Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 323, defeated (seeking subscription)

, although they are acceptable, but they don't think it is.

Of course, he is accepting that if he is standing in the position of , there is no doubt that this is correct.

But the problem is that he is an exotic, this world is just part of his life experience, not all.

The most important thing is that Han retreat, and the Qi Ti is just to complete the task and improve its strength in this process.

Therefore, compared to the Hanzhong, Zhang Daoling is more attractive to him.

But at this time, it is still a good heart, so that he is from cold.


"General, Zhang Fuhan's things I know much, but the leader of the Taiping Road has many understandings that when the yellow towel is uprising, the Zhangjiao is just a martial art," Jiasi said, "Of course, according to their Taoist Said, it is a Yuan Baby, but the big man in the big man is very rare, so I will let the Zhangjiao will fierce. There is this inference, Zhang Daoling does not necessarily have more. "Jia Wei opened, breaking the situation.

"Yuan Yingjing corresponds to God, is it a daily golden Dan? No wonder the internal force has always had a signs of solidification!" Strange heart, "But do you have a sloppy? The so-called practice is eaten? From a Wu Wu, directly jumped into Xuelian, Yuan Ying big monk! "

"I hope, I hope to take the man in the Han." Strange.

However, I don't agree with Jia Yu's statement. Can Zhang Daoling compare with Zhang Daolu?

Limited by the times, Jia Yu naturally can't know that Zhang Daoling is the first to teach four Tianshi, the legend is also very extraordinary in heaven, and is it better than the tension of the Taiping Road?

Three countries have three legendary, Zuo Ci, Yu Ji and Nanhua, even if these three people can't compare with Zhang Daoling, let alone Nanhua's master.

It is also a teaching leader with the probably Zhang Ren.

If the tension is the wild trip, then Lu Lu should not be exception.

Zhang Lu, who occupies Han, has a lot of resources than the scorpion.

What's more, when Zhang Lu, I killed another Taoist leader Zhang Xiu won the control of Wukou Midao. If it is a strength, will it win in the face?

However, this is no need to tell them. Yan, Jia Wei, they are all in Confucianism, can't see the door is normal.

In the rumor, Confucianism is over, but the personal strength is improved, but also to see the door.


The strange monks of the Lingling are still talking about Zhang Lu, and the sharp avales have encountered danger.

Feng Ji, Zhang Nan's 30,000 pioneer army, in the end of the land, thousands of people, the Queen's retreat.

In the first day of the day, the peak boy, these years followed the Nansheng North War, and now it is the first day.

Although I have experienced a lot of battles, I am acting as a pioneer alone, or two people first.

But this is this, but it has suffered a break.

These years have repeatedly wins, let the strange people are full of faithful beliefs.

However, the unusual opponent described by the strangely described, just a small player, which makes them disdain for the so-called strong army, and the whole army is filled with a proud atmosphere.

The arrogant soldiers must defeated, and they know this truth, but they can't eliminate this mentality.

I can't deliberately defeat.

Feng Xi Zhangnan naturally also has this kind of attitude, especially after it is easy to overcome the Lingling, it is more disdainful to the Chinese army.

In their view, Zhang Lu only occupied the land of one county, the court of the court, the army is not the hand.

So after arriving, there is no action to detect the enemy, start to attack the city immediately.

Then by the upper army to teach them to be a person, even the city wall is not touched, it loses 3,000 people. If you are not prepared to retreat, you will be killed by the city's defenders, and thousands of people have lost thousands.

This two people finally knew that they met the hardening, informing the rear of the army, while thinking about the situation in the city, did not blindly attacked the city.


"I have made a few times, I don't know how the sky is thick. I am a thousand, don't be a bad enemy, don't be light enemy, but you still blindly move, depending on the battle, do you do this, do you have the innocent soldiers? ? "In the big account, I caught Feng Xi Zhangnan in the middle of the book.

Distance from Feng Ji Zhangnan Walhel Benefits, the army has also arrived outside the superior city.

"Roll out, the whole army is preparing for the war, if you can't give a redemption, you will start from the soldiers!"

Qi Ti is still the first time to send such a big fire, Feng Xi Zhang Ning does not wolf, and he does not dare to look at the singular count and immediately quit the big account.

They were the earliest people who followed the singularity. This failed, not only was shameful, and the companion is also losing people, but dare to have a complaint!

"Gong Dak, Wenhe, Feng Xiao, let's see it, Zhang Shijun's ghost is more than the end." Qi Ti said to three facilities.

In Zhang Ruzhi, the five buckets, claiming to be "Dynasty". To learn the road, first, "ghost", wait until accepting the teachings and convinced that it is called "sacrifice", it can lead the people, which is the ghost; so in Hanzhong County, Zhang Lu did not appoint officials. It is managed by various sacrifices to manage local military political political political guides; and there are many people in the wine, and the strength is more powerful.

With Zhang Lu, it is to rely on this level of hierarchical control to achieve control of Hanzhong.

As the forefront of Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu, the frontier of Jingzhou, is the "governing head", now the current governance, the big sacrifice, is the mother of the Shangrong Rhetaus Shenyi.

"Hey ..." The drum sounded, and a military began to go to Shangyong City Wall, and the front of the shield was defended.

When you enter an arrow, you will immediately cover the rain. The latter stone car immediately pressed the city, and the same, the city wall also began to counter.

When I handed over, Jingzhou Army was falling in the wind.

After a loss of hundreds of people, there was finally there is a cloud ladder. The wellbenge will rely on the wall, and the siege will immediately start actions, began to climb the cloud ladder, and borrow the column of the city.

However, waiting for them is a ruthless and ruthless, and the migratory army is very powerful, and the squad is unable to stand the foot.

Until Feng Xi Zhangnan personally gone, this took a small place on the wall, but did not wait for them to expand the results, the attacking power of the municipal army suddenly strengthened, and quickly retired them, and finally had to return.

"Gong Dynasty, what did you see?" Asked Qi.

"There is light into the dehorsement of the city." He replied.

I still see Jia Wei, Guo Jia, and two people.

"What is this? Spiritual skills?" Asked.

"No, this is or the worship of Wufeng Road in the sacrifice, attracting the external strength, and enhances the strength of the soldiers." Jia Wei said.

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