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Chapter 329 Taoist Inheritance (Subscribe)

Zhang Ren is a duties in teaching, the governance head, etc., although the title is different, but still in the county, the Tianshi appears in the county.

The statue has a high-class person, the image of the elderly, looks like a fairy style, is the Tianshi, who is the founder of Wukou Milk, Zhang Ling.

The Tianshi is like standing high, and it seems to overlook all kinds of beings.

Five Buchen Road, because the approach should pay five bucket meters, so this is said that Zhang Ling self-proclaimed that the life of Too many old monarch is a teacher, also known as the Tianshi Road; also One of the uniforms, also known as being.

Zhang Daoling was regarded as a teacher in five bugmers, and this Tianshi is not very unhappy.

The strange thing is that there is a large number of in-chin, cinnabar, etc., which seems to have just completed a sacrifice.

The singularity faintly understood: or Zhang Weneng can resist the spiritual skills of the three people to join hands, that is, by the power of the sacrifice to borrow Zhang Tianshi here.

In the junior, the Qi Ti did not see this scene, perhaps it is Shen Wei to keep the traces.

After all, he also said when he surrendered, not betrayed Zhang Lu, so did not disclose Zhang Lu's bottom card to the singularity.

However, it doesn't matter, even if Zhang Lu is hidden, he has already hit it under the South Zhengcheng.

Will Zhang Lu will not stick to it?

Therefore, the grass has been firmly solid, leaving tens of thousands of defensive, and the kittle of the army.

After arriving in Nanzheng, the army once again surrounded, and sent people into the city to persuade Zhang Lu to surrender.

Zhuge Liang took the initiative to ask for danger and entered the South Zheng.

Two days later, Zhang Lu opened the city gate, and he took a decline and gave the Jingzhou army into the city.

Plus Zhang Wei brought nearly the crowder, Nanzheng can set up the 50,000 army, although the general is a lot, but in addition to the governance of the big sacrifice, it is not too bad, so Zhang Wei still wants Continue to stubbornly.

However, Zhang Lu refused Zhang Wei's suggestion.

Perhaps you can do this for a few months later, but how is it, it is unable to stop? With the attitude of singing, no one, even if they swear to resist, and finally can't escape the fate of the broken city, but will have a wedding dress for Yuan Shao in the east because of the massive military power.

Not only that, but also bring huge disasters to Hanning, so Zhang Lu does not want to continue. If Zhu Ge is suspended, it will finally choose to surrender with interest.

Don't look at Zhang Wei's a strong look, That is Zhang Lu who is not willing to fight, once Zhang Lu has decided, Zhang Wei can't be opposed.

In the five-kimoda, Zhang Lu's status is absolute, the highest leader, can determine all things. Whether Zhang Wei is still , Yang Song, they are all believers of Five Kim Road, and their power is attached to Five Kimo, and they have to listen to Zhang Lu's instructions.

"Sin Zhang Lu wiped the general, arrogant, invites the generals." Treat Jingzhou Army into the city controlling the situation, and then I entered the city, in the original Taishoufu, now Lu Shunfu met Zhang Lu.

"Zhang Jingjun is heavy, you govern the ten years of Han Dynasty, the rich and rich, and the intention of teaching, will the imperial court will sacrifice and you?" The Tianshi said that this general believes that soon, the teacher can develop and grow, and it is no longer limited to the land. "

Thousands of people's casualties can only be small things at this time.

Zhang Lu has too much influence in Hanzhong. Even if there is an idea in the heart, it is not possible to implement, but also feel comfortable, otherwise he will be chaotic.

Those who are brainwashed by religious brainstorms are doing.

"The general is large, and we admire until the ultimate." Zhang Lu Xun changed, "there is still a little prestigious in Hanzhong, the general, but there is instructions, it is not never."

"Zhang Shijun is polite, you won't be free." Strangely smiled.

Yes, entering the South Zheng does not mean to control the whole situation in Hanzhong, only Zhang Lu's coming, in order to quickly rectify the Chinese.

What's more, Zhang Lu and Biku (this is already Brazilian county) is upset, and the relationship between Yi people is close. If it is possible to win Brazil, it is equal to a nail nail in Yizhou, which is very beneficial to future attack Yizhou.

I have been busy for two months, and the singularity is completely controlled by Hanzhong County, immediately on the table, the Hanning is the Chinese.

At this point, the rewards about Zhang Lu is also down.

In fact, I have already come early, but I have not announced it, just wait for Zhang Lu to control myself.

Zhang Lu's enclosure and history of Cao Cao did not have two, worship the Town South General, Feng Yun, just a decrease of half, only five thousand households.

But this is also far from the two thousand households.

Perhaps this time returned, the strange food will also increase.

Not only that, under the suggestion of the Qiki, Zhang Ru is also officially sealed as the teacher of Tianshi, and the Nummer.

This is certified by the court, no longer claiming to be self - proclaimed, five buckets achieve gorgeous reversal.

Before this, because Zhang Lu's act, the five bucket is called "rice thief".

When Zhang Lu, there were four sons at this time, and they were sealed.

Zhang Weibai, the general, Leaguan; is the military division, Guan Yen, Yang Song, Li Fu includes the exhibition in this case.

The rest of the sacrifice is lower, and the odd root will be given to him after the finishing is finished, and then decide whether to execute.

They scattered to the ggent control for the official, the family sent into the Qiangyang.

And the people of Lihu, Yi Ronghu, etc., the leaders of Zhang Lu surrendered, and was also sealed, and the tribe was also guarded in the city, preventing the offense of Yizhou.


After all, I'm calm down and talk to Zhang Lu.

For the Taoism, he is interested in interested in the inheritance of Taoism.

He wants to try to get a more complete practice method from Zhang Lu.

"The General Today has a leisure time?" Zhang Lu is called, it is very doubt.

"Yeah, things are basically busy, but also prepare to return to Fuyang, and those people in the east," Siki smiled, "so before, I want to ask Zhang Tianshi to ask Zhang Tianshi's teachings."

"That is amazing." Zhang Lu smiled.

Then, I'm following Zhang Lu's understanding of the teachings of Tianshi, and I listened to Zhang Lu to spend three days.

"Zhang Tianshi, this Tiantian said that the ancestors have made the ancestors, it is said that the ancestral law is big, the day is flying, I don't know if it is true?" After the end of the lecture, I suddenly asked.

This is the real purpose of him listening to Zhang Lu lecture - understanding the high-end power of the world.

Once this world has a gods, the legend of the two eight-star Zhongxing Dadang knows that everyone knows that it is familiar.

But after another hundred years, there is no rumor of the god.

Then there was Zhang Lingxiao to born, and the clouds were flying.

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