The daily affairs of the million army is not that simple, Yuan Shao can't do it, you can only relative.

But in this way, it is very tired. Not only that, when the war is not smooth, many decisions are pressed in Yuan Shao, but also work, but in this case, Yuan Shaosheng has anti-three years.

In the three years, the two sides surrounded the Fuyang and Yucheng, there was a large number of hundreds of times. Small scale is just that hundreds of people with hundreds of people, with hundreds of thousands of people in size.

The death and injuries between the two sides are also very fierce, and no one is not less than 300,000, and there is only 100,000 average. It is not as good as the odds of Hanzhong's loss, but the battle that is not stopped every day in Han, and it is not.

Try, find the flaws of the other party, sneak attack, anti-sneak attack, Besie, strong attack ... is the daily day of Fuyang war. More time is confrontation, not killing.

It is involved in millions of troops. Whether Yuan Shao is still singing, it is impossible to go straight like a small-scale battle.

At the beginning, Yuan Shao took a million army south to attack Cao, and was also blocked by Cao Cao, which was only two or three thousand people, and did not mention the opponent.

But despite the heavy loss, the front line of the force is not small, but there is a growing trend.

Because these three years, both sides are unbroken to raise their troops.

It is not tight to fight, and I have a few times on the battlefield. After returning, I have become a veteran, soldiers.

Maybe the Three Kingdoms warned to the peak, ushered in an outbreak period, these three years have continued to break through the realm, and the strong people of God are constantly emerging.

Yan Liang, Wen Yong, Zhang Wei, and highlights have been promoted to God, and the cultprous, Guo map, every comment, Xin Yusi, Xin Ni, Yi, and Quan Ning, Yu Yuan, etc., I have also arrived at God. Strangely told this.

It is Liu Bei, because the person is lacking, and there is no other God venture.

In the case of the singularity, the martial arts of the Jinji Shenxi, there is Gan Ning, Tai Shi, Xia Houzhen, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Cao Ren, Lu Meng, Zhang Xi, Chen to, Lu Su, Lejin, Zhou Tai, there is a strange new new Discovered Li Jin, all the promotion of God.

Li Jin is a race of Li Jin, who once defeated Lu Bu and Cao Cao, defeated Lu Bu to the attack, but because of the scale of the battle, he did not be famous, even Cao Cao was in the past because of the famine, worrying, failed Excovers people. Until Li Jin lived to the front line support, show the strength, was attracted to the generals.

The rest of Cao Hong, Cao Chun, Cao Xiu, Cao Zhen, Yu Zhi, Li Di, Li Tong, Wen, Liu Luo, He Qi, Jiang Qin, Chen Wu, Wei Yan, Li Yan, Huo Jun, etc., in the future, the innate peak. Some people are running out, some people are too small.

However, in the singularity, if it is unable to advance in this wave of war, it will be difficult to advance.

Wenting, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Xu Wei, Lu Su, Lu Xun, Gu Yong, Zhang Wei, Yue Yue, Li Liang and other promotion gods, including Hua Tui, Zhong Wei, and Wang Lang, who has been unwilling to be hungry

Yuan Shao didn't want to form a long-lasting battle, because his body did not allow long-term holding, so several take the initiative to attack the strange counsel, and I want to defeat the enemy, but in the end, it is just in vain.

Three years of work, Yuan Shao finally insisted. After processing after a certain battle, a bite of blood was sprayed out, and the public was directly coma.

Yuan Shao is commence, and the war is naturally stopped. Several counsel is discussed, decided to transfer to defense, wait Yuan Shao to wake up again.

Yuan Shao's coma is not a secret. Too many people have seen it, and they have a few Tian Feng. I can't afford to leak, but I can restrain.

Don't say others, Xin Yusi, championships are different camps, it is impossible to do it early.

You must know that Yuan Shao's eldest son is far from Qingzhou and the Qi Tu's Water Army. How can I don't let Yuan Tan Zi Xiao? If he doesn't know, if Yuan Shao has an accident, how can you compete for the next general?

