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Chapter 305 Lu Su is coming (seeking subscription)

The new Tuzhou, I haven't need to do it elsewhere, but it is just that I turned into Liu Watch in the hands of the Xihuang Army.

But for all parts of Liangzhou, it is the interests.

Because the Side of the Yunzhou is Liangzhou, the worship of the western cool army is limited to three amenities, and they will not be invaded with them, and the relationship is also going.

Liu Tang is settled in Yunzhou, which will have any effect on them, and it is unknown.

Therefore, as the old brother of the Liangzhou, Han Wei immediately sent people to ask Ma Teng, Song Jian and others, and jointly negotiate countermeasures.

Soon, a small town in the tripartite junited, poured into countless cool state army.

At this time, the Liangzhou Army can be said to be the second generation of Liangzhou Army. The first generation is Dong Zhuo's army, just crossed.

As a boss, Han Wei is not allowed to host a meeting, after the cold, I asked directly: "Two kinds of sages, you think that Liu Tuo is set up, will it have an impact on us?"

This is simply nonsense. If you don't feel affected, will there be this meeting?

You must know that in order to compete for the ground, the relationship between the three is not harmonious, if it is concerned about the interests, will it be guilty?

"Liangzhou is a cool state in Liangzhou, and what is Liu Tui, his hand is longer, but also reach it to Liangzhou?" Song Jian said.

"Zhongyuan is not in Liu Jingheng, even if he won three auxiliary, no power to go, this cool state, you have to look at us." Ma Teng said, "he Liu Jingheng is big, and it is not afraid of us. Have you hit three auxiliary? "

When the year and Han Yu split, the Tun, and later was forced by the West Lianjun, he went before Liu Zhidong.

The Liangzhou rebels is a three auxiliary, or the things between the Han Ling Emperor, Ma Teng, Han Wei is the party.

"What do you mean, still, do not interfere with each other?" Han Yu asked.

Song Jianban nodded.

Han Wei's face is gloomy, obviously, this is not the result he wants.

I have been in the land of Liangzhou, and I have been connected with the monks. Han Lizhen has long wanted to enter the customs, but the big man is strong, the western cool force is strong, they are always impeded.

"Two sage brothers, why not taking advantage of the southern Han, we will take troops together, take three auxiliary?" Han Yu recommended.

"Wen Duan brother, do you think it can seize three auxiliary from the Xioliang army? How much is the strength of the South Han? We have to pay more at the price, can we drive them away? What is the place in three auxiliary? Can you give us our payment? "Asked Song Jian.

"Just, how is the text of the text, even if we won three auxiliary? Form a vessel, is it a peaceful three auxiliary, swear to die? We are very difficult to have today's home, Don't be destroyed for a while. "Ma Teng said," "Wen Duan brother, although you have the support of the brothers and the people, you can't fall in the same place again and again!"

This is a bit face, Han Yu is a good boss, but it has not only failed, the wolf is running away, the army is discrete. Just because there is a huge prestige, you can start again and again.

Thinking of this, several leaders of the meeting are not good.

"Two generals, why do you want to listen separately? It is to set up a separate state. It is aimed at our Liangzhou. If you want to be restricted in Liangzhou, they will sleep a little bit, and they will be swallowed. "Suddenly, Han Lao has a young man.

"Wen Xie brother, which one is this, so no rules!" Song Jian did not accept.

"He Zhou, repair, the leader, how can you talk, roll out." Han Yu screamed, turned to Song Jianban, "said the brothers and teachings, two kinds of gratu."

Youth He Zhou invited sin to get it to leave.

"The meaning of the two sage is to maintain the status quo." Han Wei said, "If the South Han is going to cool?"

"Common Enemy." Ma Teng said.

Ma Teng Song did not agree with the attack three supplements, Han Yu no longer insisted, and the two discussed the defense, as well as the division of the site.

I have been talking about the sky, I ended this meeting, two people refused Han Wei's retaining, ready for the night.

However, I was out of the city, I was ambushed, and the two were dangerous. Fortunately, Ma Chaown is a battle, highlighting the rear.

Under the anger, the two directly blamed Han Wei, thinking that he is to eradicate himself, Dushangzhou. So after returning, the army will be convened immediately and attack Han.

This allows Han to touch the mind, send people to ask for a year, and it is just the corpse. Han Yu also wronned, but thought that the two people had to invite their own efforts because of their own suggestions, so they immediately organized a counterattack.

Communication is so put it, it is late after a few months, it is late.


The news of Liangzhou's mess came, and the strange quoted was shocked.

The big army is all in the Queen, close, don't talk to join hands to resist, actually in this time in this time?

However, it is also a good thing for him. The more weakened by the various parts of Liangzhou.

At this moment, it is standing in front of him, it is young Xu Huang.

Arranged in the Qingzhou, and the Qi Ti wants to come up with the generals who are coming from Yang.

One of the five sons of Cao Cao in history, the hard students play Guan Yu to defeat the Xu Huang, of Mai City.

"I have to come over from Yang General, is it dissatisfied?" Qi Tiked Looking at the old Xu Huang asked.

"I don't dare." Xu Huang said.

"Among the chaos, it is necessary to succeed, Feng Hou will," Qi Ti said, "I have seen your performance on the battlefield, so I have to come over. Yang General, tell the truth, you have no big day. "

Xu Huang bowed his head.

Yang Feng is his old master, even if there is a shortcomings, he doesn't want to comment.

"Okay, you will take a school, you can't be a general, see your performance." Strange said.

"Human compliance." Xu Huang was insulted.

I nodded and took him to the military camp.

For Xu Huang's future, Qi Ti is not worried, the strength of the future, as long as the battle will definitely show the style of history.

"It's time to visit Majia to visit." Send away Xu Huang, Qi Tiki smashed the brain.

Three auxiliary new, the new, there is too much. Although I appointed Zhong Rong as a thorn history, many things have to be my mind.

Until this time, I will consider going to Majia.

He has never forgotten that it is a condition for him and Fufeng Mart.


Until the spring of Jian'an three years, the Qi Ti left Changan, and he returned to the army, and he left 100,000 troops, and left the paragraph to Changan, and finally dispatched.

There is Fufeng Marka, and three cars will soon be calm. The Qi Ti is invited to Hongrong Yang, and Yang Yu is in the army, and Yang Wei is a Zhangzhou, assistant to Zhangzhou.

Level is low, but who let Yang family don't work!

The Qi Qijun is still on the road, and the messenger of Liu Tu will pass news. After opening, I know that it is the information from the town of Danyang.

Lu Su to Danyang.

Strange immediately accelerated the pace of return.

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