Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 332 Maximum Size War (Subscribe)

In the past few years, Yang Feng, Li Le and others have a moisture, nothing to bring the soldiers and horses going out to Yao Wuyangwei, the disk peeling the people, Less Lesso Shi ...

Don't doubt, Yang Feng, Li Le and others are all Bai Baojun, the family is a natural enemy, a power, forces, and the world's ecstasy, which is dare to resist, and I am afraid that I am extinguished.

Of course, no one has found trouble.

Initially, Yuan Shao went to the state as its own site, but busy with Gong Sun, there was no interest to pay attention to Hedong. After the introduction of the ceremony, it has not been rational to the state, including the Party too late Yuan Tong, it is too late to Raiders Hedong, the official battle of Guandu broke out.

Two years of war, let them be innumerable.

During the war, Yuan Tong was transferred to the history of Qizhou, waiting until the end of the war, Cao An Renhe Taishe, Raiders River East is mentioned.

After a year of preparation, under the co-cooperation, finally defeated Yang Feng, Li Le and others, captured Hedong.

I received the information from the clock, and I odd directly. If you don't have your own forces, you can't expand to Hebei. If you are not worried that the Hedong will cause Yuan Shao's misunderstanding, it has caused the war in advance. He has long wanted to pack Yang Feng.

However, after all, people have defeated, even if they buy people, they can't be too harsh. So I will let the bell, let the two temporarily stay in Zhangzhou, listen to the command of the bell. If the two don't want, send them to Fuyang.

As for the income of the Hedong, just say that it is not advisable to war, staying for a few years, you will inevitably send troops to recover the Hedong.

Yang Feng is unsatisfactory, and the Qi county is not concerned, and even the bar is not so dissatisfied, then the rebellion, so that he has reason to pack them.

Treatment is complete, and sing is at ease to wait for his son to bother.

After more than a month, Jian'an is about to pass, and Mark's family is finally produced.

When I heard the child's birth, I suddenly calmed down, and I suddenly disappeared suddenly, I didn't know what to do.

There is only one voice in the mind: I am a father.

He really doesn't know how to face this situation.

He is always a passer in this world. If you finally complete the task to leave, what will change in this world? What is the ending of this son?

Is this book's true true, is it true?

"Zi Jun, I still have something to do, hurry to look at it." Liu Tang saw that his son was still a wooden chicken, did not think too much, only thought that he was happy.

Liu Tsu is also very happy, and Lao Liu finally has a third generation, and this base industry is created.

Because the kiki is too late, Liu Qi and Liu Wei have delayed Liu Qi and Liu Wei, who has been married in the two men last year, so that there is no newborn now.

But now, he is finally happy.

With the first one, the source is constantly moving.


When you see the child's moment, you have a sense of responsibility.

Just born children, although very small, it is the most beautiful existence when it is time.

"No matter what the end will, as long as I am still, I must guarantee that your mother and child are safe and happy." Looking at the wife who is tired, the heart is determined.

Or one day, his strength is powerful to a certain extent, and the book world is not impossible.

He suddenly had a sense of urgency.

Because of the child's birth, Jian'an nine years, Xiangyang has a complete a year, and dealing with internal affairs.

County counties, flat removing people, fight hard, weaken the influence of the family, encourage business, contact the princes ...

This year, the stylism is more struggling, and in the absence of a source of source, it is successful to successfully, reaching the innocent peak. The rest of the five birds, and there is no minor progress.

And the civil and military, Wu Yin rate first promoted the gods, and the rest even Tai Shi, Xu Huang, Zhang Liao, Xia Hou, etc. If these people can promote, in high-order military commanders, they can exceed Liu Bei.

After all, Liu Bei hand is low, and only Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Xu Wei four magics.

And Yuan Shao's hand, it is said that only a successful promotion of a success, even Yan Liang Wen is unable to succeed. In the mid-to-peer, Tianfeng, frustrated, Xu Wei, trials arrived at God's ventilation, Xin Ying, Xin Na, Shang Ji, Guo Chau is worse, and it is in the peak realm.

Not only these, Yuan Shao also recruited Guan Ning, Yuyuan, Guo Yuan, Terminal, Wang Xiu, Cui Wei, Dong Zhao, Simaran, Wang Ling, etc., the talented talents emerged in these years, doing the next war ready.

There was still a Tian Tian Yu, Liu Bei's own person, from Yuan Shao that. In order to draw Liu Bei, Yuan Shao did not oppose it.

Originally some people Yuan Shao are not ready to be opened, but in order to the next battle, he has to force these people.

The land of Hebei, there are too many talents.

This, Yuan Shao also leaked a more cattle Sima Yi.

Occupy people in the big man, the talents in the singularity of course will not be more than Yuan Shao, although there is only Huang Zhong, Cai Wei, Wu Yin, but the peak is more, and the god will be honest.

In addition to Guo Jia, Yan, Jia Wei, Yan, four, Zhou Yu, Zhang Zhao, Jin Jin, the peak, the peak of the chemical shape, Liu Wei, Lu Su, Gu Yong, Zhang Wei, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong , Xu Wei, full of pet, Cheng Wei, etc., all have the signs of the promotion.

Holding so many talents, Qi Ti is naturally not afraid of Yuan Shao, and it has been thinking of the Northern Expedition.

When the son was one year old, the birthday banquet guest, lively, and the heart will be.

On this day, my son has a big name, Liu Xing.

Originally, I would like to let Liu Tu name, but Liu Tang refused, let him come by himself. I want to order this name for a long time.

Xing, the Xing, Guangwu Zhongxing, the Xing of Zhongxing.

Naked exposure of the strange intentions.

But no one cares, but it is to let the Dynasty are more worrying.

The big man is already finished, if you open a new Han, you are not from the minister of the dragon, why?

At the beginning of Jian'an, the first table requests to ask for the rebellion of Hebei to get the court.

In February, the singularity of the million army was enriched to Zhangzhou.

In March, Yu Changyi called the public and discussed the things of the north.

This agenda, in addition to the generals of left-behind, almost everyone is here.

This battle, Fuyang toned to millions of army across all over the country, even Xuzhou Mu Cao was stuck, and participated in the war.

Grain and grass, the source of food is constantly transported to Yuezhou hoarding and prepare for the war.

The armor, the bow, the siege instrument also came to the front line, and the stream is endless.

This kind of big event naturally unacceptable, Yuan Shao won the news, and he also began to mobilize the army, and the army was assembled on the front line.

This can be said to be the largest war in the three countries.

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