Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 345 Each door is snowing (seeking subscription)

"The emperor commander, worship Yuan Tan to the township of the town, Feng Yinxiang." In the big account, the Qi Ti was sent to Yuan Tan and other people.

Yanxiang Hou is Yuan Shao initially, the title is not high, but it is the recognition of Yuan Tan's identity.

"Thank you general." Yuan Tan grateful.

Thanks, sincere, not a strange question, maybe he has been defeated by Yuan Shang, see it.

But this emotion is just a moment, Yuan Shao, he Yuan Tan is more scenery.

"There is no need to worry about it.

"Thank you for the general." Everyone said unison.

"Yuan Shang has already defeated the city, I don't know where I plan to be in the north of Yuan Town?" Asked Qi.

Yuan Tan is tight, this is the benefit, you have to come.

"But with the general command." Yuan Tong said.

"Original this is your brother, this will not intervene, but let's involve the court dignity." Qi Ti "helpless" said, "The so-called 'day is no two days, people have no two main', the existence of the Yucheng Dhetin Let the emperor are in the throat, and if you want to remove it. "

"I want to go directly to the city, but Yuan Town is in the city, more familiar with this Hebei, so it will not grab this credit with Yuan Town."

"What do you need, Yuan Zhen North despite words, self-owned people will prepare all the things needed to attack the city. I also hope that Yuan Town has been in the early days of the country, and she will take the city, she will be defeated to comfort the court."

"The end will be observed, and the general will weigh the stagnation within the first month of peace of mind.

He didn't want this credit, but he also knew that this was not to reject.


"General, Xu Wei secretly visited." At night, the Cai Wei, who took people patrolled.

"Please come in!" I laughed.

Sure enough, people are selfish, and the snow is in front of the door, Yuan Tan's eyes are not okay, and the civil war of him began to seek ways.

Xu Wei is not the first, nor the last one.

"Mr. Ziyuan, come here late, what is it for a long?" I asked.

"Why should the general know?" Xu Wei said, "At this point, it is natural to be in Cheng."

"Yuan Zhen North has been sincere, why have you been more?" Said Qi Ti.

"Although Yuan Zhenbei is conscientious, but it is still the minister of Yuan Zhen North. After today, I will wish to be the minister of the general." Xu Wei said.

"Very good, the meaning of Mr.," I will understand, "I laughed," but I will ask Mr. to take the best in the North of Yuan Town. "

"When I take the liberty, when can I come to the general?" Xu Wei asked.

"The day of the city of Yucheng City, the gentleman can enter the DPRK." Strange said.

"I don't know what the general needs it?" Xu Wei asked.

"It's very simple, and it is the same as before, the assistance Yuan Town is attacking Yuan Shang Shang Shang." Strange said, "no need to suffer."

It is not a strange heart, he gave Yuan Tan opportunity, but after defeating Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan did not give up his own army's plan, and Qi Ti knows that he is not willing.

So I will force Yuan Tan to attack the city and consume his army.

"General, ask more, what is the arrangement of Yuan Town in the north of Yuan Town?" Xu Wei asked.

"Mr. is worried about his ending?" Asked Qi.

"Yes, in the next few decades, I can't help but see my son." Xu Wei said.

"Yuan is unable to make a military, or can be the genus of Jiuqing." Qi Xi thought I only answered Xu Wei, "Prerequisite is that he is guarding, not given the chaos."

"I know what to do." Xu Wei.


"The pass, let the Zhangzhou thorns Yuan Tong, the state thorns is high, Hanoi Taishou Cao An led the army to come to the city to help the battle." Yuan Shang lost back to the city, immediately sent people to send an emperor.

However, half a month has passed, Yuan Tan's soldiers attacked the army of the city, and he did not wait until a response.

Yuan Tong is not in Jixian, the officials of the left-behind, saying that the thorn is not there, you can't be the Lord, there is anything such a thorns to come back.

And the hustle and thorn hurt is in combination with the leader of the county, the leader of the county, and there must be a prosperous of Xianbei, and there is a space to pay for Yuan Shang!

Changed Yuan Shao, Yuan Tong may still be a bit more than, after all, Yuan Shao is very high in Hebei, Yuan Shang is in his eyes, just a second chaser inherited his father, even Yuan Tan is more than.

Gao Gao is replying that the West River White Bollepi is restored, the south of the South Xiongnu wants to move, from the east, the inner and the inverse troops in the middle have entered the customs, and the state has no power to support the city.

After the matter is not fake, I have gone to Chang'an. I met Yang Feng, Li Le, and relieved, but I didn't in the heart of the River, because this overall plan does not match.

In order to appease the two, the singular told them that can be in combination with white waves, and there is a moment in parallel, with him to attack Hebei. Once you have a fixed Hebei, you will not be rich and rich.

Yang Feng two helpless, now the strange situation is even more even, and the two small characters have no bargaining, so I promised to try. Not only try, but also because of the old hand, pulled up the sages of the sages of the sages.

Of course, it is just to make the situation, the Bai Baojun's power is not as good as it has lost the ability to attack the county.

This is the white wave, the south of the South Xiongnu, as for the prosperous incense, natural because Yuan Tong, the map attacks the eastern, the central and prosperity, and the fresh poor people who are not willing to surrender after the defeat will move to the north of the North.

Things are true, but it is necessary to say that there is not necessarily that the influence of the state is not necessarily, and it is excused to use this. It is said that it does not want to support the city.

He has recognized his strength in Yuan Shao Group, and he or he personally came to persuade Han Han to let the state, and finally got a small and unlucky.

In other people's opinion, this is the princes of the princes, but in fact, the trick is not willing, because this thorns are famous, and what is going to listen to Yuan Shao's order, there is no autonomy. And the history of the state, his decision on the Central Committee of the court did not have any effect.

Therefore, Yuan Shao is dead, and he is not willing to listen to the order of Yucheng, like Yuan Tong, he can't see Yuan Shang. In history, he sat in Yuan Shang and Cao Cao, regardless of that, in the end, the land of Hebei was broken by Cao Cao.

Cao'an's reason is a straightforward, directly said that Bai Baojun Yang Feng, Li Le wants to attack the river, and it is the signs of Zhongli to attack the river. If you can't worry, please ask Yuan Shang to support.

Otherwise, in the hovered, the Hanoi is lost, it is not his responsibility.

"A group of wolf heart dog lungs, my father died, you want to betray it, I still think that you are relatives," Yucheng, get the Yuan Shang Arange, "" What is the brother, the brother, even the brothers, no power just in case."

Yuan Shang finally realized the evil of human nature, and Shen Yuan is not easy.

Although the general of the general, it is not good.

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