Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 318 Cao Liu (seeking subscription)

In the onlring of the army, Huang Zhonghe Cai Wei is a battle, and the momentum is strong, it is getting higher and higher to break through the innocent peak, reaching an incredible monarch.

The singularity of the eyes and looked at the two people in hand.

Magong's strong, the power to be mobilized is far from the priority of the martial arts, and when the time of handing, the air is blocked.

Qi Ti did not have seen Huang Zhong and a congenital peak, but learned and played, nor did he die, and it could not make full power.

This battle will not be retained. The same is the powerful man, and this time is closed, but there is a fatal danger.

Qi Ti thinks, with the strength of the congenial peak in the future, if it is fighting with the two people at the moment, you can't support a few rounds. If it is further broken to the peak, it is estimated that it can support more than a dozen.

The premise is that the two do not need to have its own magical pass.

It is, but the unique killer of the martial arts, in the words of the game, it is to enlarge.

The power of the heavens and the earth that the martial art worship is too large, and the peers of the same level wants to succeed in dealing with mental skills.

The army only has a battle, and the gas machine is integrated to resist this pressure.

At this time, in the forefront, whether Cao Caojun or Jingzhou Army is the most elite army, in the forefront, resist the strength of the two people.

"I've been hidden by the tiger!" The two battles have hundreds of battles, always do not divide the victory, finally, Cai Wei makes his own magical.

As he hit it, the gas machine in the void is condensed into a tiger's shape, with the momentum of the Caiwei, causing Huang Zhong, causing a while.

I was driven to rush to the tiger, the end of the road, very ferocious, vowing to stop the obstacles on the front road.

"The blood scout." Huang Zhong also didn't want to show weakness, and a huge long knife gradually formed, with his chopping, with an unprecedented momentum toward the fierce tiger.

The sound rumor has risen, bringing the dust of the sky, obscuring the sight. Suddenly there is a scribe, bringing a blast, dispelting the dust, and the two in the scene.

The tiger and the giant knife are all dissatisfied, and the two are not good, and the mouth is slightly with blood, especially the horse, and more tired, some are somewhat unexpected.

Universal makes it out, it is still unhappy.

Ciwi's horses back, Huang Zhong thought that he had to escape, I would like to pursue it immediately, but I found that the original fire has been weak. Think about it, no longer move forward, but took out the giant bow on the back.

Unexpectedly, I haven't waited for him to have a move, and the way is a little bit of a little, it is a little bit of golden giant, with the power of rotation, to Huang Zhong attack.

"Flying Ghost", Yidong, another epitope.

"Little looks at you," Huang Zhong has already bent the bow, "the moon bow."

Arrows, fast as a meteor, first arrive, just sputum.

The abstraction disappears, Xiaoxiao and the Iron Arrow fall to the ground.

"Hey", the sound sounded, Cao Cao Ming Jinzhao.

The singularity also called Huang Zhong back.

"Please answer the army." Qi Ti suddenly found that Cao Cao single-person ride, rogue.

"The general is not, beware of fraud." Xu Wei and others advised.

"Yuan Dynasty is relieved,"

"The general is at ease, there is someone, and it will not hurt the general." Huang Zhong said.

When I was hit, Huang Zhong held a giant bow, after the police

"See the generals, Cao Cao has a gift, and the armor is in the body, please can't be full." Cao Cao hugged.

"Nothing, Cao Meng's reputation, this general is also like a thunder." Siki smiled, "How, is Cao Zhengzhou, is it to send dead, or come to surrender?"

"What did the general see?" Cao Cao was shocked.

"The general only knows that Cao Mengde is not a person who is unhappy." Strange said.

"General, at this moment, I didn't have a few steps, I didn't worry about my hand." Cao Cao is like a threat.

"Meng De is trying to see." Qi Ti is still laughing.

"Haha, joke," Cao Cao stared at the singularity, laughed, "The general guess is right, Cao Cao is coming to surrender."

"Uncommon choice, but your ex-it is?" Asked Qi.

"General Ming Jian, the soldiers follow me for a few years, there is always a chance to explain, they don't understand the general, I just let them see the power of Jingzhou Jun."

"I am afraid that Mende will also want to see it. Look at Jingzhou is a virtual name." The Qi Ti saw Cao Cao's purpose at a glance.

Cao Cao, in the eyes of the world, is not very good, what is a good wife, murderers in the dream ... odd, naturally, there is also a wire protection.

"I have a strong army, namely Qingzhou soldiers, if the general can defeat it under the same military power, I will have an explanation of the people, and I can avoid the big-scale killing." Cao Cao said.

Cao Cao is sleepy, although the army is strong, but there is still no ace, the tiger leopard ride in the world is still there.

Now Cao Cao, can't afford expensive cavalry.

"As long as you are not a person, this general can promise you a fair battle." Qi Xi thought about it.

"I promise, just the army, in order to ban, Li Di, Lejin is the deputy, there is no scribing, dispatched 3,000 people." Cao Cao said.

"Remember your words," Strangely stared at Cao Cao, "If you dare to play, this general will let you cao, Xia Hao's whole."

The low voice, the atmosphere of the murder, let Cao play a cold, and he finally saw this will have the power of the people in the south.

"General, what does Cao Cao mean?" Qi Qi just came back, someone asked.

"General, the end will be warned." The Qi Ti explained the specific situation, and some people made a speech.

"Gao General, your ability will never doubt, but this time, you can't play." The strange moved his head vetoed Gao Shun.

"Why?" Gao Shun is unwilling. He wants to revenge for Lu Bu, but he listens to the words, Cao Cao is going to surrender, after the same camp, how can he revenge?

So this may be the last battle, Gao Shun wants to play.

"Gao General, although Lu Feng has been killed for two years, but in the eyes of outsiders, you are still Lu Bu's department, representing a part of the State Army, can't reflect the power of Jingzhou Army. So, this battle, can't It is you. "The Qi court explained.

"At the end, I will understand." Gao Shun was unwilling.

"Uncle, three martial arts at least in the late days of the day, may even reach the innate peak, plus strength of Qingzhou soldiers, is there a grasp?"

"General, if this war does not win, it will be three thousand bodies." Chen arrived.

"Well, this battle is handed over to your white soldiers." Strange said, "Go, this general will prepare the wine, waiting for you to triumph."

Chen is really worthy of training the master, in just a few years, the fighting power of Bai Yu soldiers is extremely powerful, not only so, there are Lu Meng, Wei Yan, and Huo Jun in the white soldier.

I have to say that Chen is alone, and I will see the best people in Wei Yan and Huo Jun.

As for Lu Meng, before reading the literature, it is a husband. Because it is an old town, it will be blocked to go to the past.

Of course, I will not let Lu Me will wait for a long time in the white soldier, it is preparing to find a chance to turn it away, advise his reading, and the opportunity is coming.

The singularity believes this combination and will not let him down.

Qingzhou soldiers, although the famous arrogance, but really is not much.

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