Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 308 Married (Subscribe)

The Yangtze River Water War did not set off the waves, and Yuan Shu's water army did not hold the power.

In the first time, there are people to organize the army to intercept, but after being defeated, no one will fight.

Linjiang Shuizhai was pulled out, and the city along the river was also broken. If it is not a strange order, it is not allowed to go on the shore. Huang Zu wants to play directly.

When you go to the vicinity of the sun, the department of Liu Wei will surrender Fan Neng. Yuan Shu wants them to withdraw to the shore, so as not to be annihilated by the Nanhan Water Army. But Fan Neng is not willing, he is all the water army, this is his capital, the area of ​​10,000 water troops, the land is very limited, once lost ship, he is in front of Yuan Shu, nothing.

So when I arrived in Huang Zu, he took the initiative.

Seeing the Hengjiang General Zhang Ying, Fan Neng is very envious, and some regrets, if it is in the first place, now this is the wind, there should be one of your own!

Who knows that it seems that there is a strong Yuan Shu, there is almost no investment in the water army, which is the capital that was accumulated by the original two counties.

Yuan Tao's taxation is used in his own enjoyment.

After clearing the Water Army of Yuan Shu, the army did not stop, but he arrived at Dantu, which was temporarily suspended here, maintenance of the vessel, and stopped the ship.

The opposite is already Guangling County, and Jiangdu City has been waiting for early and prevent Huang Zu from attacking Guangling.

Huang Zu naturally has this idea. This battle is too easy. It failed to reflect his commanding ability.

But Qi Ti still wants this time and Lu Bu to be evil. Before playing, he will take the Huang Zu, it is shocked, but it can't take the initiative to attack Guangling.

There is nothing in Cao Leopard, Cao Wei's reincarnation is not enough, but it is nothing, but if you play Guangling touched Lu Bu sensitive nerve, let him join Liu Bei to support, it will not be wonderful.

Cao Cao is still behind, there is no need to make him cheap.


After several days, Huangzu left the 30,000 Water Army in Dantu, with Jiang Qin Zhou Tai, guarding Guangling; Zhang Ying continued to stop the Enee, and the rest of the army returned to the Peng Yuze water army base.

The captive is taken to Peng Zizhu resettlement, survey or other treatment methods. Jiang Xia's Water Army also sent back, and Huang Zu himself, with Fan Neng Huiyang, I will take Yes Qiqing. Fan Neng was blocked by the generals and sent to the singularity.

With this battle, Huang Zu was sealed from Feng'an Lu Pavilion, and two hundred households.

At this time, the Marquis is the same as the generals, or it is very rare. Liu She is still a seal of Liu Zhu, after returning the emperor, re-appointed three jiolings.

The official position was up, but the title is not.

Supporting the merit, don't say more, dozens of downs still can come out, but Liu Wom is not sealed.

Because this is too simple, it is directly to find someone to support it as an emperor, a few articles.

No people suggested, but they are all pressed by Liu.

Until Liu Feng was sent from the Quanzhong, there were only people to put forward the case of the sea, and Liu Tang was lean, indicating that it would be considered.

Not counting Liu Feng, Huang Zu is the first person of the first seal.

The title is not high, but representing Liu Tuo is loose on this, they all have hope.

Otherwise, this is the next to the Hou, the Marquis in the north is a lot, think about it!


Huang Zhuang's thick news came to Jiazhou. Cai Wei, who was led the soldiers, immediately had a temper, and went to the front line to inspire, stepped over the court.

At this time, I should call to join, the land, the people, and the martyrdom also fought, no support of the court, and did not do excluence half of the country.

In fact, there is no history of the intersession, and after Zhu Fu, Liu Tuo is going to appoint the thorn, but he is preemptive by Zhangjin as a history of Zhangjin.

But the problem is that Zhangjin is Yuan Shao, even if you want to go any, you have to come. So Liu Tang simply did not respond to the army.

So the war of the State is very smooth, the soldiers are everywhere, and there are constant surrender. The martyr is also fun, knowing that he is not a rival of Fuyang, take the initiative.

Only Nanhai County, refused to surrender, He Qi attacking several times, because the soldiers were less, failed to attack.

Until Cai Yu recovered the rest of the county, returning to the South China Sea, this attacking the South China Sea, killing the album, completing the unity of the intersection.

Then, under the suggestion of, , Cai Wei is sent to Fuyang, and the intersection will become a state.

The first thorns are the Shengxian, the Shi is Yu Lei, the rest of the scholars, etc., all into Xiangyang Anju, and award the official position.

Cai Wei spent five months, completing the plan of strange settlement, and then returned.

In October, Cai Wei returned to Fuyang was blocked from the hometown, and the food was three hundred.

His hometown is heavy, Liu Tang will not be easily sealed, unless you move a certain day.


In October, Fuyang has been lively, and the lights are bright, and a beautiful appearance.

Because the world is married this month.

I also came to Fuyang, I'm guring, Jiang Xia is too guarded, Jiang Xia is too guarded, and the Qi Ti is not too guarded, with the Tu Guard, and the Hua Tuo, continue to maintain the high pressure state of Yuan Shu. .

For a month, I have a constantly visiting various families in Xiangyang, and I have to pay a gathering of the son of the son, but also busy with the big marriage, busy.

On October 26, the team of welcome came from Fufeng, October 28, and godged.

After marriage, he is like a puppet, Ren Ren people mention, why do you do it, but also keep a polite smile. When everything ends entering the cave, he doesn't want to move.

This, I also saved many of the processes, only this big marriage date personally. If all all relatives are pro, it is not a matter of people.

However, a few generations, first married, opened red cover, and a little expected.

How do you have a single day? Is this not a compensation!

The fragrant golden, being turned over red waves ...

Yunxiao Huayuan, hibiscus, warmth, spring; spring, short-term, since then, the king is not early ...

Ok, I'm admitted that I finally understood what I got the yang, single, unfortunately, it would be called "dog", which is a life!


Fufeng Mad and Liu Tuan god, representing the choice of Zhongzheng, once again vibrating.

The next day, Liu Tuo held a mission, and he rewarded dozens of rewards.

The singularity is not allowed to, in the first place, the general of the army, lead Jingzhou animal husbandry, and sealed the Eight of Xiang Hou and the food.

This is the highest reward, the rest of the rest, you can't get much higher.

The officials of the face, the Jiutu is more than the sea, the level is uncertain.

As for the generals, the generals should not think about it, and the generals are not all enveloped.

Summarizing the war in these years, Huang Zhong was worshiped as the general of Pingong, and Liu Hao was worshiped as the general of Pingbei, Zhong Wei collar, the Pingxi General, Pingnan General, from the Shengxian, the four people gave the inside

At the same time, it promoted a number of miscellaneous generals, Gan Ning, Taichi, Zhang embroidered and other people in column, gave the inside.

The generals, the generals don't have to say, Lu Su, Xu Huang, Chen arrived, Lu Mengzhong was blocked by the general.

Liu Qi and Liu Wei, also brought to one by one, gave a gift. Have a water, but who let them be the son of Liu Tuo!

This reward, all happy, and the people of Fuyang stably, knowing that Liu Tang is not meant to give them the Quee, but the premise is what they have to be.

In the world, there is so many princes, as long as there is war, I am afraid that there is no light in the future?

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