Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 310 Mi Zhou Mu (seeking subscription)

It is not a lot of jade, but Liu Bei does not have a lot of money.

There is no doubt that it is a good thing, and the symbol of the orthodox status is representative of the legality of the emperor.

But good things have to be a life to carry, and Liu Bei is only a county in the district, which is obviously not enough to bear this.

Not only can't, even if you are a problem.

Yuan Shu died, the Zhongshi Empire was performed, but there were still two days in the world. Obviously, this generation symbolizes the orthodox orthodox , no matter who gives, the other will be dissatisfied.

Liu Bei did not clearly admit it to which court. Whether it is Liu She or Yuan Shao, as long as there is a letter, he will then be able to implement himself, ignoring himself.

But this time is different, it is a hot thing that is a hot hand.

But now, I want to throw it.

Liu Bei has no way, so I invited Cao Cao Liu Bei to discuss countermeasures.


Yuan Shu left Huainan, and the Qi Ti was on Jiangxia, and the 100,000 troops were assembled, and they were ready to go.

Lijiang Taishou Liu Xun, did not bring him when he left, probably there was also the meaning of it.

Liu Xun did not live up to Yuan Shu. After Yuan Shu left, he immediately greeted the army in the city, preparing to prevent death.

Juchao Chang Zhou Yu is directly out of the city, entering .

Qi Ti is not hesitant, after the time is ready, the army will immediately live in the city.

When Liu Bei, etc., when they were conspired by Yuan Shu, they were odd on the rear of Yuan Shu.

Liu Xun placed a devastating look, and there was no good way to fight in the style.

However, Liu Xun operates in the river, and the Yucheng is a new trend. It has been reinforced and constructed, and there is a person who is sufficiently guarded. Even if you have a strong fighting power, it is difficult to break the city for a while.

The squad is not stopped, ordered to stop, ordered the Peng Yuze Water Army base army dispatched, along the river landed in the river, and broke through the other counties of the transferred army, broke Liu Xun, from the back.

When Liu Bei and others defeated the Yuan Shu army, the battle of Qijiang also went to the crucial moment.

After all, Jiang Jingjun is not as good as the big army, the combat power is not as good, the morale is not as good, the military will not be as good, can stick to it, full with strong city walls, adequate municipal materials.

Once these things are exhausted, the heart is gone, and it is difficult to keep the city.

Yuan Shu's escape, a big blow to these people, not everyone has a consciousness of Liu Xun, they think that Yuan Shu has abandoned them.

Of course, some people have already planned. ,

For example, Zhou Yu, he has long prepared to prepare for the tire.

Zhou Yu is a number of people in the nest, with the support of the family, with the support of the family, and practiced the soldiers, and the combat power is very strong.

So Liu Xun transferred him into the city, because he practiced the soldiers, and others did not move.

Zhou is a Qijiang Dynasty. Liu Xun's family is also a hundred-halo. Zhou Yu is in the city's performance, and Liu Xun is relieved. In the increasing situation of the defenders, the committee is responsible for him, responsible for the West guard.

Zhou Yu is in the crucial moment, anti-Gome, controls the rest of the martial arts, to open the Qijiang West Gate, let the general army entered the city.

I learned that the Nanhan army entered the city, Liu Xun was just a sentence. He is willing to break the Qijiang for the people of Yuan Shu, he is in the river, and gives Yuan Shu to fight for time.

But he did not go to death for Yuan Shu.

I learned that the Qi Qi army has entered the city, and Liu Xun ordered the city to surrender.

There are not a few Yuan Shu's death, and the army will control the situation. The Qi Ti did not be difficult to Liu Xun, worship the general, with the army, and the family is sent to Fuyang.

He is not interested in Liu Xun and is interested in Zhou Yu.


"Zhou Yu worses the general." Zhongzhong, Qi Ti finally saw this unforgettable juvenile Lang.

Zhou Yu is twenty-four years old, very young, but the strength of the congenital period, no one dares to be underestimated.

Lip red tooth, face-to-face, singularity, the germal Liu Tu, which is more handsome, but compared with Zhou Yu, suddenly feels bad.

Excellent children developed by the world, are very good at any ability and the style.

Of course, people's temperament does not only look at the appearance, and the odds have been in the years, and the hands of the heavy soldiers will be sent, and the three law is divided. The strength does not lose Zhou Yu. In the face of young Zhou Yu, steady to the head.

"The public is free." I laughed, "More than ten years, I finally see the public."

"How do you say this?" Zhou Yu puzzled.

Not only Zhou Yu, there is no one in the surroundings, but they all look at the original quarter, a good look.

"That is still the first year of the medium," odds exposed the god color, "The yellow towel is generous, I will go to Luoyang from the old home of Shanyang, the strength is small in the road, very excited."

"After seeing the family, I was taken as an example by my family, gave me a head, let me know what is the talents. Since then, I will calm down, and I will enhance myself."

"At that time, I often wanted to see the public, but I made a respect for Luoyang, and my father was in the North Army. I didn't have a convergence until I left Luoyang to Fuyang to worship. I haven't gotten it until today. It is still I wish you a wish. "

In the next year, it seems to be a far-term number, but only the past decade. In the first year of the next year, it is only fifteen six years.

In the fifteen six years, when the boy in the middle of the country, it has now occupied the Dahan Tiannan.

"Meng Junji hangs, Zhou Yu is embarrassed." Zhou Yu said, "let the generals are disappointed."

Compared with the strange quantials that have been famous in the world, Zhou Yu is indeed obsidiary, which is a bit famous in the Qijiang, Huainan.

Even in history, the most dazzling people in Jiangdong are also Sun Ce, and Zhou Yu knows that the battle of Chibi defeated Cao Cao, finally became famous.

"No, you didn't let me down, I am very satisfied." Qi Ti smiled, "I will not have a role pattern. What you are missing, just opportunities, as long as there is a suitable platform, I believe you will bloom The same light. Gong, don't let me down. "

"Harmony is doing your best." Zhou Yuezhen back.

The odd value, let him boil. Now Zhou Yu, but only a young man, it is too small, and the mind is unfained.

Most of the battlefield a few times, probably can practice.

"You assisted in breaking the city to have a job, seal you as a general, with his own ministries, the soldiers sent birthday, and it is necessary to win the birthday before Liu Bei."

"The end will lead my life." Zhou Ying Ying said.


"Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lu Meng, Lu Xun, the history of Dongwu started, plus Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang, although it is still young, but the strength is extraordinary, it should not be afraid of anyone!" Strange heart.

"Again, there is also a person who is old, and Xu Huang, Gan Ning, Tai Shi Ci, Wu Yin, Huang Zhong and other top military, Cao Cao is weakened so much, it should be not so strong. The two armies confrontation, is there any win? "

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