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Chapter 347 Five Tigers (Subscribe)

Mr. Riyuan is Pang Tong Chau Shiyuan.

Pang Tong is a proud person.

When he was very small, he met with the singularity and his relationship has always been good. In the early years, Pang Tong is not good, it seems that there is a comparative wooden, and later Sima Hui arrived in Fuyang, Pang Tong went into the door, which gradually found a wise style.

He has not been poor than others, especially the same age, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun, etc., Wen Jing, or win them, but will never fail.

I have already taken a side of the town, Lu Su is not only one alone, even Zhuge Liang has also been placed in Liangzhou, and the Pang Dynasty is not forgiving. When I know that I want to contact the Black Monastery, I take the initiative to ask.

Excovered him, but he didn't have this ability. If you want to work, you can only start from the special place.

How do you say that you are also the old knowledge of the car ride, can't fall behind, not!


When I heard Zhang Yan, Pang Tong shook his head.

"Why, what did you say before?" Zhang Yan face.

I am ready to be well-sincere, you actually be a child, this is not to take me!

"No, Zhang General misunderstood," Pang Tong Yun is light and light, laughs, "Just suddenly have a big idea, Zhang General is still more."

"Mr. please express it." Zhang Yan faced a good look.

"I heard that Hanoi is too Cao An Lu letter, please ask the general to seek the state." Pang Tong said, "Why did the general not from it, and he will attack the state?"

"Don't fight the city?" Zhang Yan asked.

"Compared to Jiucheng, it is too far from the distance." Pang Tong said, "If the general can help to take the state, or just disturbing the situation, it is also a big work, the future car ride, the court I must not reward. "

"I just want to see a way for the brothers." Zhang Yan said.

"I will understand that" Pang Tong already knows Zhang Yan to show, "General in the state, critical time, the Yongzhou Dadao also also also took the Hebei, the general didn't have to worry about failure."

"With Cao'an attacking and giving a high dry, it will take the state, is it?"

"Of course, not," Pang Tong's words turn, "Gao Gong is not your main purpose, Cao Dian is. Zhang General, I will think that you can cooperate with Cao Anges, you want you to be critical to anti-Gome, ."

"Compared with the state of the state, Cao'an is more attaches importance to the car ride, it is a person who must kill."

"When Cao Mengde, Cao Mende, if he did not have a branch of Cao An Festival, would you have so many things?"

Zhang Yan: "..."

I want to vote for each TMD, I have to have a guest of the second five more!


In the spring of Jian'an, Jian'an was not served by Cao'an, and was prepared from the martial arts of the imperial court.

I haven't waited for him, Cao'an will jointly let the high dry measures are not good, and the high anger will not be speechless.

The threat of so-called white waves, Xiongnu, Xiong, all throwing the brain.

Yuan Tan also sold out to the Qinghe Country and Wuling.

Although Yuan Tan loses a heavy loss in the battle of Yuan Shang, it still gathered a 20,000 army, Yuan Shang had to send a rescue.

Otherwise, once the Qinghe falls, the next step is Weihao, it is Yucheng.


"Mr. Yuan, can we only look at it?" Li Yang, Liu Beizheng is advised to teach Tian Feng.

Liu Bei is very anxious, seeing the world's trend is getting more and more clear, but it is only in the small place in Liyang, can you not be well?

This will then, Fuyang has to be unified, and what there is something yourself?

At this time, Liu Bei, the soldiers have more than 20,000, and there are more than 100,000 Yuan Shang's soldiers. Not long, the 100,000 people have just been sent to Yan Liang, the essay, and the few orders of the previously watched it. To Ganling, resisting Yuan Tan.

Yuan Shang did not dare to let Yan Liang, the eloquency of the army against Yuan Tan, and I was afraid that the two were directly surrender Yuan Tan, but they could not completely idle these two people, so I went to Liu Bei.

What is Liu Bei? Can only be followed.

These two people are proud, Yuan Shao's forealos are, do not put Liu Bao in their eyes, not to mention Yan Liang and Liu Bei's hatred, then Guan Yu almost kill it in the Wanjun.

If it is successful, Guan Yu can't spread the ages and dare not say, he Yan Liang will definitely laugh.

Therefore, the two do not give Liu Bei's face, and he will be able to Zhang Fei to pick up with Yan Yan.

"How is the general?" Tiande asked.

"Sir, it has already understood that there is no found place in Hebei, so I want to leave." Liu Bei stranger, "the generals are unable to restrict Zhuzhou, according to this, the court is not enough."

"Unfortunately, the general is not Yuan's son!" Tian Feng sighed.

If Yuan does still have Liu Bei's ability and wrist, can you become a split in Hebei after Yuan Shao?

Tian Feng gave up hard, but did not, coupled with trial, chapter, Yuan's Yu Ya Kong and Hebei, Liu Bei born well, I want to replace it, it is too difficult.

Liu Bei also saw this, so I wanted to leave.

"Even if you want to go, what can the general?" Tian Feng asked.

"I will go to Yizhou, but unfortunately, it is estimated that I will get blocked by Xiangyang, so I will go to Congzhou first." Liu Bei said, "Gao State is in chaos, and he will not listen, maybe there almost."

Liu Bei can think of it, however, how to struggle, may still flee the destiny of being annihilated, but he is a time to fight.

"I wish the general luck." Tian Feng said.

"Can Mr. Will you walk with the next?" Asked Liu.

"No, I am old, I don't want to move, Yuan's is not thin, I don't want to serve the two Lord." Tian Feng said, "General, the oldness, I don't know anything."


Liu Bei's action is still very high, find a chance to set the banquet, drunk Yan Liang's ugly, captured 50,000 troops, jointly, to join 20,000, to the Hanoi.

I don't want to take the army to take the army, nor I don't want to pack Yan Liang Wen ugly. If you are, the enemy is big.

There is nothing, anyway, Yuan is weak, but if you take away everyone, the opposite shore of the army is easy to cross the river, and it is estimated that it will be more chasing it.

Nowadays, Yan Liang Wen is ugly, although the defenders are less, but it is also enough to support themselves to enter the Hanoi.

Unless two people are directly surrendered.

Liu Bei is good, Yan Liangwen ugly woke up to know that Liu Bao refined, Dazhu Liu Bei, but there is no way. Two people discuss it, although there is no surrendering, but they directly abandoned the Liyang big camp and prestigious.

Ren Tongren does not listen.

Five thousand defenders fight against Fuyang, it is too dangerous.

The Qi Ti received the news, immediately sent Junfu River, accounting for Li Yang, who was carefully repaired.

Then sent a cavalry pursuit, preparing to destroy it before Liu Bei was involved in the war.

In order to this end, we will not only send our soldiers from the middle, but it is more ordered from the Yongzhou.

And he, in addition to Zhang Shuai's cavalry, Huang Zhong and Ma Chao, plus Chen to, Gao Shun, Lu Meng.

The five tigers will be, this time, it should be gathered, and the strange is curious, and he also wants to see the battle of the five tigers.

Say that the five sons will also gather together, and we will set them together.

The singularity is that hundreds of thousands of army swarmed.

This time, he wanted to take a state in one fell swoop.

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