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Chapter 317 of the Universiade (Subscribe)

After three days, the Qi Tao army killed Pei Guo, promoted into the north, and the trend is like a broken bamboo.

At the beginning of the war of Guandu, Cao Cao also worried that Fuyang was robbery, in Sichuan, and Pei Guo left a quite strong army to prepare.

However, with the priority of the war, the previous losses have a heavy loss, and the Yangyang is still an indifferent look. Cao Cao continued to transfer the rear of the army and the municipality to the official front line, blocking Yuan Shao's attack.

Therefore, Cao Cao's 2 million troops remain less than half, in fact, the war is far more than 100,000. Every time, the recruit training is out of the results and is also transferred to the front line.

Strong army, the general is touched, the left is the county army, the county war is low, or the new recruitment is not new.

In order to fight Yuan Shao, During the two years of the battle, Cao Cao took ten criticism to the second state, so that the people's livelihood was witnessed, even the family is inevitably affected, and they are desperate to Cao Cao.

If it is a big army in Cao Cao, they are estimated to learn Chen Gong.

In the past two years, there is a secret sender to Fuyang. I invite Liu Tu for the provinces, but I have ignored it.

Seeing the Qiqi finally, these people like the family, very well, even some city pools are not a soldier, they will be incense directly.

In less than a month, I won a lot of Pei Guo, and I broke Liang Guoguo, Chen Guo, and Zhou Yu's tie, also broke the Sichuan.

Then, the singularity did not manage the mountains, Jimin, but in accordance with the plan to enter Chen Li, prepare to be with Zhou Yu, with Yuan Shao, clamped Cao Cao.


"Feng Xiao, Wen Ruo, what should I do now?" In the big account, Cao Cao asked with his face.

Although Yuan Shaojun is very urgent, Cao Cao is still holding it, but at this time, he received a message from two ways to two.

You know your own things, what is the situation of Cao Cao very clearly, so I will discharge the counseling of the counseling with the army of Fuyang.

"The main public, the worst situation happened, the main public needs to be planned early." Guo Jia tired said.

He was optimistic about Cao Cao, but he came to teen, but the position of helpless Cao Cao was too unfavorable. The land of the four battles, all around him, so that he is empty, but there is nowhere.

"You have long thought of this situation?" Cao Cao asked.

"Yes." Guo Jia Yu is on a look and replied.

This ending, Cao Cao should not think of it, but he is too focusing on the victory of Yuan Shao, ignoring the possible trends in Fuyang.

"This battle, we lost, no chance." Cao Mu sighed, "What is it teach me?"

"The current choice is still a lot, but I want to continue to fight back." , "Either vote Yuan, either rush Liu, if the Lord is unwilling, can also go east, according to Thailand Ru Guo Union with Liu Bei, according to Qingzhou again. "

"Or directly west, defeat Liu Wei's tie, seize Henan land, enter the guanzhong and even Liangzhou, and then later. But this is not necessarily successful, and there is Zhong Yuan often sit in the town. The Liangzhou is not good. Take our existing strength, you want to pass and stand around, it is too difficult. "

"No matter which choice is made, you need to decide as soon as possible, otherwise we have been defeated, the importance is declining, the main public is surrendered, the future is also ..."

"I understand, let me think about it," Cao Cao laughed, "Ten years of struggle, destroyed in this chapter, is really unwilling."

He is very clear about the current situation, no matter which choice, he can't do "master", but for the people.

The next day, Cao Cao has decided that it is ready to honest with Xiangyang.

"We can't take too much losses in the South. It is not going to go. Although Xiangyang Liu Tang is mediocrity, the son is extraordinary, and the Shengyang has a grand event, it is asceive, I don't want to bring you again, bring you The public will rush around, and they will rely on Fuyang. "Cao Cao came to the three people.

Of course, there are other reasons, that is, their family is in the mountains. It is very close to Qiqi. If you go to North Pot, Yuan Shao or West to Liangzhou, the family must not guarantee, how many people are willing to follow him?

I can't really choose to go to Taishan, and Liu Ji struggled to the micro-oil.

"The main public, is it to send people before contact Liu Zijun?" Asked.

"No, don't go first," Cao Cao said, "I have only wondered the Jingzhou army strong, I have never been a meeting, I don't want to fight, I am not willing, just try this. Liu Zijun."

"Lord, then ..."

"Wonderful, after the problem, I will bear it." Cao Cao said.

The retreated military order conveyed, Cao Jun was unwilling to withdraw off the official through the night, and it was less than 70,000. Of course, I don't want to surrender, but I am going to fight the Jingzhou army.

Cao Cao cheered two thousand troops. In the leadership of the counseling and military commander, I will stay in Chen Li before the arrival of the Qi Ti army, and the rest of the people will follow Cao Hong.

Guandu Yuanjun found Cao Cao to evacuate, spent a period of time is not the trick of Cao Cao, this only sent aunt to occupy the official ferry, and then wanted to pursue it. Cao Cao has far away.

After Tiantiang, Yuan Shao called the public, and divided the soldiers to take the city.

I learned that Cao Cao took the army to Chen Li, Yuan Shao, also specially avoided Chen Li.


The Qi Tao army arrived in Chen Li, Cao Cao immediately went out of the city to fight.

"Is Cao Cao be so boasted?" Qi Ti Xi Xiu asked.

"Take a behavior, unlike this kind of person." Zhuge Liang said.

The singularity took 300,000 troops, Cao Cao only had 20,000, how to see is to send death.

"Maybe there is a conspiracy." Xu Wei Shen said.

"Maybe it is to surrender!" Pang Tong smiled.

Everyone is, this idea is too bizarre, but it is not possible.

This time, I didn't directly start killing. I saw Cao Cao standing for the feet. The Qi Tao army was still stationed outside the arrow.

"Who dare to fight with me?" The singularity has not discussed a result, and he heard a roaring in front.

"Cao Cao's guards of the army, the martial arts." The Qi Ti came to the array, he heard someone in the discussion.

"Han Sheng, you go to fight, be careful, save yourself." Qi Tumber Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong nodded, his legs slightly, and the deep red war horse rushed out.

This war horse is Huangzhong selection from the sedation of the Xihuang Army, the innate medium-end, name the original fire.

"Nanyang Huangzhong is also." Huang Zhong came to the court and swuses to the Cai Wei.

Universities, do not say to have the power to move the sea, nor is it ordinary people to imagine. The big army of the two sides has left enough air, which is to provide the venue for the fight.

The contest of the monk, the contest of the monk is presented in front of the singularity.

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