Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 342, See also alliances (seeking subscriptions)

Jian'an twelve years of spring, in order to compete for power, Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan broke out a large-scale war, hundreds of thousands of people killed two days, and finally scattered.

This battle has caused the injury from nearly 100,000 people.

The two people have ended, and the singularity returns to Fuyang, and immediately launched a war. Directly cleaves Yuan Shang's stronghold in the south of the Dahe, and is confront to Liu Bei.

The Qi Qi army kills, Yuan Shang has no time to take care of Yuan Tan's disrespectful, personally let Yuan Tan apologize, invite Yuan Tan to take the army to Li Yang, and the enemy.

Even if you don't want it, Yuan Tan also knows that once the Qi Tie will enter Hebei, he will never use it again, so you can only endure the arms.

However, when Yuan's brothers arrive, the singularity immediately announced the withdrawal, let the brothers run away.

Due to the Water Army, on the river, Yuan Shang wants to be a river from Li Yang, basically impossible, and is restricted by death in Hebei.

Want to south, only from Qingzhou.

But at this time, it is not so easy to come from Qingzhou. Since Jingzhou Water Army, basically, it is divided into two in Qingzhou. There is only a large vessel to come in a narrow place in the big river.

Otherwise, just send vegetables to Jingzhou Water Army.

Yuan Shang finally knew that the father did his father to fight Cao Cao, capture the south of the river, just to go smoothly.

Unfortunately, I am inadvertently, giving up Fuyang Camp, giving it a hard-working Henan base, and then thinking that it is too difficult.

Without the Puyang Camp, the remaining counties were weak, and they couldn't stand the Jingzhou army. He has been surrendered.

If there is a powerful watermaster, it is not so difficult, but unfortunately, the people of Hebei, good at land war, do not learn the water battle, pay attention to the Jingzhou water army.

Therefore, Yuan Shang can only find the right Gu Haohe point along the river, which is to come to the south of the river.

Unfortunately, Yuan Tan did not cooperate, and Yuan Tang was withdrawn. Yuan Tan immediately returned to Qingzhou, let Yuan Shang got feet, but there is no way.

Haven't waited for Yuan Shang from Yuan Tan's Sao Tao to come back to God, and Yoshou came again.

You said that Yuan Tong is broken by the Liao West, and the leader of the county is more than 10,000, more than 10,000, captured more than 10,000, and killed the Sanshi Wushen's essence, but not only The department was destroyed, even the Owanda, the difficult building was also destroyed in Yutan, was annihilated in Yuan Tong in a very short time.

At this point, Liaoni, right northping, Shanggu Wuzhen's suffering. Not only that, Yuan Tong also gathered tens of thousands of Wuhuang soldiers, and the strength was more powerful.

Not only Yuan Tong, the graph is also gathered, but also has a lot of departments, and the strength is enhanced.

Yuan Shang's award has not yet been sent to Jixian, and the two began a new round of fighting, and a few lack of hilarious attacks, smashing the Eastern Xianbei, annexing their tribes.

Yuan Tong migrates people to urban, increasing the population base, while the graph is directly converted to its own tribe.

"Good, good, big brother is very good, should be awarded." Yuan Shang finally received the battle report that can make him feel happy, and said to the trial, and others.

"The general, the new soldiers sent in Youzhou in the past few years, the combat power is very bad, and Yuan Youzhou will leave the soldiers himself." Pupress said, "is not a strong, better, otherwise it is possible to lose control. "

"Hey ..." If you are concerned, let Yuan Shang happy smile is solidified, some embarrassment.

This is a deep concern, it's good, that is, it will talk too much. If you need to rely on him to shock the Quartet, it is estimated that Yuan Shang will send him to the cold bench.

"The court can't say it." Yuan Shang is a bit angry.

He still doesn't believe that Yuan Tong will betray Yuanjia.

"The generals, name can be given, and the right is not allowed." Trial proposal.

"Also," Yuan Shang nodded, "is the purpose, and Yuan Tong, a thorns, and Yuan Tong, is 2,000 households."


Yuan Tong couldn't receive the will of the court, and after a short break, he began to go to the middle.

And learned about the lessons of Eastern Xianbei, and the central and inferior precautions are very strict, do not give them opportunities.

It takes again to fall into the glue.

At the same time, Liu Wei also went to the Hanoi to see Cao'an.

A Cao's master, a Liu's enemy, the enemy in the temple, is still there.

But today, it appears in a small city.

"Cao Xiong, I want you to know, Yuan Tong and the map are connected to the hand," Liu Wei said, "Once they succeed, the next plan is self-evident, will we have a chance?"

Liu Wei is now not known, the big man in front of him is his life.

"So, what do you want to do?" Cao An asked.

Of course, he knows that Yuan Tong's purpose can be, you can have a step hard.

Originally became the nephew of Cao Cao, often very excited, after all, he knew that the world's last Cao Cao is the princes of the entire north, as long as Cao Cao, you can continue to win.

However, it didn't expect that the reincarnation of the plot was too big, especially the reincarnation of Xiangyang, and finally defeated Cao Cao. In the end, Cao Cao failed, and even surrendered the reincarnation.

So Cao'an can only adventuriate from Cao Cao, go to Yuan Sha, and then accept Yuan Shao, appointed as Hanoi.

In Yuan Shaoyu, in addition to the and high-job cooperation, Cao'an did not take too much effect.

His strength is still weak. But he dare not to expand, otherwise it is easy to be adjusted to the front line, act as a role of cannon.

In front of the reincarnation, it is actively on the door. Cao An also knows, and there is a reincarnation that has been by Liu Bei, hiding the very deep.

"We are weak now, it is not expected to be weak." Liu Wei said, "The situation in Hebei is unstable, maybe there is a chance to have a chance. Sizhou land, plus the vast grassland, enough ten reincarnations "

"So?" Cao An asked.

"So we also have to join us!" Liu Wei said, "The reason that the two people cooperated intimacy, must be alliance."

"Let's alliance, can also avoid internal consumption, then I will no longer hide, show your ability, don't want to meet you."

"Alliance is yes, good, no problem." Cao An didn't have much idea now, directly agreed.

"But the reincarnation needs you to pay first." Liu Wei said, "Liu is too poor."

"Every issue." Cao An smiled.


Looking at Liu Wei, I have some proud of Cao Rongxin.

The other party did not recognize him, but he recognized the people. If it was not robbed his opportunity, he still couldn't reach the peak of the master.

This is an accident, or to complete the task, further possibly, it is necessary to fall on this peer.

Daddy, then grab it again!

As for the consequences that caused, who is interested!

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