Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 336 Zhuge Liang Taro Hebei (seeking subscription)

Fuyang big camp, all of them are filial piety, and a piece of .

Zhuge Liang followed the craftsmanship, the ceremony, the words, and reviewed Yuan Shao's life, for its expression, so easy to end the process.

At this time, you can't say Yuan Shao's rebellion.

He is here to hang, has been seen as provocative, if so, it is estimated that it will be treated by Hebei Wenwu.

"Let's talk, Liu Wei let you come, what happened?" Yuan Shang looked at the young Zhuge Liang.

"I have already said it will be said, this behavior is crane." Zhuge Liangyun lightly light, seemed to see the Hebei Wenwu for him around him. "

"The war has been a few years, and the death and injury will stop hundreds of thousands. This will not believe that Liu Hao will be so thoughtful, and it is also special to crane it for my father." Yuan Shang is cold.

"Yuan Gongzi, there is some small family." Zhuge Liang has let the anger of everyone, "Yuan Gong, the world is also famous, the Dong Zhuo, according to the court, intended to waste the emperor, the world is not inseparable, only Yuan Gong Strive, even the age is still small, but it also admires. Not to mention the place of Yuan Gongjie, led the world, the princes, the people, will drive away the wedding army. "

"Yuan Gong has this achievement, Liu Jun is deeply admired, so even if it is enemies, he respects three points. Export will refer to 'Yuan Gong', do not dare to have any sluggishness. However, it is known that Yuan Gongzi is actually a lottery What happens again, Liu Jun is also a car ride, even if you don't admit it, it is true, just like we don't admit you, but does not affect our personal attention. Peak in Yuan Gongzi, Hebei, Hebei Yingcai, all the generations of a few gifts. "

Bold ... "


"Yellow mouth children, dare to smear it so much in Hebei ..."


It is repelled that Zhuge Liang still keeps smiling, not for us.

It is said that this is said: "Not? Liu Jun mentioned three," he looked at the Yuan Shang brothers, "also wants to call a 'son', but Yuan Gongzi directly called the name of Liu General, this is not What is the number of not a gift? Hebei Yingcai is alone, then there is no need to talk. "

"Mr., I have worked more, I am young, because my father is too sad, the speech is inevitably biased. I act to Liu Jun, I apologize to Mr., I also ask Mr. I forgive." Yuan Shang yet said, Yuan Tan Sound.

It seems to maintain Yuan Shang, but he smashed Yuan Shang's face in front of everyone, so that Yuan Shang angry did not speak.

"Mr., forgive me," Yuan Shang immediately admit mistakes, "I don't know what Liu General will come here."

"This is the attitude of talking." Zhuge Liang is almost anger everyone. "Liu Jun's respect for Yuan Gong's people, heard Yuan Gong, not tolerant because of the two war, let Yuan Gong have to stop in the big camp, so Let the abundance of discussing the army down. "

"Liu Jun can think that I have a big loss, and if I can't stop tens of thousands, I will be willing to stop fighting back?" Guo Chao smiled.

"So, the strike is conditional." Zhuge Liang said, "I want to strike, please ask you to withdraw from the East County, go back to Hebei."


"Due to thinking ..."

"Here is that we have used hundreds of thousands of people to change, let you go out,"

"Yes, the million soldiers from Hebei will not let this happen."


Zhuge Liang said that he sounded a noisy voice.

"It seems that Yuan Gong is going to go, Hebei is not three masters!" Another sentence, let the sounds disappear.

"Mr. didn't have to play this kind of trick, I Hebei four states, up and down, and the district grade, there will be no more people at all." Yuan Shang came and looked at Zhuge Liang.

"Three sons, Yuan Gongxin, Hebei military heart is unstable, then fight, it is not good to be profitable by the fisherman, it will be worse, and the grassland is stupid."

"This matter is concerned about Mr. He cares, returning to Hebei is not willing." Yuan Shang said.

"Can the Yangyang City can always?" Zhuge Liang said.

"Kong Ming, the current situation is that you have just ate a defeated, tens of thousands, do you still think about us?"

"Liu Jun is dragged, are you dragging it here? Is Yuan Gong's remains?" Zhuge Liang smiled.

"You are not afraid of jade," Tian Feng said.

"Three-year war, with thousands of thousands of soldiers, what else do not dare?" Zhuge Liang smiled.

"You are gently, there is an universities to repair, if you want to think about Liu General, if you take you, Liu Jun will change your idea?" Tian Feng threatened.

"Don't say that the two armies are fighting, they will not make it, even if you do this, there is no unexpected." Zhuge Liang said, "under Liu General, but a little pawn, do not say the publica, Jia Wenhe, Guo Fengfia these predecessors On me, even Chau Shiyuan, Xu Yuan, Zhou Gongqi, Lu Zi Jing, Lu Bo said is not on me, my life and death have nothing to do. On the contrary, if you seizure me, then you refused the goodwill of Fuyang, , The thinking is really not dead. "

"Kong Ming, you just say, what is the Hejun in the end?" Asked her whipped.

"First, you withdrew from Zhangzhou, the second handed over Liu Bei and others, the third compensation for millions of stone." Zhuge Liang said with conditions, "You can discuss it first."


Zhuge Liang did not have much, soon he was brought to Yuan Shangzhong.

"Mr., Liu Junjun mentioned is too harsh, and it is not necessary to say," Yuan Shang is against Zhuge Liang, "we will make up the Puyang big camp. As for others, please don't do it."

"If Liu Jun, if he feels that my father's new mourning will be guilty of the passession, he welcomes him to attack." Yuan Shang said.

"This is the last decision of Yuan Gongzi?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"Yes." Yuan Shang said.

"Well, Yuan Gongzi's decision, the online will convey to General Liu, so that there is any consequence, that is not the online can be decided. The hanging has been completed,"

"Kong Ming, Liu Junjun is unknown, actually putting your big only in danger, it is better to come to Hebei, at least there is a nine-law respected position." Tian Feng suddenly said.

"Thank you, Mr. Yuan, who is worthwhile, but the generals of Liu will be able to go, but Mr. Xie is beautiful." Zhuge Liang refused.

Why do he take the risk to hang, it is not because he is not enough to have a good job in the singularity, so take the initiative to ask Fuyang big camp, explore the status quo of Wenwu in Hebei.

Yuan Shao is dead, Yuan Shang carries the generals, Hebei will split, even in history, even.

I want to know, so I have a row of Zhuge Liang.

"The harvest is not small." Shake the Puchi laughing.

Hebei's split is inevitable, when you see it, you should already be a victory.

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