Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 311, Remote Sheng (Subscribe)

Zhou Yu has completed the task handed to him.

It is not that Zhou Yu strength has many strengths, and a pioneer that is less than 10,000 will seize birthday, but a big cheap.

Chen Ji surrered.

Compared with the Qijiang, Huainan's left-behind people is the real discard.

In Yuan Shu's big seizure, the birthday of life can be taken away, and the food left is not enough to eat, and the hungry people are full.

The so-called family of the family, followed by Yuan Shu, unwilling, hey, Yuan Shu is at the end, who is still your mood, disagree, then directly copy home.

It can be said that Yuan Shu finally crazy, pitted a large number of people, let them regret it.

Even if I follow Yuan Shu, I didn't fall well, I was able to save the family early and I can use the family, and I have been destroyed by three in the evening.

They have a large number of treasures, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Lu Bu. Although it is all all belongs, it is good, and Cao Cao went to the military camp. It is difficult to come back?

This is a few people who have clear the family, Yuan Shu, the big panic, no matter in the city or in Fuyang, follow the rebellious Yuan Shu, it is a traitor, everyone is gone, Yuan Shao has nothing to say.

Even if you are evil, Yuan Shao, but what happens, it will not cover it again, don't take advantage of the benefits now, but when

The singularity has a good river, and the army has rushed to Shouchun. It is a look forward to the look.

Look at this situation, don't say Zhou Yu, no one has can't stop their thoughts. If Chen Ju is dare to block, he can't help but sell it.

The singularity, immediately transferring the military grain from the Qijiang, but also tailored to the water division, from Fuyang to fortunate food.

Huainan was tossing too embarrassed, than in Nanyang, the Nanyang was still recovered for a few years.

The Qi Ti army occupied Shouchun, capturing Huainan and Qijiang, and immediately let Liu Bei, who is still negotiating, and puts down the disputes, unified.

Give Fuyang.

Otherwise, when is Yuan Shao?

You must know that Yuan Shu took the government and jade, it was going to give Yuan Shao, it is halfway, and then give Yuan Shao, is it some face?

It is Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have always been the alliance, and I don't dare to say that Yuan Shao will not get angry.

It is less than 20,000 soldiers, and it is uncomfortable to put it.

They were fighting, and they were killed by Yuan Shu, let Qi Ti's cheap behind them, easily capture Huainan and Qijiang, seem to have a big loss, but from the income, it is worth it.

Yuan Shu's army has no heart, there are many surrendering, and each of them will be less than 3 million, more than five or six thousand prisoners, greatly enrich their strength, and also won a lot of treasures, and there is not much loss. I can't say a loss.

Moreover, Yuan Shu took the unsuccessful of Huainan, even if they got Huainan, they also had a lot of investment. Now, where did they not be willing, it is better to give the singularity, and then play again.


"Liu Bei is just a brief to give birth to the national jade?"

Liu Ziyang, is a maximum harvest of the two counties, one of the important counsels under Cao Cao, is said to be the inventor of the car, very powerful.

The thirty bare is also the strength of the post-formation.

There is also a big Sima, who is Lu Fan and Sun Quan, is also a very powerful person, the medium term, and the strength is also very good.

Well, yes, in the middle of the form, in the singularity here, it is just a good evaluation.

It is used to congenitally or later people, the innate interim realm, and the heart is in the heart.

When who is promoted to the peak or wild hung, he will be surprised.

"Turning back to the general, the disaster is harvested, this bureau is a symbol of the emperor, the hottest is tight, they can't eat, Yuan Ben, who is guilty, will only be sent." Liu Wei replied.

"But this also shows that they have no intention to be enemy with the general."

"I am afraid that it is a virtual and the snake." I laughed.

"This is also a thing, they are still insisting, it is not sweet, otherwise I will choose the general or Yuan Benchu ​​to rely on the past. Send a short-term peace, then find the opportunity to expand the site, this is their idea "Liu Wei said.

"Wenhe, Gong Du, what do you think?" Asked Qi.

"Zi Yang said very much." Jia Yu nodded.

"The general may wish to see it again, Liu Xuande expresses goodwill, and the general should also have a gift." Said.


Soon a middle-aged person is brought in.

"Jane will meet the general."

"Constitution does not have to be more ceremonial." Qi Ti smiled, "Liu Fujun said peaceful, what is it?"

"What can you still know?" Jane to spit, his mouth said, "Liu Fujun went to the thief Yuan Shu North to return, and finally, Yuan Shu's thief bowed, and got the governor of the country. This is the heavy device, Liu Fujun did not dare to stay, and the Speech was given to the generals to vibrate the Wei of the court. "

"Liu Fujun Xiu fists is the heart of the country, and the general knows." Qi Ti smiled, "Liu Fujun was in the state, and I want to find it as the animal husbandry, Feng Hou, constitutional, and how?"

"But by the generals." Jane said.

This is the naked departure, Cao Cao captured Lu Guoai from Lu Bu, Yushu Sixth County has accounted for four, let Liu Bei is Yuzhou Mu, Cao Cao will think?

But he can't refuse, this is also a chance of Liu Bei, if possible, there is this name Liu Bei to take the state of the state.

This is a positive, Liu Bei can't refuse, otherwise he can only die in Peter.

"That's good, constitutional and a few days, the script can get down, and the angel will be withhematical and the same." Qi Ti looked at the bottom, named the name, "Zi Fan, when you take a look."

"Harmony of Harmony." Lu Fang Ying Road.

After several days, Fuyang's script was sent, and Liu Bei was the mother of Yuzhou, the general of Andadong, and Feng Pavilion.


Lu Bu, Cao Cao has any reactions, and Qi Ti will not manage. Anyway, they did not send people, since they ignored themselves, they are not used to themselves.

I don't want to play now, but the time is not coming. You can't move, they don't dare to teeth yourself.

As for Liu Bei, what will be done after receiving the script, I don't care about it. If he can turn over Cao, you don't mind if you add a burden.

When I sent it away, I was held in the front line of Shouchun.

"From today, in the next two years, no longer have a soldier." The strange is directly announced the next strategy.

The discussion is talked below.

No longer fighting, it means that there is no war, and their promotion will slow down.

"Don't use the soldiers, don't mean it." Qi Ti is coming to the civil and military, "the training needs to be further strengthened, not this general, and Cao Cao, Lu Bu, the same amount, you don't have a hand. Power."

"Do not accept? This general does not want to obey, but the fact is the fact, gerberate, public, you have played with Lu Bu, you said that this general said that it has fallen?"

Cheng Pu, the yellow cover nodded.

"This general is fortunate, has never met the opponent's opponent, but this is a situation. But this is not worth proud, the most elite army in the big man, in the Central Plains, in Hebei, will be your next stage of the opponent "

"The equipment is created, the food supply, these don't worry, this general hopes, two years later, you can give a satisfactory manager of this general, not to meet the elite of the other party."

"In addition to the training, the thief, the squid, the water, the rush, all the counties, the mountains, the mountains, the whole, all the unrecognized tribes, all clearly clean. This general hopes, when two years later There is no more concern inside. "


The singularity of the monk will be shocked. They never know that the general will pay attention to the Central Plains army, spend two years to strengthen training.

When Cao Cao, Lu Bu became the next goal in their hearts.

All the way is smooth, almost no too strong opponents, although they pay attention to opponents, but they are not afraid of who.

Strangely resettlement, returning to Fuyang, these two years, he will stay in Fuyang, assist Liu Tu to handle the business, and firmly.

After so many years, it was time to take a while for a while, and the Bay in the Central Plains will be taken.

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