Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 343, Ma Teng, (seeking subscription)

, Chang'an.

From the front line, the strange quantitator came to Chang'an.

"Yuan often, I haven't seen you for a long time, can you be good?"

"Fortunately, thank you for your concern." Zhong Wei smiled.

After the cold, Zhong Yu began to introduce his hand under his hand.

In the same year, I won the Yunzhou, except for the Zhong Rong left a military, and the people were extremely short. These years are diligently, and finally, I finally reopeically manage the Yongzhou, not only to support the Qi Qi army, but also purchased the horse from the Liangzhou warlord and sent it to the Fuyang training cavalry.

It can make Zhangzhou quickly recovered, except for the credit of Zhong Yu, and he vigorously promoted talent. Zhong Rongzhong used Hongnong Yang, Fu Feng Mart, recruited Zhang both, Jia Wei, Jin Xing and other talents, and sent Ma Yao for Fuyang, there is a presence of Ma Yun, plus Liu Wei, Zhuge Liang, And Zhuge Liang's wife, Yue Ying, Jingzhou Army's siege equipment, far leading the rest of the princes.

I have seen everyone, when I gathered alone, I've cut into the topic.

"Yuan Chang, what does Ma Shou Cheng mean?" Asked Qi.

"Yes," Zhong Yuqi said, "Ma Shoucheng contacted the official, he had a head of the court, but he still worried."

"Can he be betrayed twice a time, can you worry?" Qi Ti smiled, "I told him that the northern place, killing He Zhou, I gave him a four town general, solve Han Wei Or Song Jian, Zhang Jiuqing, give him one. "

"General, is his current position?" Said Qi Ti.

"It is not low, but not we are sealed, not worth money." Qi Ti said, "Yes, I heard that the eldest son of Ma Teng Ma Chao, there are not courageous, let him listen to it."

"General, is this tone?" Zhong Wei asked.

"Ma Te is a person who knows, will be tried, this tone is what I should have." The Qi court explained, "They played a few years in Liangzhou, and I made a good cool. Haven't pursued his responsibility yet! "

"He didn't want to beaten now. If you want to rely on the court, you will be able to see the imperial court is not willing to accept. If you don't accept the price, why do you want these tricks?"

"Only we have made harsh but can complete the conditions, he will put down doubts and truly."

"Okay, let's go in this again." Zhong Wei said.

"Tell him, I am only waiting for half a month, I don't see the results half a month, I will not talk about it later." Strange said, "Some people want to talk."


Zhong Rong quickly contacted the gamp, the same as the Fuwa Mart, the messenger sent by Ma Te, was waiting for a reply in the old father-in-law family. After Zhong Wei repeatedly, the messenger immediately rushed back to Liangzhou.

Ma Teng took a long time, and finally decided to promise, when he was going to attack Han Wei, the clipper was hit.

So, when Zhou played Han Yu, he was hit by Ma Teng, and the whole person was

what's the situation? At this time, is your Ma Teng not the benefits of the fish? Why do you have to come up, and join Han.

He didn't expect Ma Teng to surrender to Fuyang.

It is really that the Liangzhou warlord has become accustomed to fighting, and I have not served Wanghua. I have forgotten the court.

He Zhou's ability is indeed very strong, it can always press Han Wei, have not let Han Yu resume strength in a few years, but the clever woman is difficult to sam, and his hand is too low. In addition to him, there is no .

So once he is in front of the outside, the rear operation will be very slow.

However, he can't let the army will give the army to others. Once do it, it is estimated that the next day will be overturned.

Has been attacked by Ma Te, He Zhou Jun suddenly chaotic, Han Yu also bought a problem, naturally it is not difficult to find problems, immediately launch counterattack, under the leadership of , , ,,, Waves.

Even when I didn't escape, I was caught by Ma Chao.

Although the two sides are still hostile, this time is also a temporary cooperation, but Ma Teng and Han Yu are also worshiped brothers, and they are in love. Han Yu is on the bones of He Zhouhe, asking Ma Teng to hand over him.

Ma Tee Si, only agree to let him revenge. After Han Wei killed what week, he would return the first level.

Then both parties have to withdraw.

The Ma Teng is looking to take the opportunity to attack Han Wei. After all, Han Yu's strength has been caught up, but Han Wei obviously guards him, there is no chance.


Submitted by the system, the reincarnation point increases, Qi Qi suddenly understands that Ma Te is accepting his own conditions and has been handled.

He also surprised, the reincarnation will be directly killed, he thought it would struggle for a while, and finally fled!

"Great to me!" The Qi Ti is not sigh.

After several days, Ma Teng brought hundreds of thousands of riding into the Zhangzhou, and sprouted to Fuyang.

"Meet the general!" The big army city is stationed outside, and Ma Te took a few sons into the city, and worshiping.

"General Majun does not have to be more ceremony, please come up." The Qi Ti is very enthusiastic forward.

"Thank you, the general is wide, and the Ma Teng is deeply heavy, and the year is old, please agree with the Nance of the Fei." Ma Teng said.

"Lian Po 80 is still old, the horse will not be less than sixty, why not learn to win the grandfather?" Qi Ti said, "As for the sin, the past does not have to mention, the general helps the court as soon as possible, Is the best explanation. "

"Since the horse will do this will not be able to make a message. The generals of the passbook will be available, and the general will ask the General day."

"Thank you general." Ma Teng said.

"These are the Lang?" The strange looks back to the horse.

"Yes, this is the eldest son Ma Chaumum Meng, the second child is hunger ... There is still a horse."

"Meet the general." Ma Chao has a good time.

In fact, the gynotypes are surrendered to Fuyang. Ma Chao is opinion, he is not willing, but unfortunately, it is not him.

Now Ma Chao, you can not be in history, Ma Teng into his own power, because the Ma Te has been in the same time, Ma Chao has not tasted the taste of the princes, even if there is dissatisfaction, but not clearly opposed.

Anyway, it is not satisfied, it is deactivated.

This is also a traditional traditional Chinese warlord.

"Although the general has been in Fuyang, he also heard the courage of Ma Meng from Wanfu." The Qi Ti looked at Ma Chao, "Sure enough, he didn't have no dog."

"When you don't praise the army." Horsetle said so, the feelings did not have a good humble meaning.

"I have seen it, the horse will be a son, and the force is super group, so that there are several Wufu, just in the general, do not enter them to exchange." Odds to Ma Teng. "

"But with the general arrangement." Ma Teng said.

He can't see it, this is a dissatisfaction with Ma Chao, and wants to give Ma Chao next to Ma Wei.

He can't be opposed, and the arrogant to himself, the Ma Teng is also a headache, can eat some bitterness and long usage under the singular hand, so as not to make a mess in the future, it is also a good choice.

For a long time in Liangzhou, I have seen the world too narrow, so I don't know the sky, there will always be a big disaster.

He is not like Ma Chao, and he has been in Liangzhou. He knows how strong the heritage of the big man.

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