Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 353 Changed (Subscribe)

After the class teacher, the Qi Ti is waiting in Xiangyang. Every day, with Liu Tuo.

Of course, most things are done by Liu Tu, he just learn, occasionally Liu Table, and he will also publish your own opinion.

The big army is stopped and started to recuperate. He gave him a command of Zulu Su and Zhangzhou thorn History to guard against the Northern Cavalry south, and set up new cavalry.

Including Liangzhou, also began to strengthen the training of cavalry.

After the retired of the monks, the Ma Teng, Zhuge Liang quickly settled in Liangzhou, and Liu Tang appointed a large number of officials, enabling the local world, and quickly consolidated the rule. When Han Yu returned to return, it was defeated again. This time, even the officials were captured, and the heads and heads were also captured.

Return to fail, Han Yu's strength is reduced, and the parties are immediately rebellious, and there are constant people to surrender the court. In the end, Han Lizhen lost the support of the monks, and was killed by the people.

Liangzhou is completely fixed, except for some of the monks and tribes, but also affects the overall situation.

Training cavalry, is preparing for the future, the reincarnation of the county, the leader of the county, cooperation with Yuan Tong, replacing the strongest tribe of Wuhuang, no large number of cavalry, how to evolve the grassland?

Leisure time, the strange quotuary begins to prepare for new exercises, first of all to search for merits.

His hand has accumulated a lot of exercises, but never remembered.

Not don't want, just not so much time, and the source energy is insufficient, let him can't come.

The system has the function of integrating the new practice. Now, many of the skills have come to the bottleneck. It should be better to comb, add some new things.

More critical is that he needs a gods to practice the law, otherwise his spiritual will be lower than the realm, and there is no strength.

In the fourteen year of Jian'an, Zhang Zhongjing successfully compiled the "injury and cold disease theory", the wish to achieve, and become a god trip, and when he celebrated it, he got "Shen Nong Jing" from Zhang Zhongjing.

After the Hua Wei once again appeared, the Qi Ti was a complete five bird.

Bringing a wife Mark's Guaranteed, I got the dream of the gods of the gods, "Zhengqi Haoran".

The Confucian hand does not end chicken, hurting the horror of the horror, how to make people feel the martial arts, that is, through the powerful spiritual power, people feel the majesty of Confucianism.

Fufeng Mart, learning from school, the things in your hands are natural, this "Zhengqi Hao Ran" not only has the effect of exercising, but also more practical effect.

Although some doubts, but they still have peace of mind, see entry 50 source points, if they get treasures.

The more powerful work is more difficult, the more the source of the need is.

The system will not be deceived.

Overlord, Spring and Autumn Sports, Tiger, Imperial Road, Geng Gift, Xuan Water ... The general work is in front of it, for its reference.

In the end, the singularity chose the seventeen refining methods, ready to be a new practice with the dragon icon, five birds.

The system is then prompted, the source can be insufficient, and it is necessary to successfully fuse and require a 100 source point.

Not only that, even the Taiping clear will, Zheng and the Shennong, etc., the innocent intensive integration, and a 100 source point is also required.

This way, even if he completed all the main line, the branch task, but it is not enough to upgrade, it is not enough to use this to improve the strength.

"Is it a greedy?" The heart, "this is blended, at least it is a good practice of Yuan Dynasty."

There is no source point, and the odd count can only put down, start to be maintained to "Zhengqi Hao Ran" and enhance the power of the knowledge.

And have already reached the flesh of the innate peak, compared with the inner gas, the innate sense of God is a bit far away.


In May, Jian'an, in May, under the leadership of Liu Tu, the emperor of the age of less than enough, was prepared to return to Luoyang.

So the strange tricks began to be busy. He is the first to go to Luoyang officials, responsible for all business in Luoyang, and do a good job in conjunction with the emperor.

It is not easy to move, busy to August, and the emperor finally arrived in Luoyang and held a DPRK in Luoyang Palace.

Of course, Liu Tu hosted.

In order to celebrate the privileges, Liu Tuo enters Chu Wang under the recommendation of everyone.

But the country, with Hua Tuo as Sisseus, responsible for handling Chu State.

This is just a transition, and the next step is to replace the emperor.

Because of the way, the emperor is infected, it has not been completely improved. The officials of Tai Hospital were smashed into dogs, dared to worry.

Of course, Zhang Zhongjing also in Changsha for revision, at all, don't know what the emperor is sick, everyone also tacitly excludes him.

As for Hua Wei, I still see the end of the end of the dragon, and no one goes to him.

In September 14th, Jian'an, the emperor did not have passed "disease", and it was in the North Palace.

In two years, there were continuous days to drive, and the Baiguan "shock", crying for the country unfortunately.

So some people say that the descendants of the Chu Wang is a blessing, not enough to withstand the arrogance of the big man, and have been anti-anti-alive, please ask Chu Wang Liu's base for the emperor.

At this time, it is immediately spread through Luoyang City and quickly circulates.

Liu Tang is naturally refused. If you are a person, you should take auxiliary, you can govern the world, can you like an anti-thief?

Everyone immediately retorted: This is the hope of Baiguan, and it is also the people's expectations. Only Chu Wang can bring true stability.

Liu Shi angry, woven.

But the emperor has passed, there is always someone right, so the next day, the Baiguan blocked Liu Tang.

Liu Tu said that the emperor drove, and when he selected its descendants, even if there is no, he should choose his close relative.

Everyone mentioned again: After the emperor, there is no future generation, and the king (Liu Tu), you are also the descendants of Gaozu, the big man, and the people of the people.

Liu Tu refused again.

On the third day, everyone once again invited Liu to watch.

Liu Tang did not refuse, but worried: "Although there is a way to sweep the world, it is not an orthodox, and the land is not angry."

So, in the next few days, the court received a plaque from all over the county, the phytors, please Liu Tiki called the emperor.

The show has been completed, Liu Tu no longer refuses, but starts to prepare for Dengji.

He was fell to the late emperor, prepared a grand funeral, and decided to be a rival of the world, and he was officially launched.

The first month of the next year, Liu Tang changed the Yuan Xing, and Dou is the emperor.

At the choice of the national number, the original ministers want to use the Chu Dynasty, but Liu's words themselves are the descendants of the ancestors. This is not changed to the DPRK, but as the Guangwu Zhongxing Dadang, the final decided not to be the country, continue the big man.

In the singularity, after Liu Sheng, the volume is sealed as the Prince, allowing the power of the government, leading the generals of the general, and the holiday.

As always, Liu Tang trusts, and has not been alienated because of it.

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