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Chapter 314 Different Officials Battle (Subscribe)

Learn about the big potential in the world, Zhao Mou can only feel "too late", the world has been set, he wants to complete the task, it can only start from Yizhou.

In Jingzhou, the reincarnation of the peers has been greatly completed, so even if they are willing to help Zhao Wei attack Liu Wei, he is not willing, because it will only make a wedding dress for Jingzhou's reincarnation.

He would rather tough, to complete the goal, and also eliminate Jingzhou.

It is difficult to come to this world for more than ten days, and Yizhou wants to come in. It is not easy.

As long as you get Yizhou, he has confident to hold this land.


Qi Ti did not know that all reincarnations have emerged.

In addition to the Yanfei and Niu copper, the remaining eight people, Yuan Shao's nephew Yuan Tong, Cao Cao's nephew Cao An, Liu Bei Liu Wei, Cao Leopard, Cao Wei, Han Yu, the department, Wushen The tribal leader is taken, Zhao Wei's son Zhao Mou, and the son of Zu Mao, now today, the Zuan, who is blended in the singularity.

Over the years, I have continuously collected the information of all parties, and I have died of two people. The Qi Ti knows that Yuan Tong, Zu Mao, Cao Wei, and Zhou Zi, because recently, is more high, it is also locked.

The three people from this world, because there is no action, identity or secret, as for the Wusong tribe leader, because it is too far away and not paying attention.

Jian'an four years of autumn to Jian'an six years, I have been tied for two years, on the one hand, the troops, one side of the unstable force in the territory.

The mountain was driven out of the mountain and integrated into the town. Everyone was defending his own household, and he also formed a military army and the army of the barbarian, and the combat power was still very good.

Improving the irritability of the forces, suppressing the land mergers, splitting the family, and restrict the number of private soldiers.

He wants to prohibit it, but it will not be able to achieve unless it is moved.

With more and more people in Fuyang, the power of the family in the singular forces is constantly growing. If there is no reason, he can't just do it.

In order to eliminate the impact of the family, try to improve the quality of the paper, promote the printing of the engraving, and take the lead in the military education in the army, and strive to make the monopoly of education.

Only the number of people with literacy is more, and the talent is constantly emerging. It doesn't have to rely on the family.

In order to prosper economy, business behavior is also encouraged, not only the business behavior of the family, but also encourages the cold door and civilians to conduct business activities.

Even the vendor is in the north of the sea, far from the Liaodong, intend to carry out commercial exchanges and buy the horse.

In short, although there is no foreign war in these two years, I have been very busy.


Strangely stabilized inside, and Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's contradictions also inevitably intensively.

Four years, Yuan Shaoji, Yuan Shaojing, said that he had just flattering, and Tian Feng wronned, it was recommended to immediately swite from south, capture Cao Cao, completed this before the pseudo-Han Dihan reaction, and then sent it to Xiangyang, fixed Xiangyang pseudo-Han, realize the unity of the court.

But Yuan Shao did not agree, not only because of his little son, but after several years of war, the Zhangzhou army has reached a limit, which is urgent to take a rest.

The big work will have just been rewarded, and you need to enjoy the results, including Yuan Shao himself.

Not anyone thinks about the state.

So Yuan Shao wrote a letter to Cao, persuaded the trust, and half a threat, half of the threat, let Cao Cao recognize the reality, surrendering soon, so as to avoid the battle, affecting the friendship between the two.

Cao Cao is a person who is easy to be, can you be accepted by Yuan Shao?

A few years ago, he was attacked by Lu Bu, the mountain is exhausted, and it is almost take the initiative to invest Yuan Shao. But now, he is also a strong horse, although Yuan Shao is poor than the "one", it is not the power of it.

In particular, he has seen the hidden dangers of Yuan Shao, and the sons must be divided into a number according to the county, and the counselor cannot cooperate. Coupled with the character of Yuan Shao, he felt that Yuan Shao was extremely powerful, even less than the threat of Fuyang.

This threat is great, it is also relative, at least Cao Cao can't. Compared with history, Cao Cao lost too many places and was also excavated too much wall feet.

So Yuan Shao has not attacked, Cao Cao sent people to contact Liu Bei, Lu Bu, prepared three people, and attacking Yuan Shao.

But the problem is that Lu Bu refused.

He refused.

It is Liu Bei to agree.

