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Chapter 307 Changjiang War (seeking subscription)

Peng Ze, since the odd, after the Yurzhang, I started to build a water army base here, and I have so far.

The tax of Yizhang, a county, not all in this water army base. The construction of the terminal, port construction, shipbuilding base requires a lot of people to make Pengze County quickly prosper.

Especially Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai took a thousands of thieves, joined it, and the power of the water army flew and rapidly increased.

Nowadays, there are only 60 million people in the water army, and there are a lot of logistics staff. It has been here for three or four years, and there is also a year later.

I am going to train the trip for a few years. It is to rank the Johor Bahru, I will take the Jiangnan. Even if the northern hegemony failure, it is still able to use the Yangtze River's innovation to form a situation in the north and south.

This stickers decided to clear the watermakers of Yuan Shu, but Huang Zu came to command the operation.

The odds' opinions on Huang Zu, come from his hop. Liu Tu first in Jingzhou, Huang Zu chose to invest, and was appointed as Jiang Xia Taishou, which is very good to stabilize the situation in Jingzhou. History, Huang Zu's strong power of Jiang Xia, the ability of Sun Wahda for ten years, and the ability is also.

But in this world, because there is no Sun Wu, I have not been hung, there is no need for Liu Tu's support, causing the Huang Zu's mentality to expand, and there is no two in Jiangxia. At the last time he wants to come to the Yun, Liu Tang is not good. face.

So the strange tricks did not catch a cold at all.

But this time, but also chose Huang Zu as the main one, leading to the battle of Yuan Shu Water Army.

It is comfort and exchange.

Previously, Liu Tang took Cai Wei as the main, presided over the battle of the stance, after the news came out, Huang Zu immediately ran to Fuyang, and the power of the army will be bonded in the south.

During the power, this obvious manner, Feng Hou is no longer talking, Huang Zu is of course coveted.

However, how can Liu She may recover the orders that have just announced, and say that Cai Wei is still his little scorpion.

Cai Yuben is not in harmony with Huang Zu, and it is inevitable Huang Zu, let alone, don't say that it takes the opportunity to survive in the South.

However, Huang Zu put out a distant attitude, and he did not want to return to Yangyang.

Although Liu Tu is upset, thinking of Huang Zu's work, can't force the penalty, so that he will recall, let him solve this.

Qi Ti naturally won't be easy to easily, Huang Zu, after a sword with Huang Zu, the sword, and finally agreed to let Huang Zu, the war of the Yuan Shu Water Army.

As a exchange, after this war, Huang Zu was unloaded from Jiang Xia Taishou and returned to Xiangyang as a Shafu Qing in one of Jiuqing.


Looking at the lively Peng Ze Shui Army base, Huang Zu is a little emotion.

He has been forty years old, and he is not young. Naturally, it will be a booming in Fuyang.

And all of this, most of them have to be attributed to the Changgong Liu Wei. From the first year of the first year, she sincerely served as Liyang County, and seven or eight years, no one thought of there will be today.

Of course, he has always wanted to go to Jiang Xia, after all, here is the ancestral place of Huang, there is a natural advantage. But he knows that Fuyang will not allow him to stay away.

If the weakness is weak, or there is this possibility, but now Fuyang has to occupy a half a big man, it is still not stopped, if he is not going, it is estimated that the next moment, Fuyang will start with him.

A sharp development force, inside the inside must not be able to listen to the presence of the order, and he has become the person who is unwilling to listen to the order. If Fuyang has to expand its extends, you will definitely remove your instability.

Or turn, or ... kill.

The tricks of the rabbit went to the dog, he still knew, although he was still not going to walk the dog.

Therefore, when the last time, the long-win-up, he did not oppose it. This time, through the opportunity, take the initiative to leave from Jiangxia.

He is a little , I want to make powerful blessings on my own site, but at the same time, he is also a talent that the family is cultivated, and it is clear about the situation. It is not so stubborn to die.

If, if Fuyang really captures the world, how is Jiangxia?

Central Plains, there are a lot of rich places!


"Huang General, the Peng Yuze Water Army base is existing in the battle soldiers, the rest of the sailors, the maintenance, the soldiers, including eleven ships, more than three hundred, more than 500 panels, More than a thousand more than a thousand, except for the illness, everything is here. "Hua Tuo is against Huang Zu.

As the Taizhang Taishou, Hua Tuo is also the head of the Water Army base, the highest elder official.

The big man is too strong, but the military government is set. No suitable candidates, temporarily let Hua Tuo are responsible.

"Thank you Huaxu Jun." Huang Zu smiled, "I screamed after three days, sweeping along the way, maybe it be?"

"No problem." Hua Tuo said, "the majority of the army of the army has been prepared before months."

"That's good, let's go, Huafu Jun is introduced to this army, but also makes this general, not in the battlefield." Huang Zu smiled.


After three days, the 10,000 Water Army was out of the river, sweeping along the road along the way, along the Yangtze River water army, to Peng Yuze and Huang Zuhui. After that, in the army, continue along the Jiangshui, from the river to Huainan, all the way to the Water Army Camp Village.

The singular order is that after this war, it is not allowed to pass the river.

For this reason, Jiang Qina is here, even tooishi, Gan Ningqi is also stayed here, but also a direct attack, Zhu Rong and others, it is to make this.


Huainan Shouchun, Yuan Shu received the news of the Nanhan Water Army, and immediately convened a civil and military procedure.

"You have a family, the South Han can capture the Yin, and then further Huainan, it is necessary to hit the body, now the watermaster comes again, can you rush to the enemy?" Yuan Jie asked.


"I don't say it in the next day, how can I not say now?" Seeing no people, Yuan Shu is very angry, ask.

"Your Majesty, the minister swearing will not let the Nanhan army into Huainan step." A general launched.

"Ji Qingjia, you will rely on you." Yuan Shu sighed.

I think that he is also a war like a war. Now there is only one Ji Ling dare to talk, but it is still so depressed.

"Your Majesty, it is not as good as!" Some people suggested.

"Your Majesty is not, we still have Qijiang, Huainan Second Country, all are rich, it is faithful, but the minister has confident." Liu Xun said.

The championship was quarreled.

"Okay, shut up." Yuan Shu angry, "The current problem is that the Nanhan army sweeps out our watermaster along the river, this is where you need it."

The water army is a Golden beast, Yuan Shujian is thicker, and it is not willing to put it in this regard, affecting his pleasure is not.

Otherwise, Liu Yu District 20,000 Water Army, how can I block Yuan Shu South?

The evil results are that when the strange is called, Yuan Shu's watermaster is unbearable.

"Your Majesty, now, now, can only let up giving up the Dajiang, save a lot of power." Yan Xiang sighed and suggested.

This is a way to govern the standard. From then on, the Dajiang does not belong to Yuan.

But he did not have any other good way, the big situation, the life was tired by the main public, and he was also tired.

"That's the case." Yuan Shu also somewhat, "Look at the trend of Yin Yin Liu Wei, and let all the aquaticist will be on the shore, the river 10 miles, the city, let the Nanhan Water Army return."

This is told in your mouth, but Yuan Shu is already thinking about something else.

Huainan is no longer safe, is it changed?

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