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Chapter 338 Magic Le Zuo (Subscribe)

In the eleventh year of Jian'an, the Central Plains area is in peace, and the Qi Tamant returns to Fuyang.

Three-year war, Fuyang is also an ultimate limit, no longer stopping, it will affect the life of the people.

Three-year war, hundreds of thousands of people, although the population of this world is much more than history, but hundreds of thousands are not a few, expand a little, this is a few hundred thousand families, if it is difficult, can Activities affecting millions of people.

Fortunately, the Treatment of the Jianyang, who has worked in the army, has experienced after the war, the pension is very thick, although there are many expenses, but the Qi Ti still insists. This will not have any problems after hundreds of thousands of weapons.

The soldiers are not willing, they are not willing to fight for several years, and there is no results and have a hurry.

But the strange prestige is still, even if you are not willing, you can only do it.


There is a lot of renewers, even if there is no compression of Zhang Ru, Zhao Wei's rebellion is still not over, still competing in a city. To now this point, Yizhou pays too much price, even if Zhao Yu surrendered, Liu Wei will never allow him to live.

Zhao Wei knows this, so it is resolutely not surrendered, and there is a reincarnation, even if the situation is getting worse, it also bits the teeth.

The killing of Liangzhou also stopped, even if hatred was deep, it would be stopped for a few years.

It is not hatred to alleviate the opposite. With the increase in people, the hatred is deeper, but the army must fight, have to stop.

Ma Teng, Han Wei, Song Jian strikes, and He Zhou immediately dispatched and began to invade Han Li's site.

He hid in the northern place for a few years. Sitting on Han Wei and Ma Teng, Song Jianzhen killed, strength is no weak than three people, not only northern land, but also seized the stability of some counties, and seized the county in the county.

Because I was born, I would like to see Han Yu destroyed. Since Ma Teng Song does not do it, then you will shoot yourself.

In the eyes of the people, people who can capture the leadership are strong, will not be accused, Han Yu is also killing the side chapter, this is taken by the monks.

He Zhou wanted to kill Han Li, even more than the heart of Ma Teng and Song.

He knows that he can't let Han have come to the air, otherwise Han 1 is still the biggest force in Liangzhou, and he doesn't have any opportunity to occupy Liangzhou.

So I stopped, and He Zhou immediately started attacking Han.

Han Pei, who has lost its strength, is unable to fight, and can only be moved by passive.


For the singularity, this is a good thing, the reincarnation is glow, the weaker power is, and he can unify three countries.

Don't say anything else, if it is now replaced by the renewal of Hebei, he did not grasp this.

In the view, in order to complete the task, they can sacrifice everything.

But I can't do it, he can't do so.

Yuan Shao died, there was a chaos in Hebei, and the reincarnations have planned, and the strange is in the Yangyang, and the government is handled in Liu Ti, and the wife and children are so uncomfortable.

This day, he visited Pound Gong from Lu Ming Mountain, returning to Fuyang, and suddenly saw a Taoist.

He is very convinced that the Taoist suddenly appeared on the road.

The congenital strong memory is not bad, especially his refinement, strong spiritual power, although there are many people on the road, the distance is not near, but he can also enjoy the bottom, there is a memory.

The Taoist suddenly appeared, and the next moment is still a blank area, and suddenly there is a figure.

It is not the extreme, it is that it is that it is there, and has not been found, or suddenly transient.

Whether it is the case, this person is not good.

"Come on yourself?" Odd a little guess.

At this time, he only took a Caiwei and dozens of soldiers, confident in the city of Fuyang, no one dared to do it.

Once there is a change, only the dragging is removed, and there will be a big army to kill immediately.

Nowadays, every time I travel, there is a big army guard. This time, I went to see Pound Progh, I don't want to be big, the army is waiting outside the city, and I only wait for dozens of people.

If there is an idea for him, this is a great opportunity.

"Pay attention to the alert." The Qi Ti is sinking, told the Cai Wei, hitting the horse.

Dozens of feet, for a while, the Taoist is not moving, slow, and it is unknome.

"The Taoist is going to Xiangyang?" Qi Ti came to the tao, and asked.

This should not be tight, and it is almost shocked.

I saw that the man wearing a vine crown, dressed in a jacket, a fairy bone, but there was a little eye on his face, and it looked a little seep. Look down, it seems to have a long shortage.

It is the left cry cry of the three scent of the Han Dynasty.

One of the top masters hidden in the Han Dynasty, Qi Ti didn't know what realm of Zuo Ci in this world, but it was so close, if there is a malicious, it is estimated that he can't escape.

Not him is self-purple, but the truth.

With Zuo Ci as Nanhua, one of the Sanxian of the Han Dian, a volume of Taiping to make Zhang Ziqi picked up chaos, then 20 years ago, the Zhang Hok has gods.

Now I have encountered Zuo Ci. Who knows that he is not broken the limit of the world and reaches a higher realm.

Zuo Cic can be more than the hunt downstairs of Cao Cao, and toys Cao Cao, who is holding the power, if there is no complete grasp, will appear in front of the strange.

"Great me!" Odds.

In the twenty years, the wind is smooth, and the solid germination is.

Although it is shocked, it can only be instant.

"The poor treasure cloud tour world, there is no purpose, I can see the generals, but the origination is approaching." Zuo Ci smiled.

I believe in you, you have a bad old man, or it is special to block me.

The strange heart is spit, but "doubts" and asked: "Doctor know who I am?"

"The whole of Fuyang, I don't know if the general is afraid." Zuo Ci smiled and said, "Not only the poor said that the general, the general recognized the poor road, although the generals have greatly concealed, but it is impossible to be poor This is the eye. "

You say you a one-eyed dragon, look at you!

"I have seen Mr. Wu Horn, I am changing." Qi Tiki will be horses, solemn, "Dare to ask Mr.?"

"In recent years, the stars shock, purple and micro-star movement, the poor road is quiet, and the machine is coming." Zuo Ci said.

"Do you have an advice?"

Of course, I know that this world, Jingzhou is very likely to be unified. And this change is that he brought by the reincarnation. He is not sure that Zoi can see the greasy.

You know, this is called "fairy".

The end of the Han Dynasty, the land is Nanyuan, the trace is all; the medical fairy is in Ji by Sun Ce (or not dead), falling in the wind; only Zozi, tease the most powerful Cao Cao, safe.

I didn't dare to be a small eye, after all, this world, I used to have a star.

I feel that Zuo Ci is no longer, and it has to exceed God.

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