Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 315 Cao Cao is embodied (seeking subscription)

Official front line.

In the bill, Cao Cao is worried and is very embarrassed.

For all, Cao Cao has a feeling of a kind of people.

In that year, Cao Cao entered the main championship, and his army, defeated millions of Qingzhou Huangji, and he was killed hundreds of thousands, and the Qingzhou army was formed, and there was still a sense of ambition.

But it would not be so smoothly after a few years.

It is because of the betrayal of Chen Palace, he seized Xuzhou's plan to die, delayed for two years, this delay, the situation is very different. When he wants to expand again, in addition to Yuan Shu's power range, you will go everywhere.

Xiangyang Liu Fang is sitting in millions of people, and the land of Huainan, this can't move, moving is a dead enemy, seeing Fuyang has never appointed Yangzhou thorn history, it is waiting for two counties.

Xuzhou Liu Bei and Lu Bu are not easy to read, until the cruise of the previous year, Liu Bei felt danger, finally smalled with Lu Bu, plus Lu Bu, the anti-hgyis, which eliminated this hidden danger.

Nowadays, Henan Province, in addition to Weinan, all of them are Cao Cao's site, but it is still not enough.

Are you rich in Yuzhou? This is no doubt that Yuzhou has always been the most affluent place, including Zhangzhou, but it is also the largest place in the family. Especially in these years, the war is frequent, the Political Bureau is unstable, and the people are difficult to maintain their livelihoods. Even if Cao Cao has implemented the strategy of Tuna, it is impossible to resume people's livelihood.

If you encounter a natural disaster, under the famine, you want to recover more difficult.

Therefore, the strength of Cao Cao is too weak than Yuan Shao, who occupies the land of the four states.

The battle of Guandu, Cao Cao only had two hundred thousand army, but Yuan Shao has hundreds of people. Even if Liu Bei is divided by Liu Bei, it is still not Yuan Shao's opponent, and can only support hard work.

But now, Cao Cao feels that it is not supported. In the past two years, Zhangzhou, Yuzhou is already desolate. Then, it is estimated that there is no need to attack Yuan Shao, Cao Cao himself is rushing.

"Tenderness, I really have some support." In the big account, Cao Cao looked at it, revealing the color of weakness.

Tens of thousands of food and grass are so difficult to play. Although Yuan Shaojun has a lot of people, the general is not closed, the combat power is different, the counsel fights, but as long as Yuan Shao is in the heart, there is no big problem.

Cao Cao adhered to two years, and the rear supported a lot of army, but now it is still half of the original. Despite the killing of more aid, Yuan Shao's rear support is far from Cao Cao.

So Cao Cao felt can't play.

is also a tired color. Although his strength is strong, he has already arrived at the homes, and there is a helper such as Guo Jia, Cheng Wei, but the thorns of helpless, Tian Feng, frustrating, Guo map, charter, Xu Wei ... that is not good, so that he is tired.

"It has been insisted for so long, the Lord is now giving up, it can give up the strength." Said.

"What do I taste it?" Cao Cao smiled, "if the text is not not understanding, how long do you think we can still support?"


"Feng Xiao, what do you think? Do we want to surrender?" Cao Cao asked the sick youth of the eye.

"If the Lord does not want to give up, there is still a way." Guo Jia opened, causing a cough, "It is a bit drinking and thirst, but also to bear the name."

"Feng Xiaotou!" face suddenly changed.

"Talk!" Cao Cao wanted to seize the rescue of straw, regardless of the blocking.

"The year is coming, Xian Xia, Wu Hui is coming to play the valley." Guo Jia sneaked over, this said, "If it is a great interest, it can lead them in the south. Yuan Shao rear, must have an immediate Our chance is coming. "

"Of course, it can not achieve it."

"Okay, just do it!" Cao Cao also thought of the consequences, his face could not discharless, and finally made up his mind.

"Lord ..." , Cheng Wei wants to persuade, but by Cao Cao.

"You are worried, I know," Cao Cao said sincerely, "But this is our final opportunity, as long as we can solve Yuan Ben, then we can solve Yuan Ben, and then drive out these alien out of the big man."

He didn't make a failure, and maybe some people have an aware of this problem.

"Tell Liu Bei, all Qingzhou will give him, let him make Yuan Tan as soon as Yuan Tan, he will take Qingzhou, he is not before, then take two scattered."


Qi Dang, Linyi.

After receiving the letter from Cao Cao, Liu Bei also convened the generals.

As a tie, Liu Bei's day is better than Cao.

He has made a soldier, and he has already launched the North Sea, Dong Rai, Qi State, Sanshi, and Yuan Tan.

Although Liu Bei's strength is not as good as Cao Cao, it is only temporarily expanded to 100,000 people, but Liu Bei's opponent is not strong! Liu Bei's hand has three martial arts masters, although the quality of the scribes is not high, the quantity is, but it has been playing.

Two years, Liu Bei's strength not only did not decrease, but it has improved a lot. Yuan Shao saw Qingzhou's situation, and once again sent Yuan Tan led the soldiers to resist the attack of Liu Bei.

Compared with Liu Bei, Cao Cao is really big.

But now, Liu Bei must pay.

Can not take good things!

"Cao Mengde is really anxious." Jane to laugh, "But he urgently use it, we don't have the front battlefield."

"Isn't he have to defeat Yuan Ben?" Liu Bei asked.

"It's impossible, if there is this ability, can you wait until now?" Zhang Fei said.

"Unless I broke the grain road of Yuan Benchu, this is impossible, Yuan Bang is too much attention to food." Said , "or have an external force, but it is impossible, Fuyang has no signs, who dares to participate During this war? Do you expect to be the western cool? Still say Zhang Yan, Li Le, these yellow towels? "

"No, Zi Zhong, you also ignore the force." Liu Bei's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Big Brother, you said ... How can he dare to do this?" Zhang Fei shouted.

I have grown in Qizhou, Zhang Fei saw too many extemporated Chinese people's cases, he dared to think that these people would be in the Central Plains.

"Cao Mengde can't do it, don't do anything in order to win?" Guan Yu stayed in Cao Cao for a while, very saying.

"Three brothers, if Cao Mengde insists, we can't stop." Liu Bei is also a Qizhou people, knowing the harm of the exotic, "I want to make the account, I can only wait for the war."

"Cao Cao, I will never let you go." Zhang Fei pressed into the voice.


Cao Cao's action is very fast, immediately sent people to Quanwu, and promise as long as they helped themselves to defeat Yuan Shao, and then put Qizhou to them to do raise racefields.

Originally Wu Ran in the big Hanbian County, just stationed, Cao Cao asked the site to himself, Wu Hui naturally, which means the continuous population and wealth.

So I didn't care about the Liao West, and I called the Wushu, and I would like to discuss the things in the south.

At the same time, the Xianbei also ushered in Cao Cao's messenger.

Soon, Xiang Bing, the army of the Wuhuang, invading the town, because the Qizhou soldiers and horses were exhausted to Guandu, Yuan Xi did not stop the helper army with a lot of internal respiration, soon he was hit by people , Hurried down the army to escape.

After the big breaks, Wu Hui, Xianbei army continued to enter the south, and entered Zhangzhou.

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