Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 327 General (seeking subscription)

"Hey ..." The command was conveyed, and Zhang Embroidered was ready, accompanied by drums, the front of the soldiers were twice, revealing the cavalry behind.

Five thousand cavaliers go to the army of Yang Yun, the five thousand cavalry.

The distance between the two sides is very close. This distance is not the best distance of the cavalry charge, but the distance is short enough, and there is a raid.

Although Yang Qian showed the strength of the gods, it was the effect of the special method. It was the blessing of the soldiers. He did not believe that Yang Anne can maintain this state.

Even if you encounter a big army, can those people still maintain the status status? Will Yang Long will ignite?

In the face of the cluster charge of the cavalry, no one dares to be small. Yang An said that the cavalry came to him, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It seems that the Jingzhou Army will do this, then pale, hurriedly "Withdraw, quickly."

He is very clear that the shortcomings of this situation now, that is, the soldiers behind them can't move, and I will destroy the gas field and I can't maintain the current effect.

However, in the face of the cavalry charge, he alone, even if he reaches the power of the gods, can't stop. If still maintaining the status quo, you can only wait.

Besides, even if he is a big sacrifice, it is impossible to make everyone face the cavalry impact, and continue to maintain the movement of the sacrifice, and serve the other party cavalry rush.

So he ordered his first time.

The latter soldiers moved, the status of the previous maintained is no longer, and the vastness of the Yellow Turban is suddenly collapsed, and Yang An's breath has also fallen to the original innate medium level.

"Do not talk about Wude!" Yang Yun commanded the back of the army and roared.

This is still fighting, you actually dispatched the cavalry directly to attack, there is no such.

I don't think about it, talk about Wu De, if you talk about Wu De, you will not borrow hundreds of soldiers.

Fortunately, Yang An is not far away. Before the arrival of the rider, I withdraw the bow and arrow coverage of the wall, let Zhang embroidered empty.

In the face of the annual arrow rain, Zhang Embroidery did not have forcibly rushing. In addition to the ground, transfer the horse head, with the cavalry around the city, let Yang Yuan are alarm.

It turned into the city gate, Yang An entered the city, and then closed the city gate again.

Once, it is estimated that Zhang Wei will not send people.

"There is no opportunity to take, ready to attack the city," Qi Qi sighed, "This is a hard battle, it is preparation for a heavy loss."

Once I thought I thought that Yuan Shu will be his own strong opponent, but Yuan Shu himself died; he felt that Lu Bu was extremely strong, but Lu Bu was siegered by "own people", and sent a strong army to himself. He believes that Cao Cao is not easy to deal with, but Cao Cao has directly surrendered ...

Ok, don't say something to face.

Zhang Lu defeated the Hanzhong for more than ten years, five buckets, top and down. Zhang Wei gathered 100,000 defensive, and it was also the city, and it was not easy to attack.

In particular, when attacking the Hanzhong City Pool, there is no role in the scriptures who have repeatedly trying to be tested, and can only be hard fight.

It is the so-called ten surroundings. The number of people who need to stay in the city is far less than those who attack the city. Even if they have three times and Zhang Wei's hand, it is still slightly lack of lack of people.

It is not far from Nanzheng, and the river is built, and Hanshui, the Qiki Water Army cannot pass, and Zhang Ru is constantly income.

However, if you get it, it is estimated that Nanzheng has no many defenders, but it is simple. With Zhang Lu's personality, direct surrender is not impossible.


"Dangdang ..."

The sound of the gold sounded again, and it was preparing to attack the city, a robe, immediately stopped the action, returning to the station under the leadership of the grassroots military officers and other grassroots officers.

One day's siege ended.

Half year, six months of six months, odds are still outside.

In addition to heavy rain, almost every day.

After the morning is full, I started to attack the city, and the sun was terminated, and then the return camp, the second day repeated the previous day.

For the high level of the strange troops, this process is boring, but the underlying soldiers, every day or in danger.

I don't know which time I am going to attack the city, I will die in the city.

For half a year, the soldiers who died in the city were too much.

The Qi Ti has been more than 100,000 people here, and it has to be collected from Fuyang to more than 100,000 people.

It has been such a big loss in his head for so many years.

Above 100,000, at least 80,000 people are war, and the remaining 20,000 are unable to go to the battlefield.

Correspondingly, it is not less than a small amount of loss.

Do not say 80,000, seven million is also.

This is also the first time that the war is higher than the enemy.

After Zhang Lu, it is still more than seven or eight thousand soldiers in the city.

Half a war has made both parties.

"All the position, tomorrow, temporarily slowed the city, rest one day." The big account, the god, "Look at the city, never allow them to go out, once found, then cancel the rest, take the opportunity to win the city."

"If there is no unintentional happening, the general attack was initiated, and it was broken into the Hanzhong."

His patience has been exhausted for half a year.

Yanyang came to the news, Liu Bei's short time is ready to move, he needs to be in peace and happening as soon as possible, go back to take the town, deterrent Liu Bei, otherwise it is estimated that Zhangzhou Wars should be advanced.


The next day, the wind is calm, and Zhang Wei did not send people to the city.

He before, he sent people to go out, ready to destroy the preparation of the Qiyuan army, once in this situation, the Qi Ti army did not hit the city, and wanted to take the city.

There are more times, I know that I can't do it, Zhang Wei will no longer ask.

On the third day, I only left 10,000 people guarding the big camp, and the rest went to the city and walked into three sides.

"Start it." The main entrance of the main attack, the strange tag is eager to others.

The three gods went nodded and began to join hands to show spiritual skills and press it in the city.

Time, the wind is discolored, it seems that there is a penalty to come into. However, at this time, there was a color of the city, shrouded the whole city, offset the momentum of destroying the land.

The enemy is extremely effective, and the spiritual skills of the scribes are no longer invalid.

However, it also contains the biggest base card in the city.

If there is no press, this will greatly enhance the battle of the defenders.

"High General, see you." The strange looks to Gao Shun.

Gao Shun nodded and returned to his troops, and was slightly prepared.

Rear, the stone truck, the archer began to press the city wall.

The consumption of half a year, the materials in the city consume, even if Zhang Lu can transported it, it is difficult to meet the endless battle, Jingzhou army has passed into this aspect.

Gao Shi took people to a prelimate.

This is the result of the war in the war, filling in the moat, and left a layer of soil in the city wall. It accumulates the month. It has formed a wider glory, close to the city wall, already It is not enough under the wall.

Zhang Luqian knew the intention of Jingzhou Army, and wanted to destroy this bounce in numerous times before, but it was suppressed in the city, but could not come out.

Countless troops come often, this slower is very solid, skills can't be destroyed, and the Qi Qi army has been solidifying.

Until today, the strange decision no longer continued, but prepared to win the city.

The first meditation is a Gaishun's crafting.

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