Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 309 Chuan Guoyu (seeking subscription)

The rest of Jian'an three years is soon.

Because of the singular marriage, the state is celebrated, the next day, she received a knife and put a look at a child.

In these years, Jingzhou can be said that the rain is smooth. In addition to occasionally, there is an occasional hill, but also the peace, the material is rich, the people live, so it can support the Qi Ziyuan.

This time, in Xiangyang for half a year, every day is accompanying newlyweds, participating in the gathering of young sons, and occasionally went to Lu Ming Mountain to visit Pound Gong.

Because Xiangyang City is getting more and more lively, Pound Gong moved to Lu Ming Mountain. It is Sima Hui, because there is a collar that cannot be passed.

Pang Tong has been twenty years old. It can be born at the age of being; to Longdu has been more than 30, what is done in the book; single blessing, it is Xu Wei, has followed Sima Hui for several years, but also a teacher ...

Zhuge Liang's words, it is still a little 18, and then read the two-year book. Anyway, he is not anxious.

Jian'an four years ago, until the summer, the singular talked farewell to the newlywed wife, and the Liu Tu, and went to Jiangxia.

It is necessary to use the soldiers.


It is not accurate to play Yuan Shu, because Yuan Shu is, you can't escape.

Since the war of Chen Guo, Yuan Shu can be said that it is unrecognizable, and there is still strong military power, but it is not dare to use the soldiers.

Cao Cao was afraid of him, Lu Bu, Liu Bei grouped again, and Fuyang did not have a positive hand. Only by capturing a ginnan, but the is the most powerful one.

To put it up, he and Liu Tang still have a hatred. In the past, he was presented from Liu Tang from entering Jingzhou. He was gathered in Luyang, ready to intercept. If it stops Liu watch at the time, what is the result is not good,

Not to mention, when he is weak, he sent Sun Jiannan to attack the Yangyang. Although there is a continuing to weaken Sun Jian, it is still because of Liu Tu, there is Jingzhou.

Plus him as an emperor, if it falls into the hand of Liu, there is no good end.

So I wanted to go, Yuan Shu felt that Shouchun was unsafe. When I went to the Yellow Zu Zu, Yuan Shu had a detailed.

Because the ground is reduced, the tax income is sharply reduced, and the life of Shouchun is not worthy of Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu will never want to stay.

He is used to a rich day, then continue to raise so many big troops, he will have a bitter day, this is what he is not willing.

But he also knows that the army is the capital he proud. If there is no army, it is estimated that it will be hit by people.

I can't afford it, then I can only give others, Yuan Shu thinks of the brothers of the brothers.

At this time, Yuan Shu has already put the grandchildren in the Siki City, no accident, and You will will start.

At that time, in the land of four, it is the strongest prince.

No, it is the court that has established an orthodox emkerness, which can be homogeneous in the name of the court.

Although Yuan Shu has always looked up Yuan Shao, he has to say that he is more than Yuan Shaoxia. He is so excted that the Sanong's heritage is still exhausted, Yuan Shao is in the peak.

Therefore, Yuan Shu wants to use his own strength, plus the buddy jade, change your life.

So Jian'an four years in May, he seizes the birthday of Shouchun, leaving tens of thousands of people to keep the city, with 20,000 troops, ready to go to Qingzhou in the north, will be in Yuan Tan.


"The main public, can't let Yuan Gong Road pass." Among the county, Xiao Yizheng is guarded.

Yuan Shu is in Qingzhou, Shouchun, must pass the Pei Guo, then the country of the country, the East China, and the country, can enter the Qingzhou city, or to take the area of ​​Cao Cao Cao Cao, Zhangzhou.

But no matter which direction, Liu Bei is the first to face, avoiding it.

Liu Bei's days are not good, although occupied Pei Guo, with its own site, but there is no possibility of development.