So soon, Yuan Shao's coma's news is boiling, and even the arms of the front line is very anxious, and people will ask.

Yuan Tan is naturally no exception. After getting a news, Yuan Tan immediately put down the intention of the Jingzhou Water Army, and rushed to Fuyang Camp.

However, I haven't waited for him to arrive, I received Yuan Shao's illness.


"The big brother and sorrows, the war is currently, the father is going, but your brother should go forward, defeat the Yangyang charm." Yuan Shang looked at the crying of Yuan Tan.

"Where is the father in the father?" Yuan Tan hated crying.

"Father wants me to inherit the generals of the general, defeat the charm of the thief, and the peace of the court," Yuan Shang said, "Big Brother, you will be a car ride, our brothers are unhealthy, and we will be able to win."

"The father truthfully said?" Yuan Tan bite the dental road, "the brothers are the eldest son."

"What is the big brother, what else can be lie?" Yuan Shang is not Yue, "I am not only alone, the big brother does not believe, and the gentleman is."

Yuan Tan's consciousness looked at Xin Yixian, see him nod, can only deprecate the unwillingness in his heart, said: "The brother wishes the third brother to succeed."

"I want to spend more with my father, since the third brother inherits the generals of the general, they must be busy, there is no need to be here."

"Big Brother must take care of the body, the younger brother has a lot of things to rely on the big brother!" Yuan Shang said after he left.

"Zhongzhi, what is going on, my father is so arranged?" Treat Yuan Shang leaving, Yuan Tan asked immediately.

Guo Tu is also concerned. He has accompanying Yuan Tan to Qingzhou during this time, and does not understand the situation in Fuyang.

"The generals have not woke up after coma, what is the lastment?" Xin Yixian said.

"How is it that he inherited a general one?" Yuan Tan is not full.

"He" is naturally Yuan Shang Shang.

"Gongzi, trial of the south, Guan Yuan Tui, the main people, the generals, the people who left behind, also advocated the three monsters, and the rest of the wood, Tian Yuanyi, Mei Gong, Xu Ziyuan, etc., to avoid internal, let Jingzhou army I can only agree. This is the 'last word of the big general. "

"They will be shining, but can they ask my opinion?" Yuan Tan angry.

"The big son, the thing is here, the anger is useless, and if you can't beat Liu Wei, this is all empty." Guo Tu advised, "At this time, you will be a good thing."

"The meant of the discipline is stronger, let the soldiers defeated?" Yuan Tan tried to ask.

"No, there is a copy of the civil and military to pay attention to Fuyang Camp, the son can't do this, but it should be more brave and enemies, especially to operate the Qingzhou back." Guo Mu said, "once really defeated, son What is it again? "

"Only beat Jingzhou army, there is a future. I can't win, now I can't get it, we can get it in the DPRK. The three sons can do not have the generals of the generals, and some are."

"Thanks to the public, Yuan Tan understands." Yuan Tan turned laugh, "I will congratulate the three brothers to the big general."


Yuan Shao's illness is so fast that there is no big movement in the singularity, and there is no big movement, only a few counseling of several counsels.

After the meeting, the stunt began to send the new round of transfer, secretly transferred the main force to the back, with the army of the war, and went to attack Fuyang Camp.

The beautiful name is given to these people, and Yuan Shao Xin died, let them heroes.

Then, the Yuan Jun of the Yangyang Camp is countered, and the defeat is falling. If it is not subsequent, it is not known to lose how many people will lose!

In this last statistics, it is more than 50,000, which is more than one-half of the previous year.

This makes the singularity of the anger, and immediately rate the army to attack Peiyang.

Then Guo Jia, Yan and others have been advised, the words are dead, Yuan Shao is also a big man, can't let him die after death.

Something, I finally persuade the strange counted, and persuade the singularity to the Fuyang big camp.

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