Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 322 seeking Tiezhong (seeking subscription)

"Hey, system prompt: Your department will kill the dominery of the field, reward the source of 10 points."

Received system prompts, Qi Ti is very satisfied.

Cao Cao did not let him down, excellent completion of the task, so that our Xuzhou animal husbandry is actually.

The rest of the country, Qi Ti is not planning to play, once started, just a whole body, Liu Bei, Yuan Shao will involve it, and it is a long-lasting battle.

As a modern person, he can't do so, let Zhangzhou people have suffered from war.

He is never a hion.

He can win in the battlefield, even if there is no more cost, but there is always a sympathy for passive people who accept this chaos.

They should not bear so much pain.

After Cao Cao returned to the division, he gave birth to the city to give Cao Cao's high-quality courtesy. Then take the army to return to Fuyang.

Liu Tu called the group of ministers, held a reward for the singing at the classmaker.

Feng Hou still did not have a copy of Cao Cao, but a few generals with Cao Cao, promoted, and sealed.

Because of the seduce of Yuzhou Xuzhou Xuzhou, the Qi Ti Jin is the car rider, the opening of the Yizhen Tongs, led the Jingzhou Pastoral, and more than one thousand and two hundred, reaching two thousand.

After the reward, Cao Cao is Dongguzhou, which is his husband. And the strange quotation is temporarily living in Fuyang.

This year's war is over, the next war is going to next year.

And he still wants to wait, Yuan Sha will die this year.

In history, Yuan Shakuan's battle failed, but also in the battle of Cangting, it was died in shame when he was ashamed this year.

But this world, Yuan Shao's situation is better, will it still die?

After all, this is a big person, the rest of the small people, the strange quarter doesn't pay attention, he is not too concerned, there will be no one will change fate because of these "rotors".

Of course, Huang Xue is not counted.

I have been going to Jian'an seven years, and I haven't been able to go to Yuan Shao's death. I waited until the news of Wuhuang Hua Yong and returned, and the Qizhou returned to Yuan Shao's hands, and Yuan Tong was a hist history.

For Yuan Xi, Yuan Shao is disappointed, I don't dare to give this burden to him.

And because of these years, Hebei is exhausted, Yuan Shao has not been able to see the mutual people, only to strike, start recuperating with the suggestion.

Jian'an eight years, Qi Ti and Liu Tang have been discouraged, and I am preparing for the Chinese.

Since the east does not want to shoot soldiers, they can only go to the west, and they have become the next goal.

As for Yizhou, still in trouble! There is a reincarnate, Zhao Wei's rebellion is not fixed, but it occupies the ribbed, Tam County, and Liu Wei's evil.

But still is in the wind, the people are not there, the World is not supported, this is not the reincarnation to change. Even if the reincarnation is suggested, the part of the world is cleaned up, and it has got a large amount of property, and it can't change the fact.

Since they are still playing, they are still not interested in paying attention, the more fierce, the more happy, and will be less hindered by entering Yizhou. If Liu Wei can invite himself to help it, it is better.

However, if it is to attack the Hanzhong, it seems that it will be reduced to Liu Wei, and I don't know if Liu Wei will express gratitude.

Prior to the past, the wife's Math was ashamed, and she was happy.

To be honest, the moment I heard the moment is not a surprise, but thinking is that my child, I am greenery.

In this world, he is just a passer. It is also a marriage, and there is also a feeling of taking care of the boudoir. He has never thought about this.

I haven't moved in the past two years. His instinct is that it is impossible to have, so there will be doubts.

But I know that this is impossible. Do not say that the Ma Shi is the family of the world, and the book is a gift, it is to guard the soldiers of the army. They are his heart, if there is an interest, they are sure him.

I blame my heart, and I have postponed the plan, and I reported a good news to Liu Tuo, I stayed for a few days, which leaving.

If you have a child, you have a child, and he can't stop it. Since inheriting this system, the bizarre is more, and it is not blame.

Take a step to watch a step.


The singularity is again assembled for 300,000 troops and prepares to attack the Hanzhong.

It is said that it is the attack and Hanzhong, in fact, is now called Hanning County.

In that year, Liu Yu sent Zhang Lu occupied Hanzhong, cutting traffic, the Hanzhong County is Hanning County. Later, Liu Wei and Zhang Ren were inneath, and began to kill for several years. Lunar County is a site of Zhang Lu.

Hanzhong County, established the **** regime, although the force is not much, but it is absolutely elite and the war is extraordinary.

With religious colors, it is absolutely difficult. The Yellow Towel Army of the Taiping Road was the elite yellow towel, so that the big man paid too much at the price; the furious Buddha soldiers also made the singularity.

And the weight is not strong, Buddhism is not the mainstream, and the Zhang Yokhang has been operating for a long time, but after all, it is in the ground, and can only be carried out.

And Zhang Lu, occupying the rebellion of Hanzhong, bright and big, and some people support. So after Liu Wei, the army in Hanzhong can press Yizhou.

But again, the land of the Hanzhong, the population is not much, the soldiers are 100,000 is the limit, even if Zhang Ren is again, the force is doubled, and there is only 20,000.

The singularity took 300,000 troops, he did not believe a small Hanzhong real counterattack.

Unless Zhang Dao Ling gave him a bottom sign.

The big army western Fuyang, after several days, the forward arrived in Failing.

The population of Fauling County is rare, there are not many soldiers, and there is no more effort, it is broken by the Pioneer Army. Stick to the army to enter, and then go up again.

It is the place where Zhang Lu is guarding Jingzhou, and there are 20,000 soldiers.

It sounds very little, but it is already a lot to Hanzhong.


"Public, Wenhe, I heard that Zhang Shijun's grandfather Zhang Ling Zhang Fuhan, the day is flying, I don't know if it is true?" Fauling City, Qi Ti asked the army and Jia Wei.

As for Guo Jia, I was directly ignored.

No him, too young. When he was born, Zhang Ling was dead for thirty years.

"I don't know." He replied, "I was not born at the time."

After so long, I also became an universal cultural man. This time I gave the three gods, and did not believe Zhang Lu.

"I don't know if I don't seem to have this rumor." Jia Wei said.

"I heard that there is a star in the same year. If you are so true, if you are so, someone is not surprising." Strange said, "I don't know what the realm of Zhangling is?"

"General, the sputum is said to be, this is in the inheritance of the family." He said, "But more than a hundred years, this kind of thing has not happened, it is just a legend, the general Don't be too much more. "

"Even if Zhang Daoling is really white, how is it? This is a big man's war. If he will reproduce, he has to be bored by the big man."

"Zhang Gongqi only has a county, the eyes are short, the Hanzhong Dao Shou is strong, and it is also a flesh, why do the generals are worried? Is there a force in hand, is it worried about the general? The soldiers? "

"Be taught!" The gods got up and solemnly to the show.

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