Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 331 Hedong Change (Subscribe)

Host: odd

Occupation: Physician (Master +), Dan Shi (primary +), inquiry (primary +)

Realm: Congenital late

Method: The congenital yin and yang poilless work (Da Cheng +), Yongshen (successfully), Dragon Elephant wave (12 + 13), Confucius Qunxiao looks like (successfully), five birds (disabled version, small completed +) ( +)

Martial Arts: Break the sword (successful), picking the star hand (big +), stepping back (big +), easy to for for forging the bones (successfully), the soul Dafa (successfully), the moon bow (small +), Vehicle knife (small +)

Scheme: Drug (Successful), Spring Surprising Rain (Dacco +), Lightning (Great +), Positive Method (Not Getting Stated +)

Source point: 23.2

Main line task: Kill the Evil (310), reward unknown, the task cannot be returned before the task is completed. (undone)

Branch Task 1: Become the princes of the parties, at least one state, reward 10 source points. (undone)

Branch Task 2: Unified Three Kingdoms, reward 50 source points. (undone)

Just after the end of the year, the strength of the congenital period, faintly broke through the signs of innate peaks, although it can't compare with the world's genius, it is not slow.

Originally thought that he would have a big army to fight, but with more and more people's talents, there will be less, from Huangzhong's hazy knife, the bow is still small, but it is broken. The sword, under uninterrupted practice, has been successful.

Zhang Lu Chuan's Taoism is that it is a matter of practice, not only practicing the method, but also has the inheritance of Dan Shi and Fu Xi, let the singularity have two occupations, but also bring the spell of the person. The spell can be combined.

This is the core inheritance of Tianshi, Zhang Jiazi, even if the big sacrifice of each ruler is not taught.

Zhang Wei's words, I am not interested in this, I naturally didn't see it in the battlefield.

And the arthole, it is also very difficult in the five bucket, Zhang Lu himself is explored, and there will be no more than ten years in more than ten years.

Among Zhang Lu's king, there is a military to show the battle, the number of people is very small, but only a team of fifty people, but it is the core of Zhang Lu.

Because it is too difficult to draw qualified characters, there is no excess to expand the scale.

After all, now, the five bucket is inherited, the scale is not big enough, and it is true that it will be retrieved later. When you are a convulsion, any disciples can easily draw the crazy, used to fight.

Looking at the system interface, I have a long time to close it.

In this world, although the strength is gradually growing, the harvest is less.

The congenital yin and yang have no power, the dragon icon can only support the innate peak, unable to promote, Yunyi, and Kongmen Qunxian look down less, practice to the success, I am only the innate medium, rebirth The five poultry play is only a successful peak, and I don't know if there is any good way to create God.

Only this time I learned from Zhang Lu, I probably practiced to God, and I have to see the actual situation.

The means of attacking, is also a bit limited, these years are not the opportunity, just did not learn. However, at this time, it is ready to prepare some means.

After seeing Zhang Lu, the Hanzhong, the Hanzhong, who was appointed by Liu, was arrived, and the Quality Radio returned.

At this time, Yizhou is in a civil chaos, and the north is a state, still very safe, no need to be too powerful.

Next and Yuan Shao, Liu Bei's war is a key battle that determines the go of Dahan. The Qiki can't put the too strong people in a place, so his fortune will decrease.


Going back to Fuyang, the Qi Ti's seal has increased a thousand households, reaching three thousand, the civil war of this emergence of the army has been promoted.

Zhang Lu stayed in Han, except for the fourth child, the rest of the three sons, two younger brothers were odd to Xiangyang Anju. It is a few governance, and staying in the Hanzhong auxiliary Zhang Ru Chuan. It is just a pass and cannot interfere.

The ghost army, which was established, was transferred to Zhang Wei, and was transferred to the army in the army. This is the last batch of ghosts. After another, Zhang Lu can only pass, can recruit a small amount of guards, and can not be a large-scale armed belief.

Going back to Fuyang, I have no longer go out again, and my wife is about to produce, he wants to stay.

After a few career, I was the first time. When my father is the first time, the fate of the strange is very complicated, and even I don't even know how to face this reality.

According to the present point of view, he is not a good husband, because his mind is in a fixed place, and there is not much communication with Markov, and the feelings are that, and there is no long-term combat will be deep.

He never knows that he will not be a good father, these two words, the lady is far away.


Strange, relieved in Xiangyang, thinking that Yuan Shao is still recuperating, not easy to send troops, but the reincarnation gives him an accident.

Hardong was broken by Cao'an, Han Si, Hu Chi War, Yang Feng, Li Le escaped to Zhangzhou, please go to the soldier.

When Cao An surrendered in Cao Cao, the temporary split team went to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao did not hoster, sealed him a general, applying him to be Hanoi.

Although Cao Cao surrendered, most of the military will follow Cao Cao surrendered, but Cao'an has taken a lot of martial arts, there are so many martial arts, and have their own site, Cao'an's strength growth.

Cao Anzou rushed to Yuan Shao, with more than a thousand people in just a year, and farenly with him under Cao Cao.

Of course, consequence is the suffering of people in Hanoi.

Although these army's combat power is not strong, it is not as good as Cao Cao's army, and it is better to Yuan Shao's army, but it will be able to go to the battlefield.

So Cao'an hit the idea to Hedong Yang.

In fact, his location also determines that he does not have much choice.

Henan Yin was destroyed too serious, although Liu Tang sent people to repair, but Henan Yin's population, wealth is not as good as before, and it is an emperor, and attacking Henan Yin influence is too much.

And Hedong is different, although it is also the land of Liu, but Yang Feng, Li Le and others have been in charge of the palm, but what is the powerful Jingzhou army, Yang Feng, Li Le, what?

And even if you seize the Hedong, you will not affect the overall situation. Now Yucheng and Xiangyang have grown along the river, will not be easy to fight, and seize the Hedong, the north of the river, and Fuyang will not have a big move to

I want to have all this, Cao An invites Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao agreed with his plan to attack the Hedong, but also told the state of the state.

So after a war, Hedong disappeared, Yang Feng, Li Le wolf escaping to Changan, please take the armor to help.

Zhong Wei did not dare to be a master, so I quickly passed the news to Fuyang and passed it into the singular hand.

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