Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 351 Chu Gonghe and Reling General (seeking subscription)

The three days, finally failed to achieve, until the fourth day, Jingzhou Army attacked into the city, opened the congestion of the city gate, and put the big army into the city.

However, the resistance is still continuing, some of the Zhicheng defenders that refuse to surrender, relying on the city's pool, relying on the pace of a building to stop the Jingzhou army, even if you know that there is an ovary, but he also has no relief.

Especially for trial, it is also a family of hidden power, and the back water will fight.

He decided to survive with Yuan's.

Faith can't stop the cruel reality. When more and more army enters the city, there are not many defenders all the way.

Always not being trusted by Yuan Shang, the ugly, swearing bloody, and finally doubled, Yan Liang is also killed by Guan Yu, and the elasticity is Codge.

After the reused Zhang Wei, the high list, after the defeat is captured, I chose to surrender.

. . .,, ,, ... , .,.,,

This is sold with his master Yuan Shang Shang Shang Shang Shang Shang Shang Shang Shang Shang Shang Shang.

The nature of people, the lack of life and death.

The generals broke, the high-rise was transmitted by one pot, the news was transmitted, and the soldiers who resist the resistance did not have the battle desire, and they surrendered.

Then, singularly came into the palace of Yucheng, which has been in fear since the launch, and the emperor of the war pulled down from the place of the emperor.


Yuan Shang is not hard enough, in the choice of life and death, choose the survival, and surrendered to the singularity.

However, the trial refused to surrender, even if he is the master of the master, even if his family has surrendered, it will not change the original intention.

In the end, I tried myself and died, and I chose to be Yuan Shao, I could not help but

Admire, but not anyone can do it, even have always worked hard, and fell after Yuan Shang surrendered.

Yucheng established, Qi Ti is not as comfortable, and immediately dispatched with Liu Xuan as the 300,000 army, with Yan Yi as the guide, north to support Chen, and take the north and take the country in the north.


Although Zhang embroidery and Ma Chao failed to stop the Qianzhou army south, it has completed the task, and it is hysteressed in the two-day trip of the Qizhou army.

In the end, Yuan Tong and the picture have to leave tens of thousands of jounds, this can quickly south.

After the division of the soldiers, Zhang embroidery and Ma Chao seized the opportunity, swallowing this broken tens of thousands of rides, not only did not set up, but increased many people.

Then, when the Yuan Tong army south, the two came to Zhao Guo.

Yuan Tong is still late, when arriving in Zhao Guo, I received the news that I have broken in the city, and I saw the previous Chen to wait for it, and finally canceled the idea of ​​continuing south.

Yucheng has broken, then it is useless to do useless work. There is no Yuan Shang, I can only resist the attack of Jingzhou Army.

So Yuan Tong and the graph are immediately transferred to the horse and start Raiders County.

They have hundreds of thousands of rides, even if they are scared, they can scare a lot of gates.

Then it is robbery.

Yuan Tong knows where he brought these cavalry, so I didn't think about occupying the Yizhou site. Otherwise, once he entered the city, it was blocked, it became some people's target.

Yuan Tong looted in front, Liu Xi and Chen arrived, only to clean up the residue behind.

They don't want, but only the two legs will never catch up with the four legs, they have to eat ash behind.

But not all the county will be intimidated, or there are still many counties asked by the city. Yuan Tong did not dare to delay, and they could only give up.

After all, the Jingzhou army has been chasing, in case of being dragged, it will be difficult again.

In addition, Zhang embroidery and Ma Chao have been nearby, and they are not dare, and they will be eaten by two, and the deterrence is insufficient.


In the end, the Jingzhou army did not completely extending Yuan Tong, Zhongshan, Zhongshan, and the northern part of the city were occupied by the Qianzhou army in advance.

Yuan Tong, although it is a cavalry, but the Qizhou infantry is not lacked, but it is only a long journey of cavalry, can only start from the border counties.

Because the attack is too time, the Qi Ti did not order the attack, but maintained the status quo and held a situation in the north.

After all, I have been in the history of Zhangzhou, I'm equipped with Ma Chao, Zhao Yun, Zhang Wei, Lejin, Li Jin and other martial arts, Li Jin, Xu Wei, Zhang Wei, Liu Wei and other counsels, The town army general, after the two years of Warring States, returning to Fuyang.

Calculate the time, just two months, but it is not enough to go to the established new emperor.

But this is not a problem, he returned to the army, and Liu Tu's messenger arrived, telling him that the New Queen will hold the Decidial Dictionary on the same day he returned to Fuyang.

It seems that there is still a lot of tricks. In fact, there are still many eligibles. At the very least, you should choose the Huangdaoji Japan. Liu Tang also gives a roughly date, so that he doesn't have to worry, it can be rushed back.


I have been in the past one month, and I finally arrived in Fuyang. The Son of the Son of the Son has been settled. On the next day, the Qi Ti also hit the army into the city, with a person who surrendered and the pseudo The emperor is celebrated together for the new emperor.

The ceremony is very grand, and it is estimated that the city will not let go of this lively opportunity.

It is no longer lively, and there are not many relationships with more than 100 days. Anyway, everyone is not rushing on this baby.

The kioli is entered into the city, and it is rushed to the city, especially in the pseudo heaven, and even the endless cheers.

From the four days of the first year of Jian'an, it is necessary to return to one, and the people's doubts will be released.

Xiangyang is the real dragon.

As for this "true dragon" who, everyone's thoughts are not the same.

After pseudo-hers, Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan, Liu Bei, Gao Jian, including Cao Cao, come to the heavens, but it is also a training in Liu.

After another, it is the booklet, this is true that everyone is really concerned.

Yuan Tan, Yuan Shangzhi County Hou, the food 2,000; Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Gao Jianfeng Township Hou, 1,500, Yuan Xi, Shang Ji, Qi Ba, etc. Fengting Hou, food 3500 No households, if you have a good relationship, you will only give the inside, not in the League, no food.

In addition to these surplus, there are also many people in the famous civil and military, and the highest , , worship, the promotion of the promotion.

This makes many people who have been in Fuyang.

Finally, in order to supervise the settings in the world, the emperor Liu Feng is Chu Gong, cured in Fuyang, and the entire Jingzhou is within the scope of the public.

In other words, the current temporary capital of the big man has become a personal site of Liu.

The Duke's position is more on the princes, independent of the country, this is a seal.

Even if this is "", there is no opposition.

Everyone did not answer, this is just the first step, and then the Chu Gong will complete the replacement of the big man.

Perhaps this country will become "Chu" soon.

After Liu, it is a Qiki Reserve.

From the car ride, he was promoted to the general, the opening of the government, the holiday, the seal teacher, the food is five thousand.

From Jingxiang, Lin Xiang, Lin Xiang, I went to Henan, and everyone understood that this is not Liu Tuo to the singularity, but the big man's rule will be signs.

After all, Fuyang is too late, and the essence of the big man is still in Hebei, Central Plains.

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