Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 334 Yuan Shaozhi Dinning (seeking subscription)

Yucheng, Yuan Shao dragged the sick, and once again summoned the civil and military.

Without the defeat of Guandu, although Yuan Shao was inert to the peach behavior, it was more embarrassing, and the fringe was angry, but it didn't have messenger blood.

However, since then, Yuan Shao's body is also very big, three years have passed, the old state.

You know, Yuan Shao is the middle of the day, if it is not a problem, it is impossible to be old at this age. For example, Cao Cao, than Yuan Shao is also a few years old, it seems to be around 40.

"Liu Bei also sent a person to send a letter of assistance, and Zhu Jun thought how to deal with it." Yuan Shao looked at everyone asked.

"The general, Liu Bei has not taken war with Xiangyang, so on the help, is it a bit wrong?"

"The general, Qi Ba was attacked, between months, Liu Bei did not act, sitting on the righteousness of death, the big master was attacked by Jingzhou Shuijun in Qingzhou, is Liu Bei's East County is also attacked?" Guo map is also Falling the stone, "I think he is scared by Jingzhou army, and there is 300,000 troops, but I don't dare to fight."

"General, Zhu Jun, now is not the timing of accountability, how to deal with Liu Wei is the key. Jingzhou Million Army Chen Bing border, should we do it immediately? After the war, how long can the food supply can be persistent?"

"Of course, I have to fight, but I must let Liu Bei first go up, consume Liu Wei's strength." Xin Yixian said.

"The problem is that Liu Bei is now looking like a turtle, we don't work first, I want him to go first, it is difficult." Pupage said.

"He didn't first fight, and the generals also had any significance of holding him to Dong County." Guo Mu Yinssen, "he solves him if he is not obedient."

He and Liu Bei still entangled, before the official battle, Liu Bei offense Qingzhou, Guo map later followed Yuan Tan to attack Liu Bei, did not get bigger, let Guo Tu are angry, is it willing to be willing to be in the same time?

Looking at Liu Bei is a matter of his favorite, and it is very beneficial to do so.

"The general, we must act, Liu Wei has taken Taishan, attracting , if he will defeat Liu Bei, we are passive." Tian Feng also advised.

"Yeah, the general, the million army Chen Bing border, consumes huge, if there is no war, it is easy to have problems." Pupress said, "Please ask the generals."

"What is the body of the general, a Liu Wei in the district, can be driven by the generals!" Xin Yixian retorted.

"That is, the generals only need to send one will be able to defeat Liu Wei! Why do you have to come!"

"The military country, involving millions of people, the generals don't come out, can you assume this heavy?" Tian Fengyou asked.

Xin Yusi, there is no talk to it.

As Yuan Shao's body is getting better, his hand is also divided into two factions, Guo map, Xin Yixi support Yuan Tan, charter, trial support Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan occupies the strength of the long-term, but often in Qingzhou, and Yuan Shang is more I like Yuan Shao, I have been waiting for Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao is more familiar with the civil and military.

As for Tian Feng, frustrating, Xu Wei, such a smart person, did not comment at all.

Yuan Shao did not find this phenomenon, but he didn't think about who did not think about it in the end, and it was disabled.

Talent Tian Feng deliberately said that it is in the martyrdom.

Yuan Shao is still alive, if they say that Yuan Tan or Yuan Shang will lead this million army, what is Yuan Shaoong?

If you don't dare to say it, you can only be refunded.

But this makes both parties to Tian Feng's grievances.

Not the first time, Tian Feng destroyed their plan.

Yuan Shao naturally knows the importance of clasping the army.

Liu Tu dare to let the army will lead the army, because this army is basically aqi, but Yuan Shao can let the sons go, and a few sons do not have this ability to let everyone get up.

Once he is decentralized, it is estimated that he will be lost in Java.

"Don't fight, this war is related to the national book. This general must be the army of the army." Yuan Shao stopped the argument of everyone, "With the name of the court, he or the military, otherwise he did not loan."

"With Yan Liang as a pioneer, Guo Tu as military division, took the lead in the south of Henan, stationed in Fuyang, set up the big camp, did not allow the army to come to the army."

"Mailing Qizhou, Zhangzhou, Qingzhou, recruits three thorn history to collect military and horses, and enroll the river Taishou Cao Qian help."

Yuan Shao started the order.


"It can't be delayed again, Yuan Shao did not be patient," East Acropolis, Liu Bei's road to everyone, "have to play."

"Yun Chang, you rate the 50,000 army, go to Dongping national rescue. Remember, the strength, you can bring the army of Dongping State to better, do not guarantee your own safety. Don't worry, wait for Yuan Shao to say."

With Liu Bei's "tactical guidance", Guan Yu did not rescue Dongping, only more than 10,000 people's Dongping soldiers, and the text hired a fight, I rushed back.

This battle is almost killed, the injury is not light, leaning against the powerful army, let Guan Yu, no death, otherwise the next year's army arrived, even if Guan Yu is a god, it can't be good.

When Guan Yu returned, Yuan Shao was already in Fuyang.

There is no hesitation, and when sending people to the city to hold, guarding Yuan Shanda, one side of the soldiers, quickly attacking Fan County, and Cao Cao, Xia Hou, Liu Xu simultaneously pounced to East A.

He is ready to solve Liu Bei first, and go to Yuan Shao.

It is still that there is still, Liu Bei is not lacking, but the scribes are not much, and the strange is a large number of scribes, including , Jia Wei, Guo Jia three monarchs, to suppress Liu Beijun.

The results did not accidentally, Liu Bei founded the spiritual skills of the three gods and ventilases. The military's combat power declined was very serious. He was gathered by the advantage of the strength of the strength. The 100,000 troops are also quickly defeated.

For the defeated army, the strange is chasing, and finally Zhao Yun is left to block the troops.

Zhao Yun was very difficult to complete the task, but in Huang Zhong, Xiwei joined his hand, there was Chen's white soldiers, and the army after the temple was killed, and Zhao Yun was seriously injured and was captured.

Liu Bei took the opportunity to ran to Fuyang, and returned to Yuan Shao camp.

In the singularity, the establishment is completed, but the city is almost by Yuan Shao.

I learned that the Qi Ti was attacking the East A, Yuan Shao immediately grabbed the fighter and attacked the city., Zhang Zhao, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong joined your hand, nor Yuan Shao's opponent's opponent, there is no monopolity in the city, only support it hard.

Fortunately, I will have a timely, I will avoid the risk of breaking the city.

The battle was glued, no one can win, only to fight.

This is three years.

Then, Yuan Shao's body is also supported, and it will die directly in Fuyang Camp.

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