In the saying, Lu Bu's Xuzhou is adjacent to Yuan Shao's Qingzhou. Despite the Zanba's occupied, Liu Bei's Pei Guo and Yuan Shao are separated from Cao Cao.

But Liu Bei promised, Lu Bu refused. Run, how to persuade Chen Gong, Lu Bu has not promised.

Cao Cao, I can't get a reply, Nima's arrived at life and death, if you still don't have this, there is no hesitation, Cao Cao personally with the Liu Bao, ready to first take Lu Bu, and then with Yuan Shao.

In addition to Liu Bei, Cao Cao also pulled his baba and Cao Wei, and he was reluctant to let them discuss Lu Bu.

If the strength is allowed, Cao Cao can't wait to eliminate a few parties, but the strength is not allowed, it can only be so.

The four people teamed up, Lu Bu didn't still have the power, so soon, I was taken to win most of the sites, and I gave Lu Bu went to a letter, tell Lu Bu, if she didn't go, Shouchun is temporarily living.

Soon, Lu Bu was blocked by the next time, after more than ten days, I knew that I couldn't leave, Lu Bu sent Gao Shun, Cao's protecting her own home, broke through the resilience to Huainan, ourselves and Zhang Liao, Wei Xuan and others After breaking, blocking the troops.

Choosing Gao Shun, not only because of the powerful strength of Gao Shun, because Gao Sh will not easily surrender. If you leave a high shift, if you kill too fierce, Lu Bu is worried about Cao Cao, Liu Bei does not let go of his family.

In contrast, Zhang Liao is equally brave, but comparable to the time, there is a courage, will be approved. In addition, he will surrender, exchange Cao Cao's own family.

As for Lu Bu himself, he has already thought of ending.

It is estimated that now, even if you are willing to surrender, even if Cao is willing to accept, Liu Bei, Qi, Cao Wei will not agree.

Even if he is a martial arts.

This is also true, Lu Bu is sent to Gao Shun to break through his family, tell Gao Shun vote and rushed to Yangyang, and started the final battle.

This battle of the talented days crackled, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei two monarchs to teach Loub, and they can't press it until they came to the scene, and they took Lu Bu to fall down the horse and captured it.

In the end, Lu Bu was killed, Chen Palace went to death, Zhang Liao still surrendered Cao Cao, in exchange for Red Rabbit Ma Ruyu.

Cao Cao attacks Lu Bu, Yuan Shao is still negotiating, it is over. After the war, he was surrendered to Cao Cao. Cao Cao was transferred to the Taishan County, gave Liu Bei, and Zhang Cheng, and Cao Wei won the country. Cao Cao was taken over the old family.

See Cao Cao ignored his own kindness, Jian'an is just five years, Yuan Shao sent a general of Yan Liang to attack the East County, the official battle of Guandu.

In the congenial peak, Yan Yong is incomparable, Cao Cao listens to Cao'an's suggestion, from Liu Bei to Guan Yu, I want to be in Yan Yan, but the key moment, I was blocked by Yuan Tong, and Yan Liang was only serious, and the harm is returned.

At this time, Yuan Shao did not dare to go, Liu Bei and Cao Cao joined hands, he still attached great importance to it, with the army approached the official.

At the same time, Liu Bei is out of the sky, and Yan Ba ​​is out of Tam, and attacks all counties in Qingzhou. It is intended to force Yuan Shao to divide the soldiers and reduce Cao Cao's pressure.

Liu Bei is also very selling, because Cao Cao said, if Liu Ban dares to retain, he will give up, let go of Yuan Shao Nan.

This is why Liu Bei is willing to borrow the reason.

Of course, there is one reason that Zhao Yun has been found, and he is a lot of gods.

Qingzhou's county is too fast, Yuan Shao has to divide the troops, let Cao Cao adhere to it.

It took more than a year, Cao Cao has also experienced the food shortage, but it is good to support Cao Wei.

Cao An once thought that Cao Cao recommended the grain road of Yuan Shao, such as the burning of Yuan Shao's tun.

However, after Cao Cao survey, I found that Yuan Shao's grain is more than just a place, and there are heavy soldiers to guard, they can only make it.

Because the reincarnation of the reincarnation, the battle of Guandu went to the distinct direction.

Until the six years of Jian'an, the battle of Guuru is still continuing.

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