Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 337, class teacher (seeking subscription)

After Yuan Shao died, the dispute between Hebei's faction was exacerbated.

Yuan Tan is very dissatisfied with Yuan Shang Ji's general, otherwise it will not be in his face of Yuan Shang's face. After all, Yuan Shang is already a master of Hebei, Yuan Tan, will be naked. Say "I am not satisfied".

Once there is no worries, there is a chaos. I don't know, will it be big?

Zhuge Liang wants to think so, the next plan can be carried out.

Going back to the city big camp, Zhuge Liang went to the Qiki, reported the results, gave his conclusion.

Then, the singularity also convened the public to negotiate countermeasures.

"Well, since everyone feels feasible, then do it!" Qi Ti said, "Three years of fighting, dragging Yuan Shao, the merits is still there, just take a while, let everyone slow." Strange to everyone.

The internal chaos will always be more dangerous than the external disease. Cao Cao has seen this, so take the initiative to dismount the army, let the brothers come up with the Xiao Wall, and finally break, capture Hebei four states.

Seeing Yuan Shao died, Qi Ti nature also got this kind of thought.

Yuan Shaosian is three public, the prestige is very popular, and it has established a year in Hebei, and it can be banned and can be banned. Otherwise, when Cao Cao, Cao Cao was in the battle of Guandu, spent seven or eight years before hebei four states?

Even if the styles are now many strengths than history, even if Yuan Shao, I want to truly occupy this four states, I have to waste a lot of work, or let them go.

Therefore, the singularity sent people to hang, observe the status quo of Wenwu in Hebei, is it dispatched after retreating?

After all, compared with history, Yucheng has a court, in case Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang Shang, but to compete for the right of the power?

Zhuge Liang's observation conclusions have firmly determined the determination to returning the army.

So, in the second day of Zhuge Liang, there was news from the news, and the car riding will be anger because the city is very rude, and it is ready to attack the Yangyang Camp.

Sure enough, for two days, the army began to assemble, and then attacked Fuyang Camp again.

Yuan Sha's body was stored in the big camp. In the face of Jingzhou Army, the Hebei Jun, Hebei Jun, who fought, killing the enemy, and finally defeated Jingzhou army.

This time, Jingzhou army losses more, and 780,000 people.

Two times, there is not only a role, but the loss is much more than the previous year. This makes the camp that are rumored in the camp. Is the car ride stunned by a continuous war? It is arrogant?

This makes the singularity of the rumors more "angry", and several times a few times, rebuking the general army.

Subsequently, a letter sent to Fuyang Camp, told Yuan Shang Shang to look at Yuan Shao's face, let them leave, will return to Fuyang after returning to Fuyang big camp, let Yuan Shang be careful, she will not give up, at any time Again.


"The general, Liu Wei, this is a soft, two battles, the loss exceeded the previous year, even if there is no injury to the bone, it is enough to let him hurt, he is ready to withdraw."

Fuyang Camp, Yuan Shang received a letter from the threat of the strange coup, and convened the civil and military agenda, and took the lead in championship.

"It does have this meaning, but you have to prevent it!" Xu Wei said.

"No matter what to say, first take the generals of the generals to the burial, this is the first major event." Guo Tu said, "In addition, the general army will die, the public Chinese is going to change, the one on the emperor, It is not very honest recently. "

"Return is inevitable, but there must be someone left behind, to prevent Liu Wei to fight again." Daily said, "Da Gongzi has been a long time, and he is not asked to leave the court to ensure the security of the court."

"The big master is the eldest son, the father is, can you be around?" Xin Yixian retorted, "I still left the generals, and the yuan map is smart, just leave auxiliary."

"The General Yan Liang is the most prestigious general of our army. If you let him stay, we will be able to shock Liu Wei."

Yuan Shaozhen's a few generals, Yan Yi self-sufficiency, no one, no one, only listen to Yuan Sha's order. After Yuan Shao died, he immediately came to the succession of the leader.

In this world, Yuan Shao did not kill him because he was highly self-reliant, and lived in the present, or Yuan Shao's first advanced god.

Yan Liang, the creation of the creation of Yuan Shaojun, but Yuan Tan is familiar with Yuan Tan, and it is not completely reversed to Yuan Tan, but they still have doubts, but they still have final decisions.

Zhang Wei, the two high programs were low because of the previous position, and later was promoted, and Yuan Shang, who was with Yuan Shao, asked.

As for the rest of the general, there is a tendency, this time, whether Yuan Tan is still Yuan Shang, all will be in the army.

Tian Feng looked at all, my heart silently.

The generals have not buried, they will start fighting.

He is a bit of bitterness.

If the general is early, it is no longer a dispute, but it is unfortunate that the generals have been eager, and the last decision is not as good as the last consequences.

"Liu Wei is not because of seeing this, then chooses to retreat? With more than 100,000 people's life, the reason for returning the army is to let the brothers' walls have happen, and he will come up again?"

Thinking of this, Tian Feng face is pale, lifting his head, and suddenly, I found that it was asked to look at myself, the same look.

I have to say my guess, but I was shocked by her head.

Look at everyone who is quarreling, Tian Feng sighed and no longer insisted.

There is no smart person in the scene, even if I can't think of it, I will think, the reason is not mentioned, it is their own interests.

It's really said that there are more people who have sin, can you mix in Yuanjia?

Guessing is a fake, the brotherhood; guessing is true, let two people give up, talk about?

No one is willing to give up.

Tian Feng did not send a word, arguing to the end, whoever persuaded no one, I don't know who I mentioned Liu Bei, I finally decided to let Liu Bei left behind, and Li Yang.

Li Yang is already in the north of the river.


After several days, Yuan Shang thought that the father was killed, withdraws from Fuyang Camp, returning to Hebei, leaving Liu Guoshi Li Yang, Tian Feng comes with the auxiliary.

Then, I took the opportunity to enter Fuyang, and I won this for three years.

Then, in the people who will be in the audience, the Qiankun is coming, and the teacher will decide to go back to the DPRK.

Three years, the child will soy sauce, he hasn't returned it yet!

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