Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 325, Jun Zhang Lu (seeking subscription)

In the whole Hanzhong, in addition to the county soldiers, Zhang Ru has raised the 150,000 ghosts, including 10,000, Xicheng 10,000, into 20,000, and the remaining counties have about 10,000, and the Yizhou army is constantly There are about 50,000 people, and there are 50,000 people in the county.

Of course, this is only probably, after all, the Qiyi is only to wait in the utmost, and I don't know the real strength in Han, there are 20,000 people in Yong City, half of which is their own strength.

Zhang Lu directly controlled the 150,000 ghosts, plus each county, and the estimated expedition of 200,000 is not high, and it is a 20,000 army that is quite strong.

But Qi Ti is not worried, after winning the superior, the five thousand north to take the county, with the army of the army, preparing to win the West City.

The logistics of these two counties, the logistics of the Nijun army can be sent from Hanshui far away, and there is no problem in arriving in Nanzheng.

There are not many soldiers in the county, the western city and the ubidity, the lack is just a big sacrifice such as Shen Wei, governing this county, Li Wei is only a sacrifice, the ability is not as good as Shen, and there is no exuberained The family forces, so soon, they were killed by the city, and Li Wei fled.

The gateway to the hinterland in the middle of the Hanzhong is all holes. On the way, the next county is to solid, it is the south of Zhang Lu.

Hanzhong was received three auxiliary place, saying that there is a clock in Yongzhou, but there is a rumored Qinling blocking road between Hanzhong and three auxiliary, only a few narrow roads such as, Can pass, the army is basically unable to pass.

It's hard to get on the sky.

Therefore, Zhang Lu has a rush, the channel of Hanzhong and Zhongyuan is gone, and Yizhou is cracking with the court. Liu Yu can be his Emperor in Yizhou.

In history, Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu, is the Tuple County to Yang Ping, and it is still difficult to have a difficult land. Don't mention the Yongzhou into the Chinese.

Otherwise, why is Zhuge Liang repeatedly veto the suggestion of Changan from the son of the child? Not because the road is too narrow, the five thousand army go in, who knows how many?

You know, this is the three era, all kinds of wild, dangerous, who knows what happens to meet.

There is only more and more era of the later generations, will gradually conquer these places.

Therefore, the singularly chose from Jingzhou, but it is similar to that of Mengda in history. From here, attacking the south, it can be described as a tank.

Shortly after I went down the West City, the soldiers sent by the water army arrived, and the siege equipment was loaded on the boat, and the river was traced.

The head of the siege equipment is large, and it is very heavy, the march is a cumbersome, but it has to bring it, otherwise it is to arrive in the city, don't sie in the city, do you let the soldiers jumped on the wall?

If the soldiers have this ability, they also use the siege?

Without the drag of the siege equipment, the big army's speed is a lot. After ten days, it entered into a solid land.

Then I chose a suitable place to build a temporary port, and unload the equipment. During the period, I naturally had Zhang Lujun to attack, but they were repeated and did not have any effect.

Jingzhou's water army has a dead world without proven.


Nanzheng, Zhang Ren once again convened the procedure of the hand under the hand.

"All, the East has dropped the city, where to go, please teach me." Zhang Lu looked at a man.

Zhang Lu is the descendants of Zhang Liang, and said that Zhang Lu is still nice.

He pushed five bugmen in Hanzhong, teaching the people to integrity and not fraud, so that the patient surrenders; three times for the violation, if they make, then done punishment; if it is too much, I will order the road to repair the road.

In accordance with the "Month", the spring and summer is prohibited from slaughtering, prohibiting alcohol, banned alcohol; founding volunteers, placing raising rice, free traveling lines of abdominal food, and claims too much, will be sin Ghosts and God are sick.

It can be said that the religion is throwing the religion. Zhang Ru's hand can be said to be kind, so there will be a lot of three auxiliary people who don't care, from the midday to the Chinese, greatly enrich the power of Hanzhong, this is Zhang Lu It is an important reason for the three decades of the Chinese.

Not only that, even the alien is also sent to Zhang Lu, the Bar County, Li Hu, Yi Pu Huhu, etc., have been following Zhang Lu, and even the surrender Cao Cao does not change.

"How is the teacher of the teacher?" The governance head asked.

"Xiangyang, the court, Liu Jingheng, the father and son have ZTE, and Jingzhou soldiers strong Ma Zhuang, this big is coming, I can't bear the Hanning people in the war." Zhang Lu said.

Zhang Luzhi is not in the secular power, but Wu Kimi. This is his ancestry. Otherwise, it will not adventure and seize the toll of tollove, and maintain their position in the five bucket.

He occupied Hanzhong, and he also promoted five kimodao. In front of Zhang Lu, Zhang Daoming founded Wu Doumei, Zhang Heng continued to promote, but before Zhang Lu, how many people know this sect? After Zhang Lu, how many people know the five bucket? Zhang Shengdong moved Longhu Mountain, Wu Shugi Road was called Tianshi, no decline more than two thousand years, although there is Zhang Daoling, but Zhang Lu also does not.

Zhang Lu also didn't like the war, the reason why he didn't have a year and Yizhou because Liu Wei killed his mother and your brother, but he had to fight, but even so, he was responsible for his brother Zhang Wei.

"The teacher wants to surrender Fuyang?" Asked .

"I have this idea, so I want to ask the opinions." Zhang Lu said.

"No!" At this time, Zhang Lu heard a voice, looked up, and saw the younger brother Zhang Wei's face of the dust.

"I'm talking back." Everyone got up and greeted.

All mentioning that one of the duties in the five buckets, and only rarely appear on the big sacrifice of the governance, so far, Zhang Wei is the only one.

He before led the army to attack Yizhou, heard the change of the eastern part, this talent returned, and then immediately came again.

"General, you are back, do you have any changes there?" Zhang Lu laughed.

"We strike, they seek, Zhao Yu's rebellion in Jiangzhou can have not stopped." Zhang Wei said, "If you think about it, you will not catch it."

"That's good," Zhang Lu nodded, "You don't want to surrender Xiangyang, why?"

"Although I have a county, I have a million, the battle soldiers will be 300,000. Who is very strong?" He is very strong. "He has a child, and the city is also a child. Orthodox is more than just a piece of goblin, can be decided, if the last Yangyang is lost? Is there another time? "

"We are not as good as Fuyang, even if you can stop, you can't stop." Zhang Lu is very worried.

"Teacher Jun, don't worry, time will not be too long, wait for the city to return to return, the army is south, he Liu Wei has to retreat, and maybe it can take the opportunity to defeat the sun." Zhang Wei said confident.

"That's okay, the war is leaning on you, what needs to be mentioned," Zhang Lu said, "I am waiting for your good news."

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