Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 306 Breaky Yin (Subscribe)

Go back to Fuyang City, and the people who have found to visit will visit the Town will increase significantly.

Attacking the western cool army, captive pseudo-emperor, new Zhangzhou ... that is a huge merit.

At this moment, although Liu Tsu is not treated, the position of the singularity is undoubtedly determined.

In contrast, Liu Qi and Liu Wei are too far away.

The Qi Ti did not have a good fortune, but more modest.

Because of the power and father and son, people don't know how they don't want to appear on themselves. Liu Tu trust him, give him enough support, he will maintain the status of Liu Tu, can't have a big increase because of its strength, let Liu Tu have a slogan.

He never dare to take the reincarnation. In case you have a civil chaos, let the reincarnation seize the opportunity to grow, and the task is difficult.

I have seen Liu Tang, Qi Ti knows that Liu Feng was sealed as a Legend, hosted in Xiangyang City.

This is the decision after Liu Tang and everyone discloses. After all, it is the son of the orthodox prince Liu Xie, can't kill, and Feng Hou can also demonstrate the Renre of the big man.

The big man in Fuyang is called "Nanshan" by the outsiders, and the "North Han" of Yuanzhou in Yucheng.

"I have seen the horse family, what is the impression?" Zhongmu, Liu Tang asked.

"I have seen it, it is okay, the classic paste, although some decline, but have a kind of gas." Qi Qi replied, "They should send people, my father has seen it?"

"Yes, I have seen it, the marriage has been settled. What do you think?" Liu Tuo.

"But by your father!" Said Qi Ti.

"That year, are you still preparing to shoot soldiers?" Liu Tu asked.

"There is this plan," Qi Ti said, "Yuan Highway there, ready to win the Yin, got the entire ginnan. In addition, the child will send a soldier to the south, and put the state into the jurisdiction."

Yan Yin is Yuan Shu, which is the county county in the east of the water.

"Will it be too urgent?" Liu Tu worried, "Can you catch marriage?"

"Father is relieved, and the state is not strong, the baby is not preparing to come, send one member to the past." said, "Yuan Shu, Yin Yin is not a problem, Yuan Shu is estimated, mainly, the baby wants to adjust The water army, defeating Yuan Shu's water army, accounting for the absolute advantage above the general. "

"Well, order Jiang Xia Huang Zu with you for his father." Liu Tuen head.

"In addition, the child also wants to bring the brother and the brother, ready to let the brothers pay the state, and the bodies will attack the Yin." Strange.

"Do they do? Is it dangerous?" Liu She was worried about the color.

"On the battlefield, what can happen, the baby does not dare to guarantee that they must be safe, but will do their best." Said Qi Ti said, "They are not small, it should be a heavy responsibility for the father. How can we complete the big industry? "

"Well, I will tell them." Liu Tuo intertwind.

The child is big, I have to go.

"The baby has remained, and I went to Danyang in a few days." Strange said.


Wanling, the singularity saw Lu Su, and the past ten days.

However, in Lu Su, it is not anxious, and the peace of mind is waiting in Wanling.

He can come with you, and he will be able to make a piece with the left-behind military commanders, and the civil and military is said to be in Lu Su.

The martial arts is not weak. In the future, the spiritual power has also reached the medium term, and the breakthrough is also the past two years.

You know, he is only twenty-six years old.

He finally understood that he did not forget his mind.

"Son, see you, it is not easy!" Seeing Lu Su, Qiki, "You said, how many times you refused."

"Now, aren't it still going to go to the general?" Lu Su smiled.

"If you don't leave," Qi Ti knows that Lu Su is coming, "Let's talk about it," Let's talk about it? Why do you let you come over? "

"General also knows that public servings are born, can't leave easily." Lu Su said, "he didn't want to go out, Yuan Shu forced him, so he would pay for the neighborhood."

"But Yuan Shu is really not a master. In the past two years, hard students have lost their homes. First, in Xuzhou, I will defeat in Chen Guo, and the general general is more discount. Although I can stay in Fujiang, Huainan 2 County, but then I want to open up, there is no time before it is. "

"Surrounded around, Cao Cao Liu Bei is not seen, and it is not necessary to say Lu Bu, so I can only choose general."

"But he and Sun Bifan are the hand of the horizon. A few years ago, Sun Bo was died in the general. After the public worried that he was coming, he could not get trust, so there was no reply."

"Until until the age of Yuan, Yuan Shu is in the arms of Chen Guo, and the public can not wait any longer, let the lead, explore the attitude of the generals." Lu Su said a bunch of breath.

"That is, I have gave him so much letter before, I promised so much, he didn't believe it, so let you come!" Strange said.

"You can't say that you don't believe it, just have never seen, you can't worry." Lu Su said.

"Okay, I know, I know so, when I am in Luoyang, I will go to the door directly." Strange is depressed.

"That now, you also see me, what is your appeal?"

"Before I came, the public said that when the general is willing to accept it, when the general will enter the Qijiang, he can cooperate." Lu Su said, "As for the present, it is not only, it will stay in the general."

"Okay, I know, you can tell him, the promise of the previous letter, everything will not change, let him don't have to worry. Sun Ce is Sun Ce, Zhou Yu is Zhou Yu, I don't even have two children's friendship. What's more, now, Sun Ce is in Fuyang. "Strange said.

"For this reason, the public is willing to believe in the general, let it come." Lu Su smiled.

"That's right, since you left, then don't be idle, after a month, this general is humiliated to paid a flat-pace, you will be a junior, half a year, you are responsible for giving the state."

Lu Su: "..."


"The general is going to pay for the state?" He asked.

"Yes, public, this time I have to worry about it." Qi Ti said, "said it is fixed, then there is no suffering, you can peace of mind."

"General does the general are not pro?" meaning.

"Yes, I am going to capture Yu Yin and defeat the watermaster of Yuan Road on the general." So, "So this time, the public is not light."

"But the general is not pro, who is the big army?" He asked.

"I am also difficult, there are several people have the ability, but the problem is too shallow, can't serve the public." Strange said, "said that this big work can only be cheaper."

Xu Huang, Lu Su even He Qi, all have a general potential, but the problem is still can't stand up. Huang Zhong is quakabate enough, but Huang Zhong took over the battle, and the big military force did not catch.


Jian'an three years in April, Fuyang sent 100,000 soldiers, with Cai Wei as the main, , ,,,,,, It is sent to the meeting of the audience, let the alliance of the congratulations, from the meeting, pay, patriarchal support.

Two months later, the Qi Tiki went to Xinsai, gathered the 100,000 troops, and Jia Wei as a military division, Zhang embroidered as a pioneer, and the yin.

In just one month, the Yinshou army was concentrated, declared.

The whole state of Weinan.

On the other hand, Jiang Xia is too guarded to go to Pengze County.

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