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Chapter 330 and Zhang Lu's daily (seeking subscription)

Zhang Daolu is powerful, and the same is the same.

Second generations of Tianzhi Zhang Heng, also in the day and years of day heaven; long female Zhang Wenji, holding five sons flying; secondary female Zhang Wenguang, for the Lingwang, because of the father, not eating, day flying; three women Zhang Xian, Yan Wang, the day is flying; four female Zhang Zhi, because of his father, after the house, the day is flying in the day ...

Several children are not simple.

There is also a mother of Zhang Lu, although the record is killed by Liu Wei, but there is also a legend, it will fly with Zhang Heng in ten years ago.

However, from the third generation of Zhang Lu, first was taken by Zhang Xiu, after Zhang Lu killed Zhang Xiu, re-recruited the right, and then there was no so-called day, even if it was obtained, the most It is also the corpse.

It seems that the practice of practice is reduced.

I don't know if it disappeared because of the Fuze of Zhang Daolong.

Every world has different history, and the strange is very interested in this hidden.


"Of course, it is true." Zhang Lu said very certainly, "After the ancestor, the ancestors were in the chaos of the temple, and the Qingcheng Mountain flew, and the Tianshi in the Tianda."

No matter what others believe, anyway, Zhang Lu is absolutely believed, this moment he is very devout.

"That takes the liberty question, what is the point of the ancestors, can you make a day flying, can you bring a disciple?" Asked Qi.

Zhang Daolong is not a person, is the so-called one person to go, the chicken dog is boiled, his wife and the two disciples Wang Chang, Zhao Sheng flooded with him.

"I don't know!" Zhang Ren said, "The general also knows that when I fate, I was young, and I was stolen by Zhang Xiu, although I won it back, there is a lot of things lost, now Failed to find it. "

"Although I don't know if I don't know, I will definitely exceed the metamorphia, otherwise I can't break the world barrier."

"Come over these years, I have expanded the teaching crowd, and I wanted to improve the inheritance. Unfortunately, I have limited qualifications. Now I am only a baby in the later period, and the distance is far away." Zhang Lu sighed.

"Tianshi is modest, if today, today is probably the strong man in the big man." Strange smiled.

Yuan Ying, that is, the lack of arrival, it is still insufficient, you must know that these universities are known today, whether it is a military or artist, it is just the early days, even the middle of the middle, and Zhang Lu actually It is already the late post.

In contrast, King Dan is satisfied with Zhang Wei in the innocent peak, and the qualification is really bad.

But think about Zhang Wei is cool in the customs, and it is normal.

"Compared with the ancestors, Zhang Lu Yu." Zhang Lu is really sincerely.

"Tianshi, it is said that it is also a day, but not only the respect, and several sisters who have saved respect will rise during the day. According to Ten Tianshi, I have been aged, I can not ask myself, what is the difference between time? Why didn't you see the strong people in the years? "The Qi Ti is not more than Zhang Lu's equipment and continue to ask.

"Father flying over more than 30 years, several aunt more before, I didn't tell the general, I only knew them, as for the situation, it is really a memory." Zhang Ru hesitated and said, "No matter the military letter I have worked hard to improve the strength, and I also want to retrieve the reasons for the previous memory. "

I am going, I have been prepared to listen to the secret, you actually say it doesn't know?

The heart is very speechless. Is it a limited world? The limit of the intermediate world is the monarch or Yuan Xian, and is not allowed to appear more than?

What strength is that Nanhua, Zuo Ci, Yu Ji? They claim to be in the end of the Han Dixin, is there only this kind of strength?

This world has a hidden, you need yourself to dig.

As for Zhang Lu, it is still, this guy is not in the gods, which is a passerby, and it is estimated that these are not as good as some sons, at least in a few days later, can do the corpse .

It is estimated that the inheritance of Tianshi Road is perfected.

"Well, Tianshi doesn't know, then I don't know." Strange said.

Zhang Lu also speechless, I really don't know, will this sage? Do you want to face?

However, in the face of the car riding general, he is still insufficient.

Zhang Runlian's situation does not remember that Qi Ti is not ready to ask Zhang Daolong's eight ghosts, the six magic princes, this obvious involves higher-level things, it is estimated that this intermediate world cannot appear.

"Tianshi, I am very interested in the Taoism of the giving, I don't know that Tianshi can teach one or two." Qi Ti finally said this time the purpose of Zhang Lu.

"General Taoism is interested in Taoism?" Zhang Lu is lifting, he knows the purpose of the singularity, it is to be inherited from home.

"Yes, in fact, I am still a somewhere with Taoism." Strange said.

Can you have no origin? He lived in the South Mountain for many years. Although I have never entered it, the Taoist Taoist Tao has seen a lot.

Now hit the Chinese to positive.

However, he did not explain to Zhang Lu, and there is no need to explain, here, he occupies the wind.

Leaving Zhang Lu, because Zhang Lu has a great influence in Hanzhong and even the earth, especially Zhang Daoling, twenty-four, although Zhang Lu and Liu Wei have been against the eye, Wu Doum Road is banned in Yizhou, but also Change the fact that there is no existing.

Zhang Ru wants to give it, and Qi Ti will not force, but the development of Tianshi has been limited.

He made an orthodox tacit in a thousand years in advance, and he would not receive a good part!

I didn't explain, Zhang Lu also didn't ask, thinking for a long time, finally agreed.

"Since the general is interested, the next natural is willing to discuss the one or two," Zhang Lu said, "but also invited the general to answer the core road of the Tianshi."

"This natural." Qi Ti is very simply agglomerated.

After several days, Zhang Lu lost his soul of the goddess, in just a few days, his belly has been stranged.

"Tianshi said, or is a little, and all true deeds is really different." Zhang Lu leaving, and the gikitan started to organize these days.

The whole truth pays attention to personal cultivation, advocates the life and double repair, strong itself; it is, it is the singer, the main, whether the attack and defense is still unsuccessful, although there is also alchemy, but It is better to be deep.

Taoism, it is never a family, Tianshi is just the first Taoist party, and then, the Jin Dan sent the Gexuan advocated will also appear, until the Song Yuanzhi, form a positive and full truth.

An advocated internal repair, an advocacy.

However, Qi Ti is not interested in this disappearance, and he is interested in only a strong leg.

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