, could not let the West The champion of the cavalry stopped.

"The main public, the end will be in powerless." Huang Zhong invited sin.

"It's not your problem, just test it, even if you have a strong force, you can't resist the army with the army." Qi Qi sighed, "Trouet, you are not just one person."

Huang Zhong's test ended, the West is closer, Wan Ma Pentium, I am in the heart, and people are restless.

"Start it!" The strange ticked toward Jia Hao.

Jia Wei nodded, and Zhong Wei, the more the scribes began to show the skills, and the time is changing, and an invisible breath is integrated into the clouds of the western cool army.

Tai Shi Ci is in the forehead, with a long guns who are waiting for.

These people have hands holding guns, half-handed, dignified, staring at the western cool army.

"Boom ..." Xili iron ride a slap in the gun array, causing military array to collapse.

"Blocking, killing!" Tai Shi Ci Changguang sweeps, killing the cavalry in front of the cavalry, commanding the army to resist the cavalry charge.

If it seems from above, the square of the tens of thousands of people, the front of a wave of people fall, but the charge speed of the West is gradually decreased. Slowly, slowly until it is going to stop, and you have not possible to break through the Siti's square.

"Counterattack!" Too said that he kills first. The Xihuang Jun slaughtered his part, and his early him was full of anger.

Without a speed, the speed of the cavalry is, it is to be slaughtered by the lamb. Even if you fight for death, you must never let the speed of the cavalry.

Without the command, the West is slow, and the Cheng Pu Huang cover will bring someone from both sides, that is, to limit the speed of the West Red Army.

Li Wei is not good, and immediately stopped, but there are still thousands of people to surround. Li Wei can only pull away, and then rush again, and want to rescue the ladied cavalry.

But there is a military block in front.

It is Wu Yin, once again blocked the charge of Li Wei, and then Gan Ning, Li Tong and others will kill again.

The West Liangqi is being divided by a little bit, and it has paid a heavy cost for this styles.

When Li Wei returned again, Huang Zhong gave him a rush.

In the past two years, Huang Zhong is fully trained to the bow soldier, which can play his bow and arrow.

In just a short time, each person has an open bow, tens of thousands of arrows cover the cavalry of Li Wei, causing huge damage.

Western cool iron ride is very strong, but Huang Zhong is not a weak, and carefully trained bow soldiers, it is for strikes.

After the rain of Huang Zhong, Zhang Suan took three thousand cavers in the rear of Li Wei, launched a charge, and cut Li Wei's number of cavalry.

"Mailing, full military pressure, worship the western cool army." The biggest opponent's West-down cavalry no longer threatened, and the big troops were pressed directly.

Compared with the Western cool iron ride, the steps of all the steps are far away, and the quantity is far less than the Qikang army, the mysterium is low, and the Xihuang army is surrounded, and the power is reduced. .

"Yang Feng, Zhang Zhao and others don't appear, then there is nothing to use." Strange laughed.

If the words are not falling, he heard the roar of Thunder, and came from the back of the Western cool army.

Yang Feng, Duan Zha, directly from the rear, becoming the last straw of the chalk camel.

"The West is finished." Li Wei looked at the change in a short time, knowing that the general trend has been going, after rushing out, no return, but with two thousand soldiers, rush to escape.

At the same time, the copper also took his own proceedings, gradually detached from the chaotic battlefield, ready to escape.

The West is finally going to the end.

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