Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 350, Doughan, celebrate New Huang Dang (seeking subscription)

The news allowed the singularity to surprises, but not yet.

It has been thirteen years since Jian'an's first year. At the beginning of the year, the emperor just added a donor, and even the voice of Liu Tang was also polite.

Liu Tu's natural statement, after discussing with the court, he will welcome the emperor to the Yangyang, and the people who will turn to the emperor and turn to this suggestion.

In the thirteen years, the emperor was started to be in Fuyang, and later he was sent to Hanshou by Liu Tuo. She has never been a palace built by Liu.

For more than ten years, the court has been separated from the emperor, but it is impossible to know how weak in this emperor.

Initially, some people will mention the emperor. When I have long, I will get used to the court where there is no emperor, anyway, Liu Wai's power is holding, what can be born.

Although the body of the emperor is not much better, it is not good to sick, but suddenly, it still causes some public opinion pressure.

The street is circulating, and Liu Tuo is not addictive than a few years.

It is also the case, otherwise, for the jianzi just an adult, it suddenly sick?

However, it is said that for the people of Fuyang, it is not allowed to be Liu Tang as an emperor.

They have no sense of belonging to the day, and they can have today's life, which is brought about by the father and son.

By the way, the prime minister is in the death of Yuan Shao, with the merits of Liu Liu.

In addition to the extremely people, everyone is also default, one day in the morning, this world will fall into Liu Jingheng father and son.

If the Liu Association is not dead, maybe there will be many people to be loyal to the Han room, but because Liu Xie suddenly died, three Liu's emperor, directly put the face of the big man to the foot.

From that moment, the big man is dying. Today's big man is not a big man.

The emperor has always had an idea, and if you want to take power, you may not be intention, but the people who have tried their minds in the hand.

So, just a "disease" of the emperor.

Is Liu She bonded, it is not important, perhaps at this moment, everyone has already determined that it is.


Received the news, and also looked at Liu Waked to his secrets, and Qi Ti immediately called the Document of Wenwu.

Including Liu Bei and Yuan Tan.

"Maybe you already know, the emperor has driven," "Qi Ti looks calm, ignores the following", "the whole army is filial,"

"I will comply with the order."

"The prime minister, I have to return to the army, escort the new sky."

The singularity of the world will, and many people's minds have emerged in the face. There is disappointment, doubt, happy, not enough.

Because this shows that Liu Tang did not replace it.

"General, I don't know who to inherit the big contract?" Some people couldn't help but ask.

"The emperor drove, naturally there is a prince, what is said." Qi Ti said.

"When is there a prince?" Many people are unclear.

The existence of the emperor is not strong, not to mention the Prince, Qi Ti has to explain.

Although the emperor did not stand the prince, there is a son is an indisputable fact, but the emperor is old, and his son is only dozens of days. The palace is difficult to die in production, and the child is extremely weak. If Liu She has specially sent people to inform, even he didn't know, let alone everyone who has been fighting.

"Oh!" Everyone is clear, it is a puppet.

"The prime minister has agreed with Zhong Gongqing. After two months, it is full of Son for 100 days. Before this, the prime minister regent."

"Although the prime ministers will return to the army, this will not want to return immediately." The Qi Ti continued, but the meaning of everyone surprised.

Do you have to fight with intimate and uninterrupted?

Is it a baby who is dissatisfied with the unity?

Still saying that the general should force the power?


Countless ideas swim in everyone's mind.

"Tianzi Decorate is still two months. At this moment, the mission is a machine, this situation is that this will be unwilling to see."

"So, this will give the prime minister, ask for the suspension of returning division, this will take the city, cover the pseudo-Han, to celebrate the new emperor."

It turns out, I thought ...

Many people sorry sigh, gave up the original unrealistic ideas.

Uninterrupted, I should consider how many households can enjoy after the emperor.

"What is Yucheng, you may have never seen it, but it will be good as Luoyang's kind of nest."

"From this beginning, Yuan's operation is more than ten years, the city soldiers, the materials are sufficient, I want to take it in two months, the difficulty is very difficult, and the loss will not be small."

"But this is your task, even if the loss is big, you must take the city in two months. That dare to do our best, nothing, the general law is ruthless." Strange cold road.

"The end will be observed." Everyone came back to God, and things fell on their heads.

But under the consecutive victory, they did not have any fear of the world.

It's almost the whole world, there is a city in the district, and can you stop?


Under the singularity, the million military moved, and after several days, he completed the surroundment of Yucheng.

And Yucheng has only less than 2 million veterans, these people have been losing, and they have been scattered. Most of them are not able to say, once the war is unfavorable, it is easy to rush.

There is also a 300,000 new soldiers in the new training, because it is too short to be on the territory, you can't get on the battlefield, and you will not be guaranteed.

But in the face of the surrounding city, these unfilled people have to pull the defense.

The three-day work, the moat of the city is filled, and then began to fight the battle.

Once thoughtfully, I also wanted to learn Cao Cao in the history of Zhang Water, but I finally gave up, that is too harm to the people.

His strength is far more than the history of Cao Cao in history, can attack the city, and naturally do not take this method.

The midth of the scripture is to refresh the odd person. He has been rushing to the enemy with the strength of the strength. God ventilation, weak strength, no phase over time, let the attacking things are full of variables.

If you are ourselves, Guo map, Xin Yusi, Xin Liao follows Yuan Tan to surrender, and the strength will be stronger.

But after all, Yucheng will be weak, in order to suppress Yucheng, the singularity of the city will pull it into the city, put on the appearance of a swearing.

Half a month later, the Welfare Group of Yucheng finally couldn't stand, and was completely pressed.

The siege equipment immediately, the new, the caucasian, the wellbore, the ladder, the accumulated sucking equipment, all have been used to the battle of the city.

In just seven eight days, the city wall of Yucheng was bombarded, and there was a number of soldiers to board the city wall.


"General, Qizhou has a big army cavalry in south, with hundreds of thousands, if there is no blocking, it can be reached in the day." After a month, he saw that the city was about to be broken, and the rebuttle came to the news.

"Zhang embroidery, Ma Chao, leading the cavalry, no need to be a decision, based on the hysteresis enemy." Qi Ti immediately transferred the troops.

"Chen arrive, give you more than 20,000 people, cloth defense, if Zhang embroidery can't stop the cavalry south, you must not let them break the line."

"If I attack the city, I will continue to send troops to support you, Ping Fuzhou."

"The public will listen to the order, don't find any excuses, Wen Jing suppressed, and the martial arts of the martial arts will be in the army.

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