Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 328, will win the city (seeking subscription)

Gao Shun was the first larger, the army of Lu Bu, the army of the strong, and the union of the army is not in the patriarchal wolf riding than Lu Bu. The most exciting person, the number of camps, and the words of the singularity of the fellow, then It is "Every attack is unbroken."

In history, this army has more than 700 people, but even so, Lu Bu did not worry to Gao Shiba, and the weekdays were also the leader until they were delivered to Gao Shun.

But even so, Gao Shun always has no complaints of Lu Bu, and even finally go to death.

This world, Gao Shun 's troops are more than three, but there are only three thousand people, but these three thousand people, including seven hundred priorities, the proportion is quite high.

Even if it is just the first-day congenital, the potential is exhausted, but that is also innate, more than the day.

It is probably only the army of Gao Shun, who can do this, even if it is a white soldier, it can't.

Before Lu Bu, I predicted my outcome, so I made my best to open a passage, let Gao Shun, sent his wife and children to go into Yangyang, and sincere, Gao Shun has arrived.

But in the past few years, Gao Shun did not get what the war has been practicing. Qi Ticki wants him to bring more soldiers, but Gao Shun refuses, but she has chosen thousands of people, together with their own old department, and get more people, no more.

His choosted thousands of people did not have a first day. However, in the past few years, in his army, the congenial martial arts is equipped with Wu Chang. Every grassroots officer is a first heaven.

Although it is not as good as before, it is still horrible.

You know, this is the army of 10,000 people, according to this ratio, only his army, the congenial martial arts has more than 2,000 people.

In the twenty years, the number of congenital evils has grown sharply, and it is really how much "congenitally walks".

Of course, it is a big difference between the initial period and the initial period, and it is like Zhang Nan Feng Ji, and there is no problem in playing a few more than a dozen.

The premise is that these people don't understand the military array and will not cooperate.

In the war, what can happen, not to say that the first Tianwu is more victory, and the innate martial arts will not be a few.


Soon, Gao Shun entered the city wall arrow coverage, immediately accelerated the leadership, rapidly rushing to the platform, and came to the city wall.

During this process, the entire army is in a nunish, and it is condensed to rush to the sky. From time to time, the city wall has fallen down, but it is impossible to attack the defense of the military.

Change to another army, it is estimated that I have been chaotic.

Standard is not the first time I saw Gao Shun's military commander, still marvel.

Gao Shun was too slight to control the army of him.

But at this time, Gao Shun did not think that under the city wall, the hand was able to board the wall with their strength, a little power, and will be able to board the wall.

"On!" Through the military changes, Gao Shun clearly conveys the command to everyone.

The soldiers closest to the city wall immediately act, some people cover, some people meditated.

At this time, everything else is needed, as long as a force, you can go to the city wall.

The premise is to block the attack of the defenders.

Zhang Wei knew that this is the main place in Jingzhou Juncheng, and it is the elite in the ghost.

Some people have fallen, and they are constantly added. Finally, after losing many people, they have begun to occupy a small place on the wall.

Then the source of the continuous soldiers went to the wall, stay here, assemble into the army.

"Enhance!" After holding, Gao Shun did not wait. He saw that hundreds of soldiers on the boarding wall, immediately initiated attack, but also pushed to both directions.

"Blocking them!" Responsible for defending Yang Yunhao here, and then scored by a profiteering.

If you feel that the danger is biased, I am afraid that I have been in the brain by an arrow.

"Unfortunately!" Huang Zhong put down the giant bow. There are too many unexpected mixers, you can find this void attack is already difficult, but Yang Ang has hide.

"Dengcheng!" Qi Ti saw that there was stable, ordered, "telling other two sides, full offensive, this general should flow three sides, do not give Zhang Weifeng."

He has a great advantage in military power.

If the city wall is still in, Zhang Wei is also likely to stop, but now not to say that Jingzhou military is half a year of construction, it is a successful city wall. In the past six months, there is no bombardment, and there is no way to fix it. I doubt how long it can be supported.

"Kill!" Wu Yin's first horses, he is going to find his face.

Followed by, Lu Meng, Xu Huang, Zhu Yong, He Qi, Li Tong, Chen arrived, etc.

Yang An finally chose to retreat, he found no matter how it took, it couldn't hit the enemy. It seems that they don't know what is back.

Under the same number of people, they have no power. It can only be refunded to a wide place and is ready to borrow advantageous to murder.

But it is this move, let the Jingzhou army will kill in, and Yang An has no chance.

Wu Yin was killed first, and Yang Yun was found. He clearly remembers that Yang An made him wolf to the extreme before the Wanjun.

Without the bonus of special method, Yang Zhong's innate medium-term warner, plus the later five bucket spells, and did not kill twenty in the sorrowful Wu Yin hand, and finally killed on the spot on the spot.

Then the army poured into the city and won the city gate to open, more the army entered the city.

Zhang Weibeli people, Yang Song and others in the sacrifice, to resist the spiritual skills of. I don't think too much about it, let the support, before heading.

Unfortunately, it is already too late, even if it is not lost, but there is already a lot of Jingzhou Jun, who has captured all key points, killing towards county.

Although the other two doors are still supported, they get news that Jingzhou Jun has entered the city, the morale is big, and the disappearance is only instant.

The general trend has been going, Zhang Wei is weak, and can only send people to strengthen the only water gates who have war, while calling the soldiers.

Then call the governance head of spiritual skills, sacrifice, giving up the defense, leaving some people, walk from the water door.

Lost the power of sacrifices, the spiritual skills of have no interference, directly covering the whole city.

After the break, the battlefriend was suppressed, the battle force was serious, and the choleramidan killed will be killed.

In addition to the water gates, the vessels prepared by Zhang Lu are not enough to support the people he taken away. After forced to leave some people again, only dozens of ships fleeted.

Soon, Jingzhou Army in the city killed the water door, after a competition, successfully won the water. Then the water army ready to go immediately pursued Zhang Wei.

Jiangdong's water army strength is not a water army than that of Hanzhong's uncomfortable, driver's fighting ship, walking, even if he is half an hour, he also chase in Nanzheng before Zhang Wei.

So Zhang Wei once again left some boats.

In this way, after returning to Nanzheng, Zhang Weibelic took less people.

More than 70,000 people, on this day, more than 20,000 wars, more than 30,000 surrender, and some boats died, and was captured by the water army.

War for half a year, the loss is countless, and the strange quarter finally took it.

Outside Nanzheng, no barrier.

The singularity of the city has entered into the city, and the traces after the killing is everywhere.

In the county, I was very surprised to see a Tianshi.

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