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Chapter 348 Liu Bei's Cight (Subscribe)

Liu Bei still fails to escape, before entering the song, Zhang embroidery has been chasing.

Tens of thousands of estro, not he can resist, can only rush to leave some people, then take a head into the song city, and be prepared according to the city.

At this time, Liu Bei still didn't know. In order to win him, the Qi Ti is tens of hundred thousand people.

On a few days, the Qi Ti army arrived, Zhou Yu received a force from the southwest direction, Liu Ban suddenly faced her face.

He gambling, and Fuyang actually moved his body.

It is said that there is also the Yongzhou army to enter, and block his road to death.

"Uncle, we lost." On the city floor, Liu Wei looked at the city to Liu Bei.

This plan is Liu Wei to Liu Bei suggested that he is recommended that Liu Bei is returning to the defending power, but Liu Bei believes that the chance of success is too small, so refuses, there is also this westward.

Just no one thought that the odd council for a year was like a big move.

"Don't blame you, I decided to be what I did." Liu Bei comforted, "Don't worry, I don't have the final, it is not surrendered." He Liu Wei can't reject it. "

Yes, Liu Wei's big probability will not refuse you, but I will not have.

He is seen, this peer is a spicy, and the reincarnation of death in his hand is more than one.

Maybe you are the next one.

Unfortunately, it has not been pitted to usually fierce.

He has no hope for this reincarnation task, and it is useless, but it is useless, but if it is possible to pit and die, it can be died.

Last time I broke the boat, I went to see Cao'an. He didn't recognize it, and alliances were united. If there is no surprise in Fuyang this time, he is ready to let Liu Bei have rely on the Hanoi, and the banner of the alliance and Cao'an will be taken into the state, and finally kill Cao'an.

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible.


"I heard that Liu Xuande, a few generals, there are not courageous, Ma Chao is not talented, willing to ask 12." I am talking, I suddenly heard the voice of Hongliang outside the city.

"Liu Wei, how many people are also!" Liu Bei looked up, I saw a Jinyi boy is fighting in the city.

Liu Bei is not bad in the eyes, it seems that this is a martial arts.

"The uncle is at least to be relieved, Liu Wei did not rush to kill the meaning." Liu Wei said.

Liu Bei nodded, if there is this meaning, it is estimated that it directly siege.

He has not heard of the war Jingzhou army's active battle, all directly siege, break the city and say other.

"The command, let the Yue De fight, Zi Long, Zhong Kang squirt, Yun Chang Guardian City." Liu Beiji thought.

Zhang Fei can't help but hear the command of Liu Bei, immediately ride as a first, gallop, to be Zhao Yun, Xu Wei took thousands of people out of the city, Zhang Fei has been with Ma Chao.

One Lu Er Zhao San Dianwei, four off five horses, the day, Liu Bei is very thick, the five tiger will account for four in the top six, and the next one is Huang Zhong, ranked seventh.

In this world, Liu Bei has not been able to grow up, and the five tigers will be less than the two, but there is a lot of Xu Wei.

If there is no him, I don't know where the Liu Bao will go!

Ma Chao is condensed with white tiger, Zhang Fei is the phase of black, dragon and tiger fight, and the wind gather.

Watching the singularity, this is good for him to break through the trend in the future.

For a long time, seeing two people can not divide the winning and losing, and the singularity turned and asked: "It is said that Xu Yan, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu is not in Zhang Fei, who is willing to try?"

"The end of the general will be warned." Cai Wei immediately.

"Go!" Said Qi Ti.

Ciwi has Xu Wei, then Zhao Yun, this is not easy to deal with.

"General Li, do you want to try?" The Qi Ti is looking to Li Jin.

"I will comply with the command of the general." Li Jin did not fight, and he was still a life. He also followed.

"Gan Ning, Wu Yin, Xu Huang, Le Jun, do a good job." Qi Ti told him, then looked at Huang Zhong, "Guan Yu did not despise the world, Han Sheng didn't try his pounds?"

"The end will be in this point." Huang Zhong smiled.

"Nanyang Huang Zhong here, please close the Yun Chang for a war." Huang Zhong was on the battle.

"Cover the Can't come." The city immediately passed a high-cooled voice.

Soon Guan Yu is out of the city, avoiding several other battlefields, and Huang Zhongli.

Four battlefields, there is different, and people can see. Especially the military who has not advanced the gods, exclaimed, and it seems to have income.

Guan Yu Qinglong soaring, Zhao Yin Yinlong gone, Liu Bei has a life of the emperor, and it is not.

Until the sky, eight people failed to share the winning and losing. In the end, I still got to be a gold to collect troops, ending this war.

The grateful gains, as soon as this, even if you don't have the source, you can break through this big realm and enter the gods.

However, he still endured.

Subsequent exercises have not yet arrived, just breaking through the baby baby, the flesh and mental strength must be kept up.

The next day, Qi Qi Hui entered the city and went down to Liu Bei.

"In the three days of surrendering, otherwise it will break the city, and the monarch is not."


"Deceive too much!" Has always endured the messenger, Zhang Fei finally couldn't help, and slap in front of the small.

Guan Yu also squinted Dan Feng's eyes.

"Then, however, people have this strength." Liu Bei laughed, "replace it is a brother, it is estimated that it will be more overbearing."

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei is silent.

After many years, I have never had a long-lasting site, and their own strength has improved very quickly, but in the training, the military ... still is gone.

In history, Guan Yu can be famous in Kyushu. It was after Liu Bei to capture Jingzhou. After more than ten years of learning training, this defeated in the ban, pound, and water flooded.

But it is also the final brilliant, followed by people, and defeated Mai City.

"Establish!" Silently, Liu Bei finally opened, "Can you escape?"

Yes, the Jingzhou army has entered the state, see this situation, does not take the state of the state. Liangzhou is also basically settled, Jingzhou army is completely clear and uncomfortable.

Only in Yizhou, I have not yet lost in Jingzhou's hand, but it is still the problem, the distance is too far.

And Zhangzhou, Qizhou, the opportunity to turn over.

Therefore, Liu Beizhen is no way.

"Big Brother ..." Guan Yu, Zhang Fei is not willing.

"Ok, just do this, fight for 20 years, I am tired, I don't want to struggle again, the positions are not easy for me, after surrendering, I can enjoy my old age." Liu Bei smiled, "no need to be lost Or the brother will be a leader in the future, it is also a great glory. "


There is no waiting for three days, the next day Liu Bei Kai City surrender.

Liu Bei's surrender, marking the princes since the yellow towel uprising, the remaining Liu Wei, Gao Dynasty, and Gongsun can only be able to play from the princes.

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