Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 346 Zhang Yan's choice (seeking subscription)

"You are all the ministers of my father, and the ministers of my shares, now in Qizhou, and the state is not ordered, such as the Nai?" Yuan Shang helplessly convened a civil and military negotiation countermeasures.

If there is a support of Zhangzhou, Youzhou, he dares to attack Yuan Tan again, and he is prepared, he is not afraid of Jingzhou Army.

But unfortunately, only the land of Zhouzhou, even if you do your best, rejudge the recruitment, but also 560,000, how to fight against Jingzhou?

Nowadays, Yuan Shang is elite, it is only three or 400,000, and there are more 100,000 people in Liyang with Liu Bei to defense Jingzhou Military River. Remove the guards, you can use it for $ 22,000.

"First recruit new army, strengthen training, otherwise the Jingzhou army is fighting, we can't resist."

"I can't enrich, I have been fighting for so many years, the financial resources are not affordable." Trial said, "Guoshou, Qizhou's taxation, has not been solved until it is."

Qingzhou is not more to say.

"The generals of Ziyi, recruiting new army, you have more heart." Yuan Shang Shen said, "first recruit 300,000!"

"The end will lead my life." Yan Yi should live.

"This is just a future response, what should I do now? Yuan Tan has already gone to kill the city." Yuan Shangqi did not call "big brother" and call it directly.

"By the city, the displacement is broken, and Zhangzhou is not what he wants to come." Try the cold and cold.

"Can you adjust Liu Bei to repose?" It is recommended to say.

"No, the Jingzhou army is still on the other shore. If Liu Bei is returned, what should Jingzhou Jun take the opportunity?"

"Jingzhou army is already in Qingzhou, if you want to attack the city, I am afraid that I have already played, they occupy the profits of the river. We can't stop it." Everyone is reversed, "Liu Wei wants to sit The benefits of the fishing, Yuan Qingzhou came to fight with us, and it will not be able to send the soldiers. "

"Can you make sure that he will not cross the river?" Please ask if you want to ask, "Benefic, Li Yang is more than Qingzhou."

If you don't talk, he doesn't dare to guarantee how you will do it, no one can guarantee.

"Can we do anything about Bezhou and Youzhou now?" Yuan Shang asked.

"It is best not to, otherwise, once, Liu Yu will observe that they will not help, Yucheng is dangerous." Showing suggesting.

"That way, no matter Liu Bei, I really arrived in the crisis." Yuan Shang said, "Yuzhou, in the state of the state, Hanoi is too good to keep Caoan? He is Cao Cao The nephew, there is no way to cast, how can I dare to call now? "

Everyone speechless.

Why do you like this, you have to ask you to die!

Supporting Cao'an to set up an example, let Cao Xu shame, this is what you do, we can't arouse.

"The order, with a high-shoved Hanoi, Guo Yuan is Taishou, calling Cao An in the city." Yuan Shang ordered, "

"The General ..." I wanted to open up.

"Don't say more, it is so fixed, anyway, they will not help, give them some things well, I can't affected Zhangzhou." Yuan Shang organized a frustrated opening.

It's all the general, I can't do anything, I have no previous days, I have to find a place to vent, I can't just hit Cao'an.


Cao An said that he was suffering from the disaster, he was thinking about how to win the state.

I really want, now the situation, I can't make it in the south, unless I gathered the power of Hebei four states, I can't fight with the peers of Fuyang.

I only have the Hanoi and Half Hedong, and the difficult to raise more than 100,000 army. If you want to survive, you must develop.

It's hard in the south, and the east is also difficult, and there is only the north of China.

There is no , the population is also not a state, and the drie is not the training. It has not been able to practice the strength of Lu Bu, which is the strength of the strength, which looks the lowest, is the best way to go.

But if it is not, it is not more than ten thousand people in his district.

So hesitated for a long time, Cao'an thought of a person.

Montenegro Zhang Yan.


Zhang Yan was born in a yellow towel. It was also more than 20 years, and the teenager flying flouries have become a majestic man.

Once, Zhang Yan is also a character.