Chen Guo, Liang Guo is occupied by Cao Cao, the south is the old nest of Huainan Yuan Shu, the east is Lu Bu, he is born in a poor, although there is a fierce, but the war's war is extremely limited. Guan Yu Zhang Fei wants to grow up, have to have more than ten years!

The grassroots are born, compared to those cultivated by the world, the gap is a bit big. Huang Zhong's family is not a poor, powerful, but strong in the United States.

Of course, like Lu Bu, I spent the war in the war, and Ma Chao said in a young man in the military. Their army's combat power is extremely strong, but the talents are all biased, and the governance is extremely poor, far can't be compared with the children developed by the family system.

Weak, Liu Bei does not have a good way to the family, even if the family does not cooperate, as long as there is no betrayal, I don't want to kill. Or if you know that someone knows that someone is communicating, you can't punish it.

Otherwise his site is going to mess. This situation also appears in the forces of Lu Bu.

It's not that the thief is born, he doesn't care about this. He doesn't have a self-reliance. If you don't care, you can't get support, expand the site, your family dares me that you don't go well, I dare to let you die.

For example, Jixian is the governance of the Ministry of Justice, Yuzhou, is more winning than Xiangxian, but Liu Bei does not dare to live in Jixian, because this is Cao's, Xia Hou's big camp. Although Cao's, Xiaou clamp is moved to Cao Cao's site, but there are still some people left, these people, Liu Bei can't move, I don't dare to use, I can only avoid it, I am not bold.

At this time, Yuan Shu is about to enter the mutual community. In the end, it will not let Yuan Shu pass. Liu Bei is not idea, and his hand is not much, so he finds that Jian Yong, Yan Hao is competing.

"But Yuan Shu also has two hundred thousand troops. This is also his last home. If you will definitely care about everything, can we come down?" Liu Bei worried.

"If the Lord is still a heart, it must stop the Yuan Highway. At that time, his army south, the main public could not stop. "

"And no matter what we can stop, even if you stop the Yuan Highway, Yuan Ben, is it coming?" Liu Bei asked.

"The main bureau is not forgetting, the fears are not only us, Cao Zongzhou and Lu Bu are also the same." Yu Zhu smiled, "The main public can contact two people, and jointly leave the Yuan Highway."


Liu Bei's messenger will soon went to Cao Cao, Lu Bu, invited two people to join us to prevent Yuan Shubei.

Cao Cao naturally is willing, now Yuan Shao immediately wants to settle the grandland, then I want to expand again, then I can only have a Central Plains in the south. Otherwise, Yuan Shao will be stupid to a self-friendship, the Nordic grassland or Western Liangzhou.

Cao Cao gave up, he has his own ambition, just limited by the land, expansion has been difficult. This time I can block Yuan Shu, avoid Yuan Shao again, and he is willing to be twelve.

Lu Bu also agreed that he couldn't say that he can see it, but a fortunate, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, as long as Lu Bu is willing to send troops, Yuan Shu carrying the wealth all.

Yuan Shuo seizes Shouchun, and the treasure carrying the treasure is not in a small number, and Lu Bu immediately agreed. Chen Gong also didn't want Yuan Shao to continue to grow, and Xuzhou fiscal is difficult, nor to stop.

So Yuan She left Pei Guo in all the way alert, seeing did not encounter hindrance, she thought that there was no one dared to stop, and the heart was very popular, and the three-party joints were blocked.

The number of two hundred thousand army is quite a lot, but the problem is that Yuan Shubei is not only a big army, and there is a large number of women who have a person who takes place with countless ships.

Many of these people have no longer binding chicken, greed enjoy, can't take the troops, greatly affect the military morale, and this opponent has added Cao Cao, so than last time Xuzhou is faster, The general will also fight countless.

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Lu Bu each gathered some captive, even Yuan Shu's family was captured by Cao Cao.

Yuan Shu is in the middle of the fugitive, and after being chased by Liu Bei, the only one along the leader of the leader is dead, Yuan Shu coughs and blood, and the governor is falling into Liu Bei.

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