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Chapter 321 Pingxu, Zhao Cao Wei (seeking subscription)

Liu Bei's Xuzhou 3rd, Qi Ba only sent people to stay in the land, Donghai, Pengcheng took the roots.

He has some understanding, and the army in the hand is too small, and he will not occupy too much place. In fact, even if he is, he doesn't want it, but if you don't want, Jingzhou army can attack Taishan from , he will be hit by two sides.

Yuan Tan believes, so it can only take it over.

Liu Bei was evacuated from the three counties, and he was immediately sent to take over the cavalry fire. Because of the timely, Liu Bei only took the army left here, and the people who wanted to take together were cut.

Of course, Zhang embroidery is just a preliminary setting of the East China Harbor Country and Pengcheng, because he does not continue to be in the north, but the Sun Guan, who is sending, until the Taguate Committee is arrived, take over the county, This only led the soldiers.

Spring, the Qi Ti has once again set up 300,000 troops, with Cao Cao as the will, Jia Wei, Guo Jia as the military division, and lives to take the next black and Guangling.

Especially in Cao Cao, Guangling is too guarding Cao Wei must take it, and die. Only two of the two martial arts priests have been invested in Cao.

Wiping Cao Cao army left, and the heart is very comfortable. It has been so long, and there is finally someone who can independence, and will never be forced to enable Cai Wei, Huang Zu.

If you say it, even if you surrendene, Cao Cao's forces is not better than Cai Wei, Huang Zu, but Cao Cao has come, there is no foundation in the face, and must rely on the singularity. There is Cao's clan people in hand, with Cao Cao surrendered, and Cao Cao even wanted to rebellion, and the army under his hand would not follow him.

Therefore, the singularity can rest assured that hundreds of thousands of army will hand over Cao Cao command.

And he, he is waiting in Shouchun.


"How is the strength of Gong, Guangling Water Army?" Shouchun City, Qi Qi said.

"About 30,000 people, more than ten boats, hundreds of squats."

"What about our water army?"

"About 100,000 people, hundreds of houses on the house."

"We set up the south of Jiangnan early, the water army seems to have no bravely." Qi Ti smiled, "Let Lu Su, Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai soldiers, attack the Guangling Water Army, then patrol along the sea to prevent Cao Wei from the sea get away."

"The general seems to pay attention to Cao Wei?" .

"He just fails to be lucky, change the environment, not necessarily, this kind of person I didn't dare to stay." Qiki casually found a reason.

Otherwise, this is always his mission.


"All the people, the Jingzhou army is coming, how should we earn an enemy?" Huai Yincheng, after the first part of the country, Cao Wei took the county to this place, and convenient for the control of the two counties.

The singularity began to win the army to the Shouchun, and Cao Wei received the news and immediately organized the public.

He is very unwilling, his career is a little color, we must usher in the disaster of the top.

Xuzhou is very rich, the population is also a lot, and he rely on 300,000 troops in two counties.

This is also the limit of the support of the biennium.

However, Xuzhou also has a defect, and the fighting power of the soldiers is too bad. If you want a harmonic, practice into a military conservation, it takes a long time.

And his position is very bad, there is a sea, west, and the south is the Jingzhou army's site. The north is Liu Bei, and the two are not good.

Although these two years of Jingzhou Army stopped and stopped war, but if he wants to go to the tiger, I am afraid that this tiger will immediately wake up and swallow yourself.

The reason why it doesn't look at yourself in your eyes.

Cao Wei has clearly understood the strange mind, keeping yourself not to make Jingzhou's threats greater, avoiding Cao Cao, Liu Beibian dead fox, and Yuan Shao.

He wanted to work with Yuan Shao, but unfortunately the distance is too far.

He started too late, Jingzhou army became a great trend, but he was not willing to look at the strange success, so it is desperately expanded.

There are not many people in Qingzhou, Donghai, and Pengcheng, Liu Bei, and he wanted to take the opportunity to seize two counties, but it was objected from the legacy.

Liu Bei, who has served as Xuzhou, is still very big in Xuzhou, and they have experienced Yuan Shu in Xuzhou's evil, and naturally he is reluctant to Yuan Shao.

And Liu Bei is fighting with Yuan Shao, blocking Yuan Shao South. Even if they hope that Liu She is killed, not Yuan Shao seizes Xuzhou.

Cao Wei is very helpless, his control of the two counties is not so strong, and the hand will listen to his orders, but once it involves their huge benefits, it will immediately turn his face.

This is the power of the family.

He can absolutely control, only one-third of strength, not enough to flush his face. The more it is to expand the army, the more powerful power is also.

No way, Cao Wei can only hold two counties, sit and see the world change.

If there is such power when entering this world, he will never go to this point in this point, and the vast water of Jiangnan is a pity that it is cheap to be cheap by the reincarnation of Jingzhou.

In an instant, Cao Wei thought a lot.

"The Guantun is relieved, we have the profit of the city, the armor, the grain, and how many people will come," It is difficult to enter. "Announced people opened.

"Zhu Shao, what do you think?" Cao Wei looked at Zhu Zhi.

"The soldiers will be hidden from the water, if it is," Zhu Zhi said, "Jingzhou Army must be careful."

"Can Zhu Yutu have confident to defeat Jingzhou Army?" Cao Wei asked with expectation.

"Try to do our best." Zhu Zhi did not answer his positive, and it was not confident in Cao Wei.

"Is it a dispersed according to the city, or a combination of power?" Cao Wei asked again.

"The government has been repairing Huaoling in the years. Isn't it waiting today?" Zhu Zhi smiled, "Just gathered the army in the Huai Lingjun, blocking Jingzhou Army."

"That's good, just do it, I personally take the town Huai Ling, provide all the support for Zhu Shaozi." Cao Wei said.

Sun Jian's old department is in Jingzhou Army. Zhu Zhi is not close to him, and he is also worried about Zhu Zhi to surrender.

As long as the Jingzhou army can block the Jingzhou army in Huaoling, in the next year, Yuan Shao Liu Bei, maybe you can usher in the transfer, and you can also enhance Huainan.


However, let Cao Wei disappointed that Zhu Zhi fails to block Cao Cao for a long time.

It is true that Huai Lingcheng is repaired, the city's military grain is sufficient, and Zhu Zhi is also trying to do his best, but the problem is that the power of Xuzhoujun is not so strong. Many people have never experienced war.

More importantly, there are two Shenxong cultural rigs in the Qikang army, and there are a large number of scribic assistance. Guangling is difficult to support the water, which is always suppressed by Jingzhou army and offset the city's profit.

Then support for two months, Huai Lingcheng broke.

Before this, Jiangdu was broken by Lu Su, Jiang Qin, and Zhou Tai, destroyed along all waters along the river, along with all waters, and four cruises to escape.

Huai Lingcheng broke, Cao Wei fled to Huaiyin, assembled only the power, and barely gathered tens of thousands of troops, with people to escape to the north, ready to invest in Taishan.

Then be chased by Zhang embroidered cavalry, and fought again.

Pingding the West Luxer Li Wei and others, Jingzhou cavalry has increased a lot, plus the expansion of these two years, has been 30,000 rides. Dealing with tens of thousands of defeat, not blowing up.

Cao Wei quickly escaped again, no a few people around me, Zhang embroidered but chased. In the end, the plan in Cao Wei escaped in the mountains, because refusal to surrender, was killed by Zhang Suan.

Cao Cao went to Xuzhou, soon took over the counties of Xuzhou.

In addition to the country, Xuzhou has taken place in hand.

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