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Chapter 316 from the soldiers (seeking subscriptions)

"" sound, a white porcelain tea bowl is broken.

"These grasslands areas, really is a wolf," Yuan Shao's anger, "What do they want to do? Do you want to turn the State into their scorpion?"

"The generals, very obvious that Cao Cao is in a hurry, you can't support it, so I will introduce Hu Gu south." Tian Feng said.

"I still don't give up this time. Cao Mengde is really a tough," Yuan Shao said, "I don't know if he promised anything. The first leader of the Wuhuang has been sealed. It is difficult to really imagine Hu Yan, and will be confident?"

"They won't give up their own advantages, but Cao Cao must be blends, or even mittens is not there, otherwise Wu Hui, Xianbei all parts have no reason to provoke us." Tian Feng analyzed.

"What is the strategy of the position?" Yuan Shao asked.

"The general, Wu Hui, Xianbei is not the disease, the real big problem is the Cao Cao of the Central Plains," I said that I said that Cao Cao has arrived at the edge of the rush, so she still caught the hull south. "

"There are many people in Qianzhou, and the fraf the people can often break the city pool, but the Hezhou is different, the general will only send it to the town, according to the city, temporarily block the , Xiang Mi, then, the army is striving to attack Cao Cao. It will defeat it, capture the land of Yankuan, Yu, and Liu Bei will not fight, and then return to the teacher to clear the Wu-hu, Xianbei, still not too late. "

"In this way, the people of Youzhou are sad." Tian Feng said.

"This is also a matter of it, if the world is like, he will go to Cao Mende!"

"The generals, the plan is good, but there is a problem, Fuyang has to prevent it." Xu Wei said.

This world, Xu Wei is not surrendering Cao Cao. After all, Cao Cao is not as good as Yuan Shao, the difference is too far.

"Xiangyang has been talked for two years. If you suddenly send our troops at this time, or grab our results."

"Yes, the generals, the time when they arrived with Xiangyang, must be prepared first." Deep Dead should be.

In the past, Fuyang and Yucheng did not recognize each other, and the rest of the time is ignored. But as Cao Cao is about to be destroyed, the two sides have to face this problem.

"Okay, just do it." The uniforms of the public were agreeing. Yuan Shao has decided, "" Dao, you take the hustle ", the commander of the army, the army, head to the river, will be defeated by the defeat , Put the Wuhuang Freshly blocked in the river, can you do it? "

"The generals are relieved, and the end will not put the Wuhuang, and the Xianbei is riding south." Yuan Tong guaranteed.

Just joke, this is his first chance to do so many big troops, and you will have to do it, let alone the family of Qizhou thorn.

"The rest will, immediately attack Cao Cao Dadian, and take Cao Cao."

Yuan Sha's million army is not empty. Yongzhou Yuan Tan has 200,000, and it has given a reincarnant Yuan Tong 100,000. It is still more than 500,000 people who attack Cao Cao.

It has become precarious.


Huainan, Shouchun, Qi Ti again called the generals.

Two years of rest, did not let these people faded in the colors, almost everyone is more or less participating in the past, and the places of peace, and the literary power is further.

Jia Yujin, the god of the gods, is said to be a step, have already touched the threshold, Xu Wei is also the peak of the chemical shape, the post-style, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lu Xun, Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang, Liu Wei and other young people are also The strength of the post-formation, there is also a local governance, Zhang Zhao, Gu Yisheng, etc., is also the late stage.

In the military commander, in addition to Huang Zhong is a martial country, there has not been a second martyrdom, but Gan Ning, Tai Shi, Wu Yin, Xu Huang, Zhou Tai, Zhang embroidered to the innocent peak, and escape from Lu Bu Gao Shun, also arrived in the innate peak, Lu Meng, Chen arrived, He Qi, Li Tong, literature hiring, etc. also arrived later.

The hustle-defense, the historical celebrity of the first heaven, such as the Xinzheng Jun's Wei Yan Weiwen, only 18 years old, is already the middle of the day.

Not only the individual strength rises, but the training of the army has not delayed, but the strength is steadily improved.

But what extent is improved, but also the battlefield test.

"All, two years, respectively, together again, this general is very pleased. I can see that you have worked hard, there is a small progress," Qi Ti is coming to everyone, "but what is the result, to look at the next fighting."

"You also know that Yuan Cairi is a war, Cao Cao takes 200,000 troops, hard anti-Cao Cao Military army for nearly two years, what combat power you think, change the cost of the general in Yuan Shao, you can ask for self-evident Cao Cao's big camp! "

Here, the whispering louder.

"Require you to practice the soldiers, because you are not strong enough, now you have proved your strength." The Qi Ti continued, "Originally, I came to come, I still hesitate to start, now I don't have to hesitate, this The general has decided, starting with Cao Cao. "

"Because of the unbearable pressure, Cao Cao contacts Wu Hui, Xianbei is in the south, and Youzhou has fell into the hand of Wuhuang, and the people of Youzhou are slaughtering, you can imagine what kind of miserable."

"So, you must give Cao Cao one lesson, let him know what it can be done. This war is likely to be caused by Cao Cao's death, all, you will be strong, you will see this battle. "

"The public will listen to."

"The last thing will be." Everyone went to.

"In order to reverse the general, Zhou Yu is the main, Gan Ning, Xu Huang is deputy, , is the military division, lead 100,000, from the general of Hequ Ping, Liu Luo, Chen Li."

This plan is a Qi Ti and Yan, Jia Wei, etc. have been very negotiated.

"The end will be observed." Zhou Yu and others got up.

Everyone saw the eyes, this is the first independent leader of the singularity, but the young general will not have a lot of credits, and there is no record, just because of the singularity.

Zhou Yu naturally knows the discussion behind everyone, but in fact, he doesn't say much, he is going to do, it is to respond with facts, and you have a strange value.

"The general of the general, the army, Liang Guo, after the Chen Shuhui, from the back of Cao Juan Daguantian." Strange, said, "But the plan can't change the change, if there is an unexpected occurrence, Zhou General, more Listen to the proposal of the military division, but allow you to get the right to step. "

"The end will be understood." Zhou Yu should. He knows that this is an afraid of herself who can't press it.

"Zhu Jun, this battle is the key to our unified Central Plains. I hope that Zhu Jun is brave." Qi Ti looked at everyone, "to win the Central Plains, then the next is the , can not be sealed, It's hard to see your own efforts. "

"I will go back to rectify the army, and I will send troops after three days."

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