Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 324 breaks the verge (seeking subscription)

Confucianism refining God, Taoist practice, this is two different cultural system.

The Confucian spokesman will win the day, "we must" use it ", so pay attention to the improvement of personal spiritual power, and the spirit of the heavens and the earth is used to use it.

Taoist talks about the heavens and people, "people 's law, earth law, Tianfa Road, Daofa natural"

The result is the same, but the process is different.

Getting started relies on strong spiritual power to drive the heavens and the earth, but the power is large, but it is very expensive, even if it is strong, it is very difficult. In contrast, the people, the situation is small, and the damage is small, often can live longer.

Internal force, in the singularity, it is the simplification of the gas at the time of the heavens and the earth, and the martial arts works in Dantian. Just because it is too small, the quality is too low, so the power is insufficient.

The spiritual practice of Confucianism, but it is more difficult to show due to difficulties, gradually disappearing, and the reading man has become a typical representative of the hands of the hand.

Even with Li Xunhuan, in the era of aura, I got a spiritual practice method, and I didn't get it in decades, and every time I show it, it will cause huge damage to the body. Always ill.

Siji self-entered the book world, the practice of cultivation, inheriting the practice of the Taoist, from all true heart, to Jiuyin Zhenjing, congenital strength, even Jiuyang is really a big relationship.

Even if the congenital yin and yang after the advancement, it is also a way to practice the practice. It is not even can't call the internal power practice, but directly into the practice of condense Jin Dan, from the day after tomorrow, direct Taoist Golden Dan.

Previously in the primary world, he was the world's ceilings, and then wanted to progressively guided. In this world, he is still the first time I saw the people of Taoist.

Although it is very different from him, this is not a mental skill, but a secret surgery of Taoist Taoist-Wukou Tao.


Mingjin took the troops, the first day of the test ended.

"How do you think, what is the fighting power of the Shanglong Army?" Returns the big account, and the Qi Zuo will take the public.

"Under normal circumstances, it is not better than my big man." Huang Zhong said, "Of course, it is just a general army."

As a military training that will be personally trained, it is naturally stronger than the Nongover.

"But after those who didn't homokers in the body, there were already more than the big man." Chen went to the road.

"This is probably the special method of Wukou Mi Road, which can make the soldiers to improve, just don't know if there is a restriction?" Guo Jia said, he did not encounter this situation.

The yellow towel army did not play, but his yellow towel army, and the original Yellow Towel Army at the beginning of Zhang Wei is not a matter.

"Yongcheng is tall and strong, keeping the city's materials, temporarily do not take advantage."

"Can you play?" Odd looks to the public.

"The end will be invited." There are many people standing up.

"Well, there is discouragement, today just trial, officially siege tomorrow." The Qi Ti smiled.


The next day, the odd trick mobilized the 50,000 army, starting from three sides to attack the heeling.

Before the attack, of course, the Wenshi Legion was dispatched and the morale in the city was pressed. But after the shot, the effect is not big.

"Is there a counter-system in the city?" Qi Tiked to see the Queen City.

"No, it's not a counter-system, but there is an invisible force to cover the whole city, let our strength can't affect the city." Hey, the gods, slowly said.

"This is their bottom gas?" Strange said, "Will it be a big sacrifice?"

"If there is no accident, it should be him, the rest is estimated to do."

"Then there is no way to take it." Strange said.

"Yes." The replies of , "If every big sacrifice can do this."

"Do you have three people to join hands?" Qiki asked again.

"Of course, but the general, just an intersession, is it going to do full?"

"Also, the war is still hiding, how can I consume here!" Kiki smiled, "Also let them know, how to know, how to fight under normal circumstances, lest in this case, I don't know what to do. "


There is no cultprint, but it is also not suppressed, and it is in a fair state.

But there is a fairness in the world, and there are 300,000 troops, and the super-empathy is only 20,000.

These two thousand defenders, a large part is also the private soldier of the Shen, Shen's is a superior, and the exhibition has operated more than ten years, and the operation is in the iron bucket.

That is, it is too small, otherwise it will increase the tens of thousands of soldiers, and the application is completely played.

In the face of infinite siege, the 20,000 defenders are too small, especially if there is a large number of high-level military paramen, when they will be deserted in the city, bringing great threats to the defenders, every time, the time is the defending army. When the casualties are the most important.

So after a few days, Queong City finally became uncomfortable, and it was necessary to be attacked by the national army to the city.

Shen Wei called the public, but he wanted to surrender, but was taken in the department, these tribute to five buckets, ghosts, did not take life as a thing, there is no surrender in the mind, vowed to fight.

This is entirely the brainwashing effect of religion, and Shen Wei has nothing to do with the main control.

Shen Yi can stay awake, but not everyone can do this, seeing the exhibition is not strong, they want to keep up and continue to fight, doing things in their own.

That is to sacrifice, please move the Tianshi's power to protect the city, which is from being touched.

Then, he had adhered to the few days, and finally he was attacked into the city by the singular army. Directly until the dead, the blood is full of street, and finally let these people who have been brainwash have been afraid.

Emotions have fluctuations, naturally it is difficult to succeed, so they have begun to surrender.

But this time, the 20,000 defenders have the utmost, there are not many remaining, it is 3,000 people.

Until the army attacked the county, Shen Wei was not slow and surrendered.

After all settlement, the singularity will enter the city and see Shen.

For Shen, he or admire, this is a very powerful person, but it is not like a novel, and Shen Shu actually has the realm of the congenital late, it is ignorant.

"Shen Da sacramine, how do you continue to serve as Yong County?" Odds looked at him.

"The general is large, and it is not considered to be the sin of the heroes, Shen Yu is grateful." Shen Wei shook his head, "Old, the old is still there, you can't live."

"The generals don't need to be happy with my heart, and it is an unobolder of the city."

"Shen Dacao is more concerned, this general will not be reluctant, wait for Zhang Munjun, the big festival will be relieved!" I laughed.

He doesn't have to force what is barely. In addition to his governing wine, there are three sacrifices, including Shen Yu's brother, this person is unlike his brother so hard, find him to know.

Sure enough, the singularity learned from the Diyi mouth.

Next, Zhang Lu, who had a big sacrifice, and a brother, in addition to his brother, and Yang Yu, Yang Yong, Yang Song, Li Fu four people, this is the people of the surname, in addition to this, Zhang Lu's The younger brother Zhang Wei, a few sons are also extraordinary, and the strength is not under these cure.

The governance head is a big sacrifice, and the strength is the lowest. It is also true in the future. It can be seen that small Hanzhong is still a tiger.

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