After the Taiping army failed, some of the soldiers escaped in the black mountain, combined with the local thief, so I have the current Montenegro.

At that time, the Zhang Niu angle of the Montenever the leader of the Monten, Zhang Niu was in the death of the head, and the head collar was convened, and the power was handed over to Yan Feiyan.

Under the leadership of Zhang Yan, the Manshan Army broke out of the famous famous in Hebei. The court experienced the chaos of the yellow towel, and there was a borderland rebellion, and it was unable to restrict. .

Yuan Shaoshi, after Hebei, Zhang Yan refused to never serve, repeatedly and Yuan Shaozo, Montenegro, Yuan Shao, is not attacking the city, which has Zhang Yan's hand.

It is because Zhang Yan repeatedly and Yuan Shaozo, Yuan Shaoyi could not quickly settle the grandland, so that the grandchildren repeatedly got a lot of breath and insisted on the year.

When Lubou rushed Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao was willing to attack the black mountain army, and the Mount Mount Mountain Army was exhausted. However, because Yuan Shao saw Lu Bu's threat, it turned out to kill, let Lu Bu Huang fled, so that he did not work.

Even so, the Monten Army has also encountered a huge blow, the loss is heavy, and Yuan Shao has occupied a comprehensive advantage in the war of Gongshu.

Waiting for Yuan Shaping Qizhou, according to the land of the four, the forces of the Monten Army are further compressed, have to be careful, and they are afraid to bring Yuan Shao's encirclement.

Fortunately, Yuan Shao's attention is placed in the Central Plains, and the Monten Monarch also also stages.

For so many years, the Black Hill Army has not developed, but hundreds of thousands of military and civilians are still there, and they can easily have 300,000 soldiers.

It is already weak forces.

Cao An felt that if you can contact Zhang Yan, jointly attacking the state, the successful grasp will be great, so I will give Zhang Yan to believe, invite Zhang Yan to work.


"Dear brothers, you also know that the first few days have just sent messengers, and now I haven't gone. Today, I received a letter from Hanoi, please, please seek the state." Zhang Yan convened one in his home The head collar, "We were forgotted for so many years, this is good, some people who have been in the second two have come to come, and the brothers said, why should I go?"

"I will choose who gives more money, I chose who!" Someone said.

"There is no money, there is a constant money, there is a constant money."

"Leading the city, can you hold it?"

"Will it be a trap, we are out of the mountain, it is encircled."

"Yuan Shao is dead, we are afraid?"

"The court is more terrible, Yuan Shao is scared!"

"We hide in the mountains, can someone can find it?"


The sound sounded.

"What is the idea, let Zhang Da Ge decided to be," a voice of a voice loudly, "these years followed Zhang Da Ge, in addition to a little loss in Lu Bu, it has been smooth, change someone, who can Do it? "

No one can do it, Zhang Niu angle can't do it, otherwise it will not die.

Zhang Yan is not a million, otherwise it will be almost covered with the hand of Lu Bu.

This person said this, nothing at all because of the loss of the loss under Lu Bu.

The more now, Lu Buma is considered to be the strongest martial art, and his hand has become a symbol of honor, but there is no defeat.

"It's, Zhang Da Ge is the idea."

"There is a big brother, we won't suffer."


"Zhang Big Brother, what do you say?" It was the one asked before the voice.

"You can think about it, if I get my mind, if you don't listen ..." Zhang Yan said.

"Who dares to listen, it is the enemy of everyone." The man said immediately.

"Do you make sure? Including me to the Xiangyang Chaowan?" Zhang Yan asked again. "Can you have a conclusion of the court?"

"Big Brother will definitely not treat us." Everyone has taken.

"In this case, I will be a future for the brothers." Zhang Yan said, "Since you order, you can't repent, no matter what brother doing, you don't understand, you can't ask, you can do things. Maybe? "

"But with the general command." Zhong people.

"That's good, since it promises, if you can't do it, don't blame the brother, don't feel the feelings." Zhang Yan said, "The brothers go back, there is no order to convey."


Waiting for people to leave, Zhang Yancai is still a young man.

"Mr. Riyuan, if I promise, the promise before Mr. is still?"

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