Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 349, Tianzi, Daichi (seeking subscription)

Liu Bei surrendered, and he was hurting in Fengzhou.

Liu Bei, who is very straightforward, telling him, wants to be a deputy, and he has to take himself.

Its civil and military civil we are overwhelmed and each is appointed.

Liu Bei's charm is still very high, he will continue to let these people stay in Liu Bei hand. Even after the history of Zhangzhou, after winning Zhangzhou, it is not prepared to let Liu Bei do, this kind of person, or put it under his eyelids.

It is also the same as Cao Cao.

Very obviously Guan Yu, Zhang Fei is dissatisfied with this, but things have now been dissatisfied, and it is dissatisfied.

Qi Ti said, they want to continue to follow Liu Bei, it is not not possible, and I can give birth to the Fa.

Otherwise, as a soldier, you must obey the order.


I didn't talk much to Liu Wei. I didn't talk much, and I was directly to the head.

Liu Bei was shocked. He didn't understand why he could be wide, and the committee was a state of thorns, but it would be against an inconspicuous bias.

So he opened his own, telling Qi Ti, this is a talent, I would rather exchange Liu Wei live in his future.

"Xuan De said, I understand, I know that Xuan De is a common," Qi Ti is to Liu Bei, "But this is what we have, there is no doing. If he doesn't die, I am uneasy."

"This ..." Liu Bei did not expect that there was actually rising to this point.

"Uncle did not need to worry, I have expected it early today, and I killed it." Liu Wei is still laughing, and he is going to face, but he has a lot of fear of death.

After all, it is already more than death, the difference is that it can't be resurrected after death. It is a long time to live more, and can you expect to live longer?

The only regret is that you have never witnessed the death.

"General, Cao'an will go with me?"

"Reassured, will not let you wait." Strange tagged.

I didn't recognize that this is the brother of the world. I don't know that this person has been prepared to completely die. Seeing that he is so calm, he thinks he can continue to resurrect.

"That's more thanks to General," Liu Wei smiled, and it seems to be self-proclaimed. "Although it can not completely revenge, but it can foresee your failure of this world, there is no regret."

"I have left something, perhaps you can use it." Liu Wei strokes his fingers.


The reincarnation of the relics, the relics came over, and the ring was taken away.

"Really dead?" The Qi Ti did not dare to believe, watching Liu Wei is so calm, I thought there is a resurrection means!

However, when it is not inappropriate, the singularity of Zhou Yu attacks in the river, and the Hedong and Zhong Ronghui will go to the county.

And yourself took the army and went to the party.

At this time, Cao'an also Zhang Yan's coalition, and the high-hearted army are fighting in the party.

The soldiers are expensive, even if there is a timely thing in Hanoi to Cao An, he will not do anything else, even if you want to fight.

Aurical dried high dry can not let him leave.

After refused with Zhang Yan to retry to Meshan, Cao'an knew that he had already went, and he had not waited for him to make up his mind. In the Pioneer Horse Hand.

The change of things is unexpected to the party's expectations, and they have not waited for them to react, and they will fight the city with Zhang Yan.

Different from this time, the monopolism of the monopolism is too much. Under the hand, the emerald city only insisted that it was broken into the city gate, defending the army all the way to Taiyuan.

In the face of the trend of the surrounding city, the high dry decisive chose to surrender.

He also thought of himself in the state for many years, and he still made him a thorn in order to stabilize the situation.

The idea is true, and the Qi Ti is making him stabbed, but it is not a state, but a state.

The state of the state of the state, and the Qi Ti was handed over to Lu Su.

He is not like Cao Cao in history, has been entangled with Yuan's brothers, and does not want to be turbulent. At this point, he has already taken a semi-Wilong Jiangshan, which is about to unify the world, strength is strong, even if the high-hearted state is not afraid, why is it afraint?

He has only one requirement in Lu Su, gathers the county county, rebuilding the State wolf, and prevents the grassland alien.


"Thorn flower team?" When you are idle, the Qi Ti finally opened the space ring of Liu Wei, and viewed his heritage.

Liu Wei is of course not a real name, but it doesn't matter. He is also really poor. In addition to a notebook, there is only a lot of money and silver, food, water, etc., what practice, weapon, and all.

The notebook recorded that he entered the temple in various world experiences, and some of them know about the information about the reincarnation hall. After reading it, I learned that I have encountered it before this goods, or my own cheap and brothers.

The world is so big, this is more unlucky, and will meet themselves in two consecutive worlds.

Liu Wei is estimated to be a small person in the Round Temple. It is not much more information, but there is a lot of information about the thorn flower team, or the guild.

Because in a certain world, it was sent to the charm, and he was not willing to go backwards. He is not willing, so a means of collecting Ji Jihuahui, ready to have a revenge.

And this world is often, it is just Cao'an who is killed by Ma Chao. He knows that Qi Ti will not let Cao An, so they must be ambiguous with the thorn flower, which is willing to provide news.

It is also to borrow a hip to revenge.

As for the odd countdown, it is an enemy with the thorn flower.

It is impossible, often suffering, can not be revenge, this is not a question that is willing to be unwilling.

The only thing he didn't expect to be that Qi Ti is different from him, not a reincarnation of the round temple.


Hezhou Ping Fu, and the Qi Ti left a large army to Lu Su, the town, and led the army to return to Li Yang.

Liu Bei's repairs in Li Yang is still good, and this place has become a strange attack and also undertake a big camp.

Yuan Tan attacks in the Qing River, repeatedly, but inverted the detail, the strange tricks sent Cao Cao to the army to support the army, and the Wenchen Wu under the hand has went to a large half.

The arrival of the army, Yuan Tan was taken in an instant, and Cao Cao took the command and began to attack the city.

The two or three thousand buds have joined, and there are a lot of universal power, especially the people of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other new people, eager to express their skills, and strive for their own status.

The Ganling defenders also supported, and he was hit by Yuan Shang's life for half a month, retreat to Yucheng.

Even the Yan Liang Wen, who is inner yellow, is also called Yuan Yucheng.

Yuan Shang is preparing to defend, making the final struggle. At the same time, it also commanded Qizhou to let Yuan Tong rate the army to fight.

Otherwise, if you are in the city, you can only confront the Fuyang independently.


Li Yang, Qi Ti has also been prepared to attack Yucheng. In the past two years, it has been able to achieve the Queen's Division, and the pseudo court is defeated.

But there is no action to act, there is a message.

The emperor drove.